Chapter 179 - The World Reacts  

The entire server was shook up , the update notice was massive. No one predicted this sort of update to come soo suddenly.

Usually games have small updates and a gradual shift in features , however Omega launched such a massive upgrade at once . It was hard for the player base to adapt.

Actually a part of the update had been predicted by various experts that there must be a massive map upgrade. Because the levelling grounds only housed monsters up to level 60 , there were no higher dungeons available either , for the current player base , level 60 seemed to be the max limit.

The maps around the cities had varying difficulty , soo unless the monsters became stronger there , there was no future path of progression. However the monsters could not be upgraded in strength as there were still a huge playerbase , that needed to farm for exp in those grounds.

Hence the only option available was map expansion.

The game had hinted about the existence of the NPC kingdoms , but the regions were locked and inaccessible , hence noone really knows much about any NPC kingdom.

From the common lore collected from NPC , there were three NPC kingdoms that were confirmed to exist. One was the Elf Kingdom ' Eurazania ' , which had the world tree in its centre , and a dense forest as its domain.

It was common knowledge that the elf kingdom was the hardest to build relations with , as they were reclusive in nature and did not trust humans.

The entry requirements were very harsh and trade was non existent.

The second kingdom confirmed was the Dwarf kingdom of Dwargon .

Built under a massive mountain , the entire kingdom was protected on all four sides by huge rocky mountains , having excellent defense capabilities. The only entrances were guarded with heavy armour piercing machines and deadly weapons. No infiltrators could enter.

The country was rich in trade as merchants frequented the place. Humans were allowed in the kingdom without much hassles. However the dwarves considered human blacksmiths inferior and loathed human made products.

Trade permits could be obtained relatively easily with them.

The third NPC kingdom was the Beast kingdom of Animalia , Rudra's great sister Patricia was once also a part of this kingdom.

The kingdom accepted humans , and were friendly towards them . However the country had a very high crime rate . And was overall very lawless.

The kingdom followed the law of the jungle , where the strong ruled the weak. And it was common for goods to be stolen by bandits or outright seized through power.

Trade was possible , but goods safety was non existent.

Other NPC kingdoms were rumoured to exist , with a legendary kingdom of winged people in the air. However no conclusive evidences were found.

Rudra knew that this rumour was true , floating city of titan was a reality , and their inhabitants were all winged humans also commonly misunderstood as Angels.

Angels were also a race in Omega , however the difference between winged humans and angels was like heaven and earth. Angels had divinity flowing through them , Angels were born at tier 4 , most reached tier 5 by adolescence and tier 6 was not uncommon amongst Angels. They also had wings as white as the snow? and could be said to be the defacto rulers of the continents.

The only races comparable to the Angel race was the Fall Angel race ( Devil) and the Pure Draconic race. These three made the three great races of the continent. While the Fallen Angels were of a dark faction alignment , the True Angels were aligned with light faction. The two naturally were always at odds. The balance of power however was maintained because of the Draconic race. They were neutrally aligned and judged everyone equally , to them only one's deeds mattered and not their alignment.

They would go to war with both factions , depending on what they felt was right.

In his previous life , there was a rumoured legendary kingdom of Draconia , somewhere in the Northern Continent, however that rumour was never confirmed.

The server went berserk with speculation , as there was panic , excitement and frenzy in the game.

The notice also saw a huge influx of new players and already existing players that joined and were below level 5 ,also deleted their accounts , to restart with the 3X exp bonuses? .

The market was in chaos as products were being sold in crazy prices . Both high and low. Everything was up for speculation .

The general public reacted like

" The new update is crazy , my guild will become the overlords of the capital city , mark my words people of the world ! ".

" Teleporting arrays are soo cool! I always wanted to visit my friend in the neighbouring kingdom , now i finally can ".

" I am going to win at least one gold medal in the coming VR Olympics ".

" Can we do L.E.W.D. stuff to NPC Elves? , This elder brother has a long time wish ".



" Elves are fragile , a real man prefers orcs! ".


Moderator Notice : User 2345777 and user 2157775 have been banned from the channel for posting inappropriate content

" Thank god the creeps are banned ".

" I agree , they are creeps and should be banned, but even i am curious , can we have relationships with NPC's? "

" ... "

" ... "

" I assume we will find out , wont we ! ".

There were all sorts of discussions on the forums , discussing all 6 update points in detail . The overall atmosphere was a feeling of fresh air , as 90% people took the update positively.

Rudra , had his arms buried in his head ,? he was contemplating the future of the guild.

He knew what he wanted to achieve , however the path ahead was full of thorns and difficulties , which was very hard to overcome.

He had a small number of members under him , this was his greatest strength and his biggest weakness at the same time.

The guild being a collection of only the best talents made the overall atmosphere cohesive like a family. Who could overcome any odds together.

However , the lower numbers also meant that every challenge would have greater difficulty to overcome.

He only hoped that this family could overcome it anyway!