The sun glimmered outside the window of Alexander’s office, as he was currently at his desk with paperwork all over the place. He looked at his wristwatch to check the time. It was five minutes before three p.m. He has an occasion to attend at seven so he’s basically wrapping up work for now.

It is something he did once he started working, to wear a watch at all times and then look at the many clocks in the building. It allows him to keep track of time personally rather than rely on the city clock towers. He gets odd looks when people think he is not looking, as wristwatches are marketed toward women as jewelry bracelets with timepieces. The men all use pocket watches, so Alexander once again becomes a trendsetter of sorts by wearing a wristwatch.

‘Note to self, create electric quartz watches.’,

Thomas inside him thought.

‘Creating cheap affordable watches allows people to keep track of time and is made so cheap that losing or breaking one is more an annoyance than a loss of an heirloom…’


Somewhere in the Helvetic Kingdom (this world Switzerland), in many of the watchmaking workshops.

A strange phenomenon occurred where all the watchmakers felt an electrifying spectral presence raise all the hairs at once on their skin. A chill ran up their spine and suddenly their hot chocolate pot turned cold. The many standing clocks in their shops as proof of their workmanship all cuckooed, chimed, rang, and toiled at once.-.

The cacophony of all the clocks ringing should have brought amusement but this time it all seems to sing sinisterly. The cuckoos cawed crackingly, the bells bonged balefully and the chimes chanted corruptedly. They all rang exactly thirteen times before every clock broke. The cuckoos failed to retract back and hung out like dead birds, the bells and chimes fell off their mountings inside the clocks, and the winding springs snapped, punching out the clock face in a shower of gears.

And then pandemonium as the Helvetia watchmakers all screamed in surprise and fear. Many choose to close shops to run to their closest church to pray for protection against these unknown insidious evil omens.action


“Drat it,” Alexander grumbled as he caught the second-hand stopping. With a few light taps with his finger, the mechanical watch started ticking again.Suddenly he heard a soft knock at his door “Alexander…may I come in?” A familiar voice said.

“Yes of course come in.” He said, smiling slightly at her as he saw Sophie enter the room. Sophie closed the door and ambled towards him, taking a seat next to him on his desk. He gave her a warm smile as she sat down looking rather shyly.

“What is it you need?” He asked as he continued to look at the papers on his desk.

Sophie didn’t answer right away, instead looking off to one side “I um..well…” She trailed off.

“Sophie, please just tell me what’s bothering you,” Alexander said as he looked up from his work and waited patiently for her response.

She stayed quiet for a little while longer until eventually speaking up “It’s just that I haven’t done much as your wife…As your future Queen, I can’t help but be bothered to stay inside the palace while you do all the work. So…” Sophie paused, twirling strands of her hair around her finger. “So…I was wondering if I can help you with anything…or something like that…”

“Hmm…is that what’s troubling your mind?” Alexander hummed as he put down his pen and looked back up at her, seeing her look more worried than before.

Alexander himself doesn’t have much idea as to what the duties of the Queen are. Is it the same as how the first lady functions? Like providing informal advice, advocating for particular policies, and undertaking a host of symbolic, yet important functions?

Still, Alexander wanted her to do something if that’s what she asked. The problem is what? Aside from producing an heir.

“The Queen’s job is purely ceremonial yet important as you symbolize the mother of Ruthenia. They have no political obligations but can be powerful as they can influence their husband, the king, which is me, about certain policies. Sophie, may I ask, after living almost a year in Ruthenia, what do you want to change?”

Sophie pondered deeply, she looked at Alexander for a few seconds before finally speaking “Just like what you’ve been doing to Ruthenia…I guess…Well…I mean what you’re doing right now is benefiting the whole Ruthenia…”

“You to be more specific, Sophie,” Alexander chuckled softly. “Because it’s a lot. Let’s make it easy…what do you love the most that you want Ruthenia to love as well?”

A small lovely gasp escaped Sophie’s lips, it seemed as if her face lit up upon hearing those words. “Oh! How about painting? Like teaching kids how to paint?” She smiled brightly at Alexander.

Alexander smiled softly at her enthusiasm “You really do love painting huh? As expected of you…I couldn’t be more surprised…then how do you plan on doing that?”

“How about we build an art school?” Sophie raised a finger as she spoke “A school for art where everyone can learn how to draw and paint…”As she was speaking, Alexander couldn’t but fall to the lovely expression written on her beautiful face as she spoke passionately about something she truly loved. He could hear a thumping sound in the background as he stared at her. Her voice was too soft, and sweet to describe properly. But the way she was smiling brightly and enthusiastically at him made it impossible not to return the smile while propping his elbow on his table and placing his head in his hand. Alexander was completely smitten by her goddess-like beauty.

It was even better the last two times he lay with her. This world ought to learn about the G-spots women has. Sophie sure did.

He was only snapped out of his trance when Sophie stopped talking, her face still bright pink and her eyes wide and shining at him. Alex immediately snapped out of his daydream and cleared his throat trying to hide the blush that was creeping onto his cheeks. “I see,” he muttered, “That sounds like a good idea…I’ll make the call.”

“Thank you!” She replied with the most adoring smile and that was the last straw as Alexander broke his limit.

He stood up and walked behind Sophie, wrapping both his arms around her neck and planting gentle a kiss on her neck…it smelled like roses. Sophie felt butterflies erupt within her stomach making her squirm. She placed her hands on top of Alexander’s arms that were still wrapped around her body as she felt his face move closer to hers until there was nothing left between them. His breath ghosted across her cheek as she slowly raised her hand to rest it in his hair.

“Uhm…Alex…I also…forgot…”

“What~?” Alexander continued to nuzzle against her neck.

“…We have to get…ready…we’re going to Peterhof…to see…Princess…Diana…off…Ugh~!” she moaned slightly as he kept kissing her neck. “Geez…Alex…we can do this…later…your siblings are waiting for us…”

“It’s okay…Diana will leave at 7 p.m…meaning we still have time…” Alexander whispered as he traced his hand along the midriff of her shirt…he loved touching her skin so dearly. Her skin was smooth and delicate but also had a warmth that always comforted Alexander when he touched it. Just as his hand reached between her soft slender legs a voice boomed from the door.

“Brother! Sister Christina asked if you’re ready…” Anastasia trailed off as she took in the scene in front of her. “What is happening here?”

Alexander immediately let go of Sophie, who blushed profusely as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “Ahh…just talking about some business.” He lied, knowing how his little sister would react if she found out the real reason why they were together. Sophie was still sitting on the chair and blushing as Anastasia stood there waiting for an explanation.

Anastasia’s eyes narrowed. “Business? Then why are you hugging sister Sophie behind her back?”

Wait…did this suddenly turn into an interrogation?

“Well…the contents were confidential so I had to whisper it so she’s the only one who can hear…” He quickly added “Anyway, I need to get ready…right, I’ll see you later! Sophie…you may now leave…make sure that no one learns the contents of the deal…”

“U-Understood!” Sophie gazed up at him, blushing furiously as she played along his charade.


‘Can’t blame Anastasia for the cockblock,’ Alexander managed to shoo out his sister as well before tidying up his workspace.

‘Once we get children, it is only a matter of time they walk in on us…’

As Alexander closes the door to his office and walks down the hallway to his dressing room. He can’t help but feel that building an art school in the early 20th century has some weird feel to it, but he soon forgot as the doorway effect stole his thoughts and replaced it with night plans with his fiance.