Chapter 59   – Style of the Boss (3)

Sunshine House was a restaurant. And even though it was more of a high-end one, it still closed around the same time as their peers. After all, the nightlife is bustling in a tier 1 big city. The shop opened until 11:30 PM on the weekend, and an hour earlier on weekdays, still pretty late.

Yang Zifeng was nice to Yan Shuyu since she was a single mother. During her interview, he had already told her that she could take off at 8 PM when she worked the night shift. The regular performance hours in the shop was from 7 PM to 8 PM, so she could take off after her performance. This way, her kiddo wouldn’t have to stay up too late to wait for her. On the flip side, when Yan Shuyu worked the early shift, she would also have to work till 8 PM because of her performance, whereas her peers left between 5 – 6 PM, to make up the hours.

Part of the reasons that Yan Shuyu decided to take this job was because of the hours. Early shift started at 9 AM, allowing her plenty of time to drop off her instant son before heading in to work. Night shift was even better, she could even go home and take a nap before she went in to work.

The nights were still a bit rough. She’d get home at 8 PM, remove her makeup, take a shower, do their laundry, and hang them up. Then, it was supposed to be her happy hours as she surfed on her cellphone, but noooo, her fresh-out-of-the-shower son would be dead tired but still refuse to go to sleep. With a much-treasured fairy tale book in hand, he’d rub his eyes and wait for her and call out to her excitedly with his red eyes and said, “Mom, can you read me the story now?”

Yan Shuyu, “…..”

Airight, she was his mother after all. Giving into reality, she’d crawl into bed, flip to the page where the bookmark was from the previous day, and begin her nightly reading.A kid had limited energy after all. A little bit after 9 PM and, with his mother reading him a story next to him, he’d fall asleep in less than 10 minutes. Yan Shuyu, well-experienced now, would read on for an extra 10 minutes to make sure he was deep in his sleep, then she would have all the time she wanted to surf as much as she wanted.

Twenty minutes of story before bedtime, anyhow, would also make Yan Shuyu sleepy. So sleepy that she wouldn’t be able to stay up to surf even if she had wanted to. So, finally, the book was closed, the light was turned off, and she’d turn in as well.

At the beginning of a new day, Zhang Yuanjia continued to get up all on his own when the time came. Then he’d brush his teeth, wash his face, change, all by himself.

Unfortunately, he was too small and his legs were too short. As competent as he was, he still couldn’t go to school all on his own. A trafficker wouldn’t even need to use candies; they could just pick him up and run away with him, so Yan Shuyu would have to take him to school even when she didn’t have to go in to work.

Yan Shuyu made plans to meet up with her little buddy at the subway entrance at 10:30 AM, so they would arrive at the college town around 11-ish. They could grab lunch then shop to their hearts’ content. It was still a while before the time of meeting so she didn’t want to put on her make up too early. As she didn’t get to play on her cellphone the night before, she felt that she missed out on something. So her plan was to drop off her son at school first, then roll back into the bed and surf for an hour on her phone. She could better feel the rush as though she was staying up late at night without makeup on~

She then got out of bed, washed her face, and with the I-am-such-a-beauty confidence, she left the house holding her instant son’s hand.

Little kiddo Zhang Yuanbao also started his rainbow fart time. He looked up at his mother and exclaimed, “Mom is still the prettiest mom today!”

(T/N: rainbow fart – kissing up / brown nosing)

That made Yan Shuyu even happier. She bounced her way to the breakfast place on their way to kindergarten before handing her son over to the teacher at school. Everything went perfectly~

The activities in the afternoon went perfectly too. The restaurant suggested by Manager Yang, a local, was quite unique and the two girls enjoyed their meals. After they had their sumptuous meal, they started their happy shopping spree.