Somewhere in St. Petersburg, there’s one person that anyone couldn’t ignore as they go about their daily work. Her presence was awe-inspiring as the made men turn heads and let out a sigh of admiration.

The white ruffle neck Victorian blouse paired with a black crushed velvet choker with a charm that delicately lay amid the folding fabric. The tulip-style skirt with a lavender and pastel pink side panel and an even lighter mesh ruffle at the bottom. All forms fit flattering her feminine figure. It was topped off with a white and dark purple beret slightly slanted and pinned in her white luscious hair that trailed down behind her as if it were being held by gravity itself. She was an unspoken goddess though not literally but her rank is as exalted as that. A Queen.

The man stood at the corner staring, his eyes following her every move but she never acknowledged him nor did she appear to notice him. She carried herself gracefully like some kind of celestial angel that came from somewhere far above him. He had no chance against her. Even if he wanted to, he doubted that he would have. His eyes fell back to the ground trying desperately to hide his blush. He knew he was hopelessly and completely lost for her.

Around her were the Imperial Guards of the Ruthenian Empire tasked with crowd control, ensuring the safety of the Queen walking down the red carpet towards the vehicle that she’ll ride into the Winter Palace.

Stepping inside the vehicle, a small gasp escaped from her mouth as she saw someone familiar.

“Hello…sister,” Alexander greeted her with his usual warm smile. “Long time no see. I’m glad that you’ve accepted my invitation.”

It was indeed Alexander’s sister, Natalya Romanoff, or more specifically, Natalya of Norway. She’s the current reigning Queen of the Kingdom of Norway after marrying the King Oscar of Norway.

Natalya promptly sat next to Alexander before looking out through the windows. The car started moving slowly down heading towards her destination which was the Winter Palace.

Natalya leaned her face close to the window. “The country before was under a constant threat of the Black Hand…you do know that the grand reception of yours can endanger my life. right Alexander?”

She sounded cold but the words coming out of her mouth were genuine.

“We’ve taken preparations for your arrival, sister, you don’t have to worry. The Black Hand in Ruthenia Empire exist no more,”-.

“Even so, you still have to be cautious,” Natalya sighed as she stared out the window watching the scenery pass by them, and noticed something. The atmosphere in the city is vibrant and lively, it was different before she left where the country is in its depressing state where everything seems dead, grey, and lifeless.

Yet, today’s arrival didn’t give her that kind of vibe. It was different.

“This country has changed a lot don’t you think?” Natalya noted, still looking through the window and not facing her little brother. “From administrative, to social, and to the economy. It was not the Ruthenia Empire before…and for that, I must say…I’m quite disappointed in you,”

“What do you mean by that sister? Elaborate so that I can understand,” Alexander said, his hand gripping the top of his trousers in anticipation of what Natalya was going to explain.

“I suppose you’re aware that we were once an aristocracy and your administrative reforms decentralized the power of the Emperor nearly to that of a figurehead,” Natalya explained. “There is a better way of making the people’s life good without pandering to the whims of the people who I think are controlled by someone higher, or worse, used for political gains.”action

“So, are you saying that you’re disappointed in me because I gave the people a parliament? Well, sorry to disappoint you but that happened at the worst time possible. We are at war with the Yamato Empire, morale is at an all-time low due to an economic downturn, and the people were ready to take matters into their own hands. I don’t think I have a space to wiggle other than accepting some of their demands to appease them.”“Still, what you did is moronic. God rules through you, where you lead, and others will follow. Now you don’t have total control over your Empire and most of the bureaucracies are in the hands of the elected officials who you don’t know are working for the best interest of the country.”

“Those kinds of principles won’t work in this modern era, sister. Not to those who have an empty stomach. I won’t apologize for something that I’ve done because I believe what I did yields a better result. Thanks to that the economy is up and running again and we’re open to business. Statistics show that in five years, Ruthenia will overtake the Britannia Empire to become the world’s largest economy. If that’s a bad thing aside from administrative reforms…I don’t know what is. But I didn’t invite you here to lecture my methods sister, I invited you here so you can attend my wedding. Speaking of which, where is your daughter and King Oscar?”

