Chapter 134 - With Danger Comes Opportunity  

Caleb was extremely confused after the sudden development. He was just an orphan who lived most of his life with his mother working on a farm , however when her mother was critically ill a few months ago , some hidden power inside him activated .

Divine healing powers radiated from himself stronger than even high level bishops in the church. He was naturally stunned at the development , but extremely happy as his power helped alleviate his mother's illness.

Yet her mother just sobbed uncontrollably after he healed her , she kept mumbling something about the seal being broken . It was then that for the first time in 18 years his mom revealed the secret about his father and his origin.

His father was the Archangel Sariel and he was infact half angel himself , divine blood flowed through his viens its power unimaginable. Yet the power was more of a curse than a boon , as unless he reached the pinnacle of tier 5 , he would only be a pawn in someone's bigger scheme.

Wanting their son to have a normal life , his mother pleaded archangel sariel to seal her son's powers , and he did comply . Yet seeing his mother sick something inside him stirred and the intense desire to heal her mother made the seal break.

With the seal broken various powers knew about the presence of an angel halfling as he radiated a faint divine aura . He was forced to leave his home in concern of his mothers safety and roamed the lands slaying monsters and gaining strength when one day he was surrounded and captured by a group of hooded men and knocked out cold.

When he woke up. He found himseld tied up to a pole in a unfamiliar surrounding , around him were tribesman from various species also tied to poles , blood dripping from their cut wrists as they all writhed in pain ... He unconsciously looked towards his wrists , yet no cut was made . He was infact in the centre of the entire formation , Caleb got a bad feeling at that point that his fate would not be as simple as just a cut on the wrist.

The cult members began chanting incantations and performing blood magic , when a powerfull man in a white robe came with a chalice in hand.

Caleb inspected the chalice , however it did not appear to be anything special, however at the end of the incantations a powerful blood magic was cast towards the white robed man , but instead of attacking the man , it was all absorbed within the chalice.

The powerfull blood magic using the blood of 50 different tribesmen seemingly unlocked the item as a faint divine glow came from it now.

Caleb could feel a faint resonance with the item , he was sure that the item was something related to the angels.

After the chalice was unlocked , the white robed man placed it at Caleb's feet and another round of chanting began.?Calebs eyes widened at the chants , the language seemed soo familiar yet soo foreign , he felt like he knew the language as he had heard it a lot , yet he could not make out the meaning of most words spoken .

However there was one word he could not miss and that was ' Lucifer ' .

Then suddenly a man came falling from the balcony and pointed towards the entrance saying that there were attackers. Caleb suddenly felt hope , maybe someone had came to rescue everyone here. Yet what happened next left him completely perplexed , the man who fell from the balcony suddenly?sprung into action throwing grenades towards the cieling bringing the whole roof down.

Just when he thought , ' Aghh , there does my life ' , he was suddenly cut free and at the next second he was on the balcony , Running with the fallen man.

He looked at Rudra in confusion , his mind was a mess , he could not figure out the situation , he suddenly stopped running as he stared at Rudra blank faced.

Rudra who had one hand around Caleb's wrist suddenly felt resistance as he ran , Rudra turned to look at the clueless guy . Rudra said " I am Shakuni Won Knight , here to save you , bad guy chasing , RUN! ".

Rudra cut short the sentence into barely recognisable bits as he needed to save time , the tier 3 paladin must be hot on their tale and it wouldnt take him long to catch up due to the incomparable stat difference.

Calebs eyes regained some lustre as he nodded and picked up the pace , he had a Million questions however now was not the time. He just said " Caleb " running at full speed.

Rudra and Caleb were almost at the teleporting array when Rudra felt a chill down his spine , instinctively he sidestepped.

A powerfull dark slash just narrowly missed his body , the tier 3 wizard was here. Rudra stopped running , he knew his priorities , even if he died he needed to save archangel sariel' s son . He just said " Go ! " As he shoved him into the teleportation array and out of the area.

The paladin had a deep frown when he saw Caleb escaping , he wanted to make quick work of Rudra and chase after Caleb. Rudra however had different plans . He knew he had one chance at Success here and that was if and only if he could pull this trick off.

Rudra used all of his strongest attack at the charging tier 3 paladin. Windslash , Stormbirnger even darkness blast .

The consumption of stamina was huge as Rudra instantly felt dizzy enough to pass out , his stamina bar went from green to critically red.

The wizard just snorted , as he casted a protection spell to stop the incoming attacks and as expected he did not gain a single point in damage.

However Rudra's goal had been accomplished , to defend against the incoming attacks he had to stop running and cast a protective spell . Rudra used Darkness Bind ! And restrained the paladin for just a little more than a second.

But a second was all he needed. As he jumped with all his remaining strength towards the teleportation portal , but rather than going inside the teleportation circle he was going for the array itself , Excalibur in hand enlarged to 3 meters , Rudra came crashing down towards the array with an Earthquake skill.

Boom! The teleportation array was shattered , there was no way out of this place.

The paladin cursed in frustration he could not beleive that he failed his job because of such a weakling . He chanted a plathora of spells , anyone of which could easily annihilate a party of 20 , as he hurled spells after spells at Rudra's location.

Rudra rolled and crashed at the ground , the last thing he saw before dying was a storm of spells being hurled at his location , he closed his eyes and a system notification hit him .


/// Has he succeeded in completing the quest? Has he failed? Well if you all want more chapters today you just need to hit the golden ticket or the powerstone targets. We are not that far away !

Soo golden ticket department , powerstone department , get the gears running towards the next targets.

Special shoutout to Leo_Crispii for the 500 coin gift

To TheNoone for 2000 coins?, Cervantez91 for the 1000 coin gift ! ///