One week later, in a place unknown.

In the hall, deep within the underground chambers of an ancient building, lit only by the light of candles.

Five figures sat in five exquisite chairs akin to a throne that ringed the circular hall.

They surround one individual standing in the middle.

For centuries, this area serves as the meeting of the Shepherds of the Black Hand since its founding.

The Shepherd of Francois, set himself sideways on his chair, earning a disapproving look from the Shepherd of Sardegna Empire, at the Shepherd Austrean Empire’s right.

The Shepherdess of the Britannia Empire sighed delicately, whereas the Shepherd of the Deutschland Empire looked uninterested as always. However, his presence alone was enough to keep the Shepherd of Francois from his carefree laziness.

In the center, the Shepherd of Ruthenia Empire stood restlessly, his eyes glancing around his comrades looking for his chair, but it was missing.

It’s been a hundred years since the last Council of Shepherd’s has been convened, having one right now means that there is something important to be tackled with.

Each member is the high-ranking shepherd in each jurisdiction. They are not addressed by their name but rather by what country they are responsible for.

“Shepherd of Ruthenia, would you mind explaining what you just did in the Austrean and Deutschland Empire?” The Shepherdess of the Britannia Empire asked delicately.

The Shepherd of the Ruthenia Empire walked around inside the ring of chairs like a wolf being slowly surrounded, scanning each and one of their faces under the hood. Seriously, they have been working for decades and they still can’t disclose their true name and appearance.

“What I did was for the best interest of the Black Hand. I have nothing more to elaborate,” The Shepherd of Ruthenia Empire said, his voice calm and steady as if he did nothing wrong.

“How?” The Shepherd of Francois Republic asked with amused curiosity. “How does blowing up two countries where you have no jurisdiction serve in the best interest of the Black Hand? From what I can see, it’s just a mess. Really comrades? Do we really have to listen to this Shepherd? His actions are unsanctioned, and he didn’t inform us of the plan. Just excommunicate him already.”

“Calm down, Shepherd of Francois. It’s the reason why we convened this meeting to find out the intention of the Shepherd of Ruthenia Empire,” The Shepherdess of Britannia Empire said while her eyes were still fixed on the man in question. “Tell me your thought process so that we can understand.”-.

“Well, the Ruthenia Empire is now led by the still alive crowned prince of Ruthenia. “

The Shepherd of Ruthenia gestured. “It seems the brat adopted a new constitutional monarchy policy similar to that of Britannia. I tried to get rid of him again, but he seems to have the devil’s luck.”

“Which lead to the arrest of my sharpshooter and the death of my “Hound” when they discovered my hideout in Finland.”

“Later I lay low in the other hideouts bordering Ruthenia, waiting to strike at them. The opportunity came when Ruthenia began exporting the televisions.”

“With that, I concocted a plan. A plan to make the Romanoff family pay dearly for what they did to me again. I bought some televisions to study them and had my men send instructions to agents in Deutschland, Austrea, and anywhere where televisions are being bought to plant bombs inside them to be detonated remotely.”

The Shepherd of Ruthenia grinned as he remembers the outcome of that.

“The coronation of the Romanoff spawn was perfect timing for the plan. The plan to make Ruthenia’s tsar the scapegoat of the bombings and have their neighbors declare war upon them!”

“Now in just ten days, we are seeing its effects. The Deutschland Empire is now wary of Ruthenian products and is pushing for a complete ban on television. Other countries are thinking twice about getting it, which in the process, severely affected Ruthenian reputation. Xenophobism erupted in each host country, isolating Ruthenia. Soon, they will declare war on Ruthenia and invade them to depose the Romanoffs!”

“Once they have been rid of, I will restart operations to seize power and finally bring freedom and peace to the uneducated masses who have been fed lies by their rulers for generations! With this, I can finally liberate Ruthenia from the oppressors!”

The Shepherd of Ruthenia concluded, he grins maniacally.The hall turned silent upon hearing his explanation, but one of the Shepherds broke the ice by merely scoffing.

“Fool,” the Shepherd of Deutschland Empire coldly said.

“What did you just say?” The Shepherd of the Ruthenia Empire hissed.

“Are you deaf too? I said you are a fool!” The Shepherd of Deutschland Empire scolded.

“You still haven’t noticed the nature of this meeting. A chair is already missing in this room. Yours.”

The Shepherd of Ruthenia stops smiling and looks around, realizing why there fewer chairs than before. “This is just a formality. We have already removed you from your position as a Shepherd.” The Shepherd of Deutschland finished.

“That’s right. Conducting an operation outside your jurisdiction is a violation of the code, Shepherd of Ruthenia. You know that each shepherd has its own plan and agenda for their countries, plans that have been planned for years only for you to mess things up,” the Shepherd of the Austrean Empire added.

“My loyal “Hound” has given me information that King Licht, Kaiser Wilhelm, and your little “Son of Rasputin” has joined forces to root out “Flocks” in Central Europa.”

The Austrean Shepherd gritted his teeth.