“Whatever. About my husband and my daughter, I’m afraid that they won’t be able to attend. My husband is busy while my daughter can’t endure a long-distance trip,” Natalya explained.

“Did you hate me for that?” Alexander asked as he raised his eyebrows.

“Hate you? Well, I did say I was disappointed but I don’t hate you. What can I expect from my little brother who had received no formal education about what it is to become an Emperor of Ruthenia? I was not with you when that happened so I apologize for my words earlier, I just realized it by now,” Natalya admitted as she continue watching the buildings pass by.

“I don’t mind, I was just surprised by your remarks. I don’t want to sour our relationship because of the past, not when I’m about to have the biggest moment of my life in three days.”

“You’ll marry Sophie and be formally crowned as the Emperor of Ruthenia Empire…right?”

“That’s the plan. It’s been held for too long…I’m glad that I was able to push the schedule forward…after all, I’m having a baby.”

“Is that so? Congratulations then. Let’s hope that it’ll be a boy so that you can have an heir…”

“I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl,” Alexander cut her off. “What’s important is that I’m going to have a child and I won’t abide by some outdated rules that I can simply repeal with my executive powers.”

Natalya didn’t respond to him and continued staring outside until they arrived at the Winter Palace. Alexander quickly got out of the car before opening Natalya’s door and helping her out as well.

“Sister!” Three beautiful princesses rushed up to hug Natalya.

Natalya felt happy seeing her little sisters once again. “Christina, Tiffania, and Anastasia…I’m so happy to meet you all three again,”

The girls giggled at their elder sister. They look good together, Alexander thought.

Alexander stood there smiling as he watched the scene playing out in front of him.

“Before we go in, I have to visit a place in the Winter Palace first,” Natalya said to the three before glancing at Alexander who was watching them from a distance.

“What is it?” Alexander asked.

“The Grand Church of the Winter Palace, I’d like to offer a prayer for our parents…I want you to join me, Alexander.”


Meanwhile, in a city,“Papers! Newspapers! The Coronation of the Crown Prince of Ruthenia! Read about it!” the paper boy yelled as he peddles the newspapers, coins, and papers exchanged hands as people bought the papers.

“Read about it! The Coronation will be broadcasted live on Television!”

A figure dressed on a trench coat grabbed the paper out of the boy’s hands and tossed a coin at the child, not bothering about the change.

“Sir! Your change!” The boy shouted in the air, hoping to return the change, but the person had disappeared into the crowd.

The stranger took a glance at the newspaper and as they make their way to turn into the many back alleys of the city.

As they turn in, they saw a couple of brutish thugs leaning against the wall smoking cheap cigars.

The thugs notice the stranger walking down their way and they get up and advance menacingly to the stranger.

They blocked the stranger in the middle of the alley and they both size each other up.

One of the brutes puff smoke out the side of his mouth as he rolls up his sleeves to exposed his multitude of tattoo upon his muscular arms.

The stranger observes the brute action and proceeds to follow suit, pulling up their trench coat sleeve to unroll the shirt beneath.

The stranger’s bare arm is more smooth and petite that the brutes, but it is what is imprinted on the arm that catches the brute’s attention.

The brutes eyes widen in recognition of what is on the arm. Both brutes nodded and allow the stranger passage into the alleyway.

They dare not bite the hand that feeds them.

The stranger walks to the end of the alley and stops at steel backdoor.

With they knocked on it with a certain rhythm and the view slot opens.

An enigmatic code riddle is asked from behind the door, and the stranger replies with yet a more esoteric answer.

The door opened and the stranger entered the room.

Inside, barrels and crates are stacked up around the room with armed guards present.

The stranger passed them all and enters a room guarded by a pair of men with Thompson submachine guns.

The door closes behind the stranger once they are inside the room, inside is a stout looking man in white shirt with a pipe in his mouth.

The stranger took off their hat and trench coat to reveal a woman under it.

“Inform him that we have a perfect deadline.”, the woman says as she handed the papers.

The stout man took it from her and take a quick read, he soon grins sinisterly as he reads the frontpage.

“Yes…will do so immediately…The Shepherd will be pleased.”