Chapter 15   – The Bottomline Continues to Drop (2)

Yan Shuyu couldn’t help but sighed after she ended the call.. Now that she couldn’t even move, things were a little sticky – she didn’t need to go in front of the male lead and his father to remind them of her existent, but she couldn’t stop them from looking for her. After all, she was the one who had successfully bedded CEO Zhou for the original owner, multiple times at that. If he has a problem with that, she was the one in the wrong. After all, it was all about equality between the two genders nowadays, one could go to prison for r*ping a man too!

Grant, Yan Shuyu trust that no matter how disgruntled Zhou Qinhe was, he most certainly would not sue her for r*pe. With his social status, squishing her would be easier than squishing an ant. So if she wanted peaceful days in the future, she couldn’t just run off like this; but at least to understand the current situation first. If everything was alright, she’d bail. Otherwise, she needed to figure out someway to apply some first aid.

Here came the next problem – the original owner had been working at this new place for just two months and didn’t have any close friends. She was just colleagues with everyone else, how could she approach just any coworkers with something like she had advertently bedded the big boss?

All said and done, Yan Shuyu was still quite embarrassed about what had happened, so after staring at her cell phone for a while, she finally phoned the Human Resource Department with the reason that she was quitting.

Her reasoning was very simple – if the big boss was enraged by what had happened last night and decided to find the little staff who had deflowered him no matter what, Human Resource would definitely had heard something about it. Based on the principle of “better safe than sorry”, they would not let her quit at this moment in time. Contrarily, if the boss hadn’t said a word, there was no reason for Human Resource to try to stop a small staff like her from putting in her resignation. Hotel Dorsett has no shortage of talents.

Further, thought Yan Shuyu, it’d be great if the big boss didn’t care about it at all. She quit on her own accord, perhaps he’d even think that it was a great decision on her part and that would be that. And they’d never have to see each other again.

That way, it really wouldn’t matter if she moved or not moved.

Backed up by such an optimistic thought, Yan Shuyu dialed the number of Human Resource. Manager Xu was the one who picked up the phone, a slightly older, married, and mild-temperament lady. Yan Shuyu was very straightforward. She pulled her reasoning out of nowhere, “Manager Xu, I am so sorry, my son was very sick and needed my attention 24/7. I don’t think I will be able to juggle between my work and my son, can you let me quit on the spot?”

“Quitting on the spot is against our company policies. We required one-month’s notice when you quit.”

Even though the original owner didn’t make a point of telling everyone about her personal situation, she didn’t make a point in hiding that fact that she was a single mother either. Manager Xu, being the Human Resource manager, naturally had a pretty good idea about each employee’s situation. Which was why, after she had declined Yan Shuyu’s requested, brought up a more feasible suggestion, “Is your son really sick? How about this, if you really can’t juggle between the two, why don’t you take some time off first to take care of your son and put in your one-month’s notice after you return?”

That was, of course, a very sound suggestion on Manager Xu’s part. But after hearing it, Yan Shuyu panicked, thinking that her worst-case scenario had come true.

So she tried even harder to look for excuses, “I know I can take time off as well, but my kid has low immunity; when he gets sick, it was always back and forth, and that makes it difficult to say how much time off I’d need. Plus it would be troublesome for those at the workplace. Plus, I have been there for two months now, and I am starting to realize that it wasn’t the right job for me. Having to work night shift in particular requires me to leave my child at home by himself, and I get worried. Now that he is sick, I think I will just take this opportunity to resign.”