Chapter 24

The moon tonight was exceptionally round.

The small courtyard was exceptionally quiet as Gong Sister-in-law and Zhuang Auntie had already gone to bed.

Xiao Jun set up a small stove under the porch, and buried in the stove were several long sweet potatoes with soft centers.

Ding Sha, wrapped in a thick blanket, sat on the couch, and Xiao Jun sat beside her as a cushion for her to lean on, with his hand caressing her bulging belly.

"What do you think we should name the baby?" Ding Sha looked at the quiet withered branches of roses on the courtyard wall, looking forward to their beautiful blooming scene next year.

Xiao Jun said, "I've thought about it for a long time, but I've decided to think about it together with you."

"Let's call him Xiao Sijin, how about that?" Ding Sha said, "Diligent thoughts are like beautiful jade, and the future will be smooth sailing."

"Okay, whatever you say," Xiao Jun didn't object.

Ding Sha secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In the original book, the male protagonist was not called this name. He probably didn't have anyone to take care of him since he was little, and it was not until later when he was sent to the orphanage that he took the surname of the director and was given a random name, Su Li.

The homonym "li" sounds like always being in farewell.

Ding Sha wanted to give this child something different from the very beginning, such as a name full of hope and beauty.

Xiao Jun suddenly said, "What about his nickname?"

"Nickname?" Ding Sha was startled for a moment, "I haven't thought about it yet, why don't you come up with one?"

"Then let's call him Ping An," Xiao Jun tilted his head slightly to look at her, "wishing mother and child peace."

Ding Sha suddenly shrieked, "The baby kicked me!"

Xiao Jun also felt the movement under his hand, "Maybe he wants to come out and chat with us too."

"It's only eight months," Ding Sha gently patted her belly, "Little Ping An, wait a little longer okay? Wait for Dad and Mom to make toys and a little bed for you, okay?"

A cold wind blew by. After Xiao Jun wrapped Ding Sha tightly in the blanket, he leaned over and pulled out a small sweet potato from the stove. The unique fragrance had already diffused out. Ding Sha stared longingly at the sweet potato he was peeling. "It smells so good."

Xiao Jun seemed unconcerned about the heat as he carefully peeled it and blew on it before bringing it to her mouth, "Be careful, it's hot." Looking at the orange-red sweet potato, Ding Sha took a big bite. It was sweet and hot, as if honey could ooze out.

"The New Year is coming soon," Xiao Jun had wet wipes ready at hand. He took one and wiped the traces on her mouth and cheeks where she got food on her face.

"Let's go see the car tomorrow?" Xiao Jun said. "It's cheaper now right before the New Year. See which one you like?"

"Similar performance, spacious enough, good safety rating," Ding Sha counted off on her fingers, "cost-effective." "Shall we go take a look tomorrow then?"


It was late and the wind had picked up. After eating the sweet potato, Ding Sha went back to the room to lie down. Xiao Jun was tired after a long day at work. When he came back, he saw Ding Sha lying there motionless, looking unwell.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Jun walked over and lifted the quilt, "Got a leg cramp?"

Ding Sha shyly covered the quilt. Xiao Jun was startled for a moment, realizing what was going on.

He opened the wardrobe and took out new pajamas and underwear, then helped Ding Sha up, "Let me help you change."

Pregnant women in later pregnancy can involuntarily leak urine. This was what the midwife had told him.

Ding Sha pushed him away, "I'll do it myself."

Xiao Jun didn't insist. He got up and went to the bathroom, "I'll go freshen up. Call me if you need anything."

Ding Sha felt embarrassed changing her clothes. When she wanted to change the sheets, she found herself lacking strength.

She panted with exhaustion and frustration, and finally couldn't help bursting into tears.

Hearing the sounds, Xiao Jun immediately rushed out from the bathroom, "Sha Sha!"

Ding Sha sat at the edge of the bed crying sadly, hugging her belly.

She didn't understand why she had become a pregnant woman carrying a baby. She didn't understand why she had to endure these embarrassing and uncomfortable experiences.

Clearly, this world was not hers, the lover was not hers, nothing was hers.

Even liking Xiao Jun made her feel guilty.

Even the fact that she liked Xiao Jun made her feel like she was stealing something.

Ding Sha cried grievously.

