Chapter 55   – Insult Me With Your Dirty Money! (4)

He reacted quickly, anyhow. Noticing that he was making a fool out of himself before he finished the first line, he quickly closed his mouth tightly. Aunty Yan, on the other hand, was still singing and playing the piano and showed no signs of stopping. He has already agreed to sing with her, so the polite little young master was too embarrassed to backpedal on his own words. After looking at her face and struggling for a few seconds, he finally hummed along with her.This time he had learned his lesson. He only hummed with his mouth closed, and only symbolically opened his mouth during the “la la lah” parts, and even so, his voice was so low that only he hear it.

Yan Shuyu didn’t care about those minor details. She could sing along all herself. The little kid joining her would only excite her more. After she finished the song, Yan Shuyu felt that the performance was perfect and high fived her “little partner”.

After the “perfect” partnership between the adult and the child, the “little partner”’s dad chimed in, “Xiao Yi did enjoy it a lot. He just started taking piano lessons. Maybe Aunty Yan can teach you a little bit now?”Zhou Qinhe’s seat was right next to the piano. Now that the music had stopped, Yan Shuyu could hear him clearly even though he didn’t stand up. She looked down curiously at Zhou Yi and asked, “You want to learn this song?”

Zhou Yi didn’t acknowledge, but his white ears turned a pinkish color. Now that she was well-versed in child-rearing, she could tell by the looks that the kiddo was more than willing to, just too shy to say it out loud. Tsk tsk tsk, each little boy was more shy than the one before, what were girls going to do after they grew up?

Yan Shuyu, who were thoroughly enjoying herself, scooped up the little master directly and plopped him onto her lap. With uplifted spirit, she said, “Okay, let’s begin. Follow my beat!”

Since she has started this job, Yan Shuyu would sometimes teach her son while holding his hand when it wasn’t busy at the shop.

She might not be a very good mother in many other ways, but her desire for her son to succeed in life was stronger than that of anyone else’s. Most parents might have the expectations for their kids to support them when they grew old. However, Yan Shuyu took it a step further. She wanted her son to become an instant millionaire, reached the top of the pyramid, and improve her life right away. She wanted him to be perfect in every way – piano, chess, poetry, painting – so she had no choice but to hold his hand and give him piano lessons.

As someone who had been practicing the piano since childhood, giving piano lessons to a child came easily for Yan Shuyu. Her instant son seemed to have inherited her wondrous talen. Even with no background at all, he needed very little guidance. The male lead was even better, having been learning from famous instructors. He picked up even faster than her instant son. Yan Shuyu had only showed him a couple of times before he could perform it on his own, albeit not too smoothly. Filled with a sense of accomplishment, Yan Shuyu gave a round of applause, “That was so wonderful.”

What a loss for all students that she wasn’t an instructor!

Zhou Yi didn’t know that Yan Shuyu’s applause was really meant for herself. Both him and his instructor have very high standards. He was already feeling ashamed of his own performance even after her hand-holding teaching style; Yan Shuyu’s applause made him felt even more embarrassed. Lowering his head, he was just about to try it a couple more times to improve himself, when Zhou Qinhe, who had already paid the tab, stood up and said, “Xiao Zi, that’s enough for one day. Let’s head out.”

This time, the little young master did not just walk away without hesitation like he did last week; instead, he gave the piano another longing look before he slid off of Yan Shuyu’s laps and ran toward his father. Having the shyness like any other child, he grabbed the corner of his father’s clothes before he turned and said goodbye to Yan Shuyu, “Bye, Aunty Yan.”