Chapter 28

When Ding Sha came out, Gong Sister-in-law had just finished calling Da Zhuang on the phone. Zhuang Auntie was watching TV. The female host wearing a shirt on the news channel was reporting today's news with a serious expression.

Zhuang Auntie quickly moved a stool over with a cushion on it when she saw Ding Sha come out, "You're up? How is Xiao Jun doing? Any better?"

"Much better, his fever's gone down." Ding Sha sat down.

"That's good. Want some buns? I made them this morning and they're still warm," Zhuang Auntie asked.

"Sure, I'll have some," Ding Sha nodded.

Zhuang Auntie went to get the buns for her while Gong Sister-in-law let out a sigh, "It's got everyone on edge, really scary."

"What happened?" Ding Sha asked.

"Well, the news this morning," she said with another sigh, "The government is telling us to be more careful, pay attention to rest and daily hygiene."

"I was just telling Da Zhuang about it but he's stubborn as an ox. He got impatient when I told him to take care of himself, how annoying..."

Zhuang Auntie brought out a bowl, "Don't argue with him. You'll only get yourself worked up while he remains oblivious that you're angry. That'll just stress you out."

Gong Sister-in-law scoffed, "I won't bother with him. He can do whatever he wants."

Xiao Jun was sleeping inside. He hadn't eaten much for days and had visibly lost weight. Ding Sha felt sorry seeing how thin he'd become. She got up and went to take a look in the kitchen.

"Auntie, did the vegetable seller deliver this morning?"

"They did, I've put everything away," Zhuang Auntie followed her in, "Going to cook?"

Ding Sha nodded, "Jun hasn't been eating these past few days. I'm worried he won't have enough strength and nutrition to recover."

Zhuang Auntie murmured in agreement, "Then leave it to me, I'll cook." Ding Sha moved to the side to give her space.

"Cut some pork belly, pig's stomach and chicken, put it in a pot with scallions, ginger, huangjiu and bring it to a boil, remember to skim off the foam."

"Cook the chicken for half an hour, the pork belly for about forty minutes, pig's stomach takes longer to soften so cook it for over an hour."

"Once cooked, take them out and cut into smaller pieces to set aside."

"Take some ground pork, mix in chopped scallions, ginger, pepper powder, salt, huangjiu and a bit of starch and water. Keep stirring it all vigorously in one direction."

"Oil a plate, squeeze the ground pork into balls and put them on it. Then steam them until cooked."

"Also steam those shrimp wontons we made last time."

"Blanch some spinach leaves in boiling water until soft. Put them in the claypot to line the bottom along with some soaked glass noodles."

"Steam some large dried shrimp with huangjiu and scallions, ginger until cooked through and add them to the claypot."

"Beat two eggs into thin sheets, shred them and put them in as well."

"This will be so fragrant when it's done," Zhuang Auntie remarked as she worked quickly. "Light and healthy, perfect for Xiao Jun to recover his strength."

Ding Sha came over to look in the claypot, "Remember to mix everything together evenly later."

"No problem."

"Now for the vegetables - cut carrots, bamboo shoots, winter bamboo shoots into strips. Do the same with the mushrooms. Arrange them neatly in rows in the claypot along with the prepped meat. Add the steamed meatballs and shrimp wontons