Xiao Jun's soft consoling and coaxing at her side only made her feel more upset and irritated.

Unable to restrain herself, Ding Sha pushed Xiao Jun away, "You don't know anything! Stay away from me!"

Her cries woke up Gong Sister-in-law and Zhuang Auntie who had already gone to bed. The two hurriedly knocked on the door in their winter clothes, "What's wrong? What happened? Sha Sha? Boss Xiao?"

As Ding Sha's due date approached, her weight was very light, so not only could Xiao Jun not sleep well at night, even the two of them could not rest easy, for fear that Ding Sha might suddenly go into labor.

Xiao Jun replied, "It's nothing..."

Ding Sha got out of bed, opened the door and said, "Sister Gong, can I sleep with you?"

With tears still on her face, wearing only thin clothes, long hair draped loosely, and holding her big belly in both hands, she looked at Sister Gong pitifully.

"Of course, why not?" Sister Gong readily agreed.

Xiao Jun hugged his own quilt, "I'll sleep upstairs. Sister-in-law, please keep an extra eye on Sha Sha."

Sister Gong tutted as she supported Ding Sha back to bed.

Xiao Jun had already changed the sheets and even laid a mat. With one look, Sister Gong knew what had happened, but she didn't say anything or ask questions. She let Ding Sha lie down. Everyone rested, and the night became tranquil again.

Ding Sha looked at Sister Gong and felt the sense of security of being back in a mother's embrace.

Sister Gong was very gentle. She really liked Sister Gong.

"Sha Sha, are you still uncomfortable?" Sister Gong turned sideways and gently patted Ding Sha's shoulder.

"I'm fine now. I just suddenly felt a little unhappy for a moment." Ding Sha had calmed down.

"It's normal. It happens to everyone," Sister Gong smiled. "I was like that too back then. When Da Zhuang came home, I found him irritating no matter how I looked at him. He was such a big guy, yet he made me cry so hard I didn't know what to do with my hands and feet. I just flopped down on my knees."

Ding Sha exclaimed in surprise, "Wow!"

"So you see, this is very normal. Pregnant mothers are prone to mood swings, don't be afraid!"

Ding Sha wanted to say she wasn't afraid, but on second thought, she was indeed afraid - afraid of liking Xiao Jun, afraid of difficult labor, afraid the child would not grow up well, and afraid Xiao Jun would leave if he noticed anything off.

She gave a low hmm.

"Go to sleep. I'm with you. Tomorrow will be another beautiful day filled with sunshine."

Sure enough, the weather was great when she woke up, even the little wind that had been blowing steadily had stopped.

Ding Sha saw Xiao Jun push open the door and place a set of clean clothes at her bedside. He lowered his head to kiss her forehead, "Be good, Sha Sha. Time to get up. We're going to buy a car today."

Ding Sha rubbed her eyes and sat up. Xiao Jun helped her get dressed and then squatted down to put on her shoes. Her feet were badly swollen and she needed special shoes for pregnant women to feel comfortable.

Looking down at him, Ding Sha said, "I'm sorry I lost my temper at you last night."

"You call that losing your temper?" Xiao Jun laughed. "That was clearly a kitten showing its claws."

After getting ready, the two ate a little something and then took a taxi straight to the 4S dealership.

Ding Sha felt every car was good. She left the salesperson confused with her questions until Xiao Jun took over the conversation, "Let's go take a look over there."

The salesperson was a little disappointed, but quickly cheered up again. Even if they didn't buy an expensive one, he would still get a commission for an ordinary car.

Besides, this handsome couple looked so loving, it brightened his mood just to look at them a little longer.

With this in mind, the salesperson continued to serve them with a smiling face.

Finally, Xiao Jun and Ding Sha decided on a suitable white M.

The salesperson handled the paperwork for them and explained clearly all the subsequent procedures and preparations needed before seeing them off.

"We'll pick up the car in a couple days. I'll go look for a parking spot first," Xiao Jun said as he took Ding Sha to the hospital.

Lately they had been going to the hospital frequently. Xiao Jun was already discussing with the hospital when Ding Sha would be admitted.

The expected due date was around the New Year. Xiao Jun couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Returning to the shop when it was almost dark, there was an old man sitting inside smoking a pipe.

It was Uncle Wei who had come.