Chapter 293   – And the four of them wrapped dumplings on New Year’s Eve like one big happy family (2)

But that was alright, people aim for different things in life. It would arguably be faster for Miss Yan to become Mrs. Zhou than becoming upper management at the hotel – Han Yue had only speculated it privately before today but, seeing Yan Shuyu now, he had become more certain of it. Not only because she was accompanying Boss Zhou to the annual party but also from the change that he could see in her.

The original owner had really only met Boss Han a few times when she was working at Hotel Dorsett and the two of them never even talked. She would, otherwise, not need to make Boss Zhou her target.

But she was pretty. As much Han Yue wasn’t into relationships with employees working under him, he still remembered her. He didn’t think much of her before because she was no different than any other pretty girls that he had seen in the past, pretty but shallow. And he didn’t like that inappropriate ambition that he could see in her eyes.

And yet, within a short few months, the Yan Shuyu tonight dazzled Han Yue. She was still the same pretty girl but her look and aura had changed entirely. The fancy jewelries and outfit did not make her seem out of place. Quite the contrary, they complimented her perfectly and made her appeared noble and classy.

Standing next to Boss Zhou with a slight smile on her, she looked nothing like that ambitious pitiful girl that she once was.

The change in her has been so drastic that she was like a totally different person now. Had he not known Yan Shuyu from before, he would have thought she was some girl from some wealthy family. She would not have changed so much in such a short amount of time if Boss Zhou give her the amount of attention that he did.

Granted, seeing how Yan Shuyu looked today, all his hard work had paid off.

That was why Boss Han felt that they were about to have a new Mrs. Zhou. The fact that Boss Zhou brought her with him today might very well be a message.Most of his colleagues did not know Boss Zhou’s girlfriend and, in fact, this was the first time they had met her. They were still hesitating whether they should go up and greet her. Him, on the other hand, didn’t have that problem. He knew Yan Shuyu from before and now he could use that to his advantage – a lot had crossed Boss Han’s mind but that didn’t take too much time at all. He immediately swapped to a new glass of wine and walked up passionately and pleasantly, “Boss Zhou, Miss Yan…”

Seeing Boss Han all of a sudden gave Yan Shuyu guilty conscience all over again. The boss, on the other hand, toasted with him in a friendly manner. He even handed her a glass of red wine personally. Yan Shuyu had no choice but to take a sip awkwardly while plotting about looking for an opportunity to slip away. The boss had told her that she didn’t need to do anything other than being there in person. So it shouldn’t matter if she just want to hide out in a hidden corner somewhere.

Yan Shuyu had yet to find that opportunity when Han Yue had started chatting them up. He didn’t omit Yan Shuyu while chatting with Boss Zhou nor did he avoided the part that she used to work there. “I only found out how talented Miss Yan is when I saw the news a few days ago. I was as good as spotting talent as Boss Zhou and wasn’t able to keep Miss Yan here…”

As Han Yue spoke so eloquently, Yan Shuyu started to feel less awkward. Looking at Boss Han’s straight face, she started to think that she had overthought it all. Perhaps Boss Han had no idea what she had done. Any one who knew about her dark history would have pretended that he didn’t recognize her to avoid the awkwardness. It didn’t make sense that he would bring that up purposefully.

Thinking of that, Yan Shuyu stood up that much straighter than before. It so happened that Boss Zhou had turned to look at her and, smiling, said, “She’s not bad right now either.”

Yan Shuyu nodded reflexively. She was doing pretty good for herself right now. Being an instructor that was famed on the internet with high pay was 100 times better than working in a hotel.

Han Yue interpreted that quite different than Yan Shuyu did. After finishing with his drink, he laughed wholeheartedly, “Boss Zhou and Miss Yan met at Hotel Dorsett, right? That would make me a matchmaker of short. You are welcome, hahaha.”

Boss Zhou didn’t respond to that but poured him more wine in person and in a friendly manner. Boss Han downed the wine with alacrity and finally walked away after some more chitchatting.

After watching him walked away, Yan Shuyu finally had a relaxed smile on her. She thought she had it all figured out. Indeed, Boss Han had no idea what she had done to the boss. Back then, Boss Han had been staying at the hotel monitoring everything himself. If the general manager had no idea what had happened, then nobody else would.

She was either very stealthy in her actions or that the boss had done something to help cover it up. Either way, she had nothing else to worry about.

As such, when the annual party was over, Yan Shuyu could already walk out of there calmly and with her head held high.