“The Deutschlander and I have lost many resources from police and military raids because of your stupid revenge schemes.”

He said, flaring with anger.

“Now we are forced to adopt a new strategy to bring down Europa,”

The Shepherd of the Francois Republic said flippantly. “And you’re not included.”

“The moment we find out that you were tracked down by the Ruthenia Empire and were flushed out of the country, your position in the council has been revoked.”

“I still can’t believe that you became a Shepherd, it’s an insult to the organization,” the Shepherd of the Austrean Empire said, settling with a displeased look.

The Shepherd of Ruthenia Empire could only gnash his teeth, infuriated by the words he had received just now. He was done, all the work he had planned from the moment he ascended, vanished just like that. But he couldn’t talk back, after all, it was partly his fault. He acted on his own and his judgment has been clouded with emotion.

Suddenly, a heavy footstep echoed behind him.

“So, you heard it,” a deep voice reverberated throughout the hall.

The Shepherd of Ruthenia Empire jolted back at the sound and faced his superior.

A tall, imposing figure emerged from the shadows of the wall, clad in a long white overcoat, his face covered with a mask, revealing nothing but his icy blue eyes.

Even though the Council of Shepherd shared the same rank, this man behind him served as the true ruler of the Black Hand. The Shepherd of the United States.

“Let’s proceed with the judgment,” The Shepherd of the United States stood between the chairs of the Francois and Britannia.

“Shepherd of Ruthenia, your position as Shepherd is officially revoked and is excommunicated along with your subservient. I’m sure you are aware of the process, right?”

The Shepherd of the United States pulled out a nice gilded 9-millimeter pistol and threw it at him. The Shepherd of Ruthenia grabbed the pistol from midair, his hand shaking nervously.

“Shoot yourself,” The Shepherd of the United States commanded coldly.

All the others waiting for the Ruthenian’s next move.

A devilish smile erupted across his face as he aimed the pistol at the Shepherd of the United States.

“What if I don’t?” he said and pulled the trigger. But instead of expecting a flash and an ear-deafening roar of the gun, it just clicked.His sudden action tantamount to rebellion was received unfazed by his comrade.

“A Pity.”action

The Shepherd of the United States draws out another gun, a black steel revolver, and points at him.

It was at that moment he knew, he fucked up.

The revolver roared. A spray of blood flew from the back of his head, splattering against the floor.

The US Shepherd walks over to the body and blasts another hole point blank at the head, making sure he was dead. He picks up the empty gilded pistol and pockets it.

The Ruthenian was given a chance, to be just demoted as a “Flock” or a “Hound” due to his skills. Too bad he was a “Wolf”. And bad “Wolves” like him need to be put down.

“Now that it was handled, let’s proceed to the next order of business. If we can’t control the Ruthenia Empire anymore, we’ll just have to drag them in. Shepherd of the Austrean Empire? Are you ready to serve your purpose?”

“I sure do,” The Shepherd of Austrean Empire said coolly.

“Excellent…” A menacing smile drew across his face.


They were interrupted by the meowing of a cat.

The pet of the dead Shepherd wandered in and nibbled at the still warm body.

The US Shepherd looks at the cat and tries to pick it up.

“MROW!”, the cat lashed out with claws at the hand, only scratching the nice gloves he wore.

“Shame,” he said, aiming the revolver at the animal.

The cat is now dead. Like its owner.

Back in the Ruthenia Empire, at the Grand Kremlin Palace. Alexander prepared to leave the Grand Kremlin Palace as most of the problems that swamped him were being settled by the affected countries with the cooperation of his ministers.

He came here with his family to celebrate a joyful and most important event. But the tragedy that occurred in the Austrean and Deutschland Empire, didn’t leave a good memory for him.

However, it is a good thing that it is almost fixed. Of course, with a price. Ruthenia is now unable to sell any consumer electronics and machines to outside buyers for the time being. And the Ruthenian citizens who died or were harassed in the two empires were compensated handsomely, and so did the Imperial Dynamic Systems to the affected families in the two empires.

Walking arm in arm with Sophie, Natalya approached Alexander.


“What is it?” Alexander glanced at his elder sister, stopping in his tracks.

“It may not be what you’ve expected but I’m happy that you’re now crowned as the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire,”

“Thank you,” the royal couple bowed their heads as they intoned together.

“Sadly, I’m going to have to leave Ruthenia tomorrow. I wish I could stay here for a lot longer.”

“That is sad indeed. Why don’t you spend your remaining hours here along with them?” Alexander glanced in another direction where Anastasia, Christina, and Tiffania were located.

“How about you? You’re not going to join us?”

“Well, I’m staying with my wife,” Alexander said, returning his glance to Sophie, who was also wearing a radiant smile. “Besides, I get to see my sisters every day. But you? You’ll need it.”

“You have a point,” Natalya realized as she nodded. “Okay, then brother.”

Natalya left the two and resumed walking. As the sun slowly descended down the horizon, Alexander contemplated.

Now that he averted another tragedy, what future awaits me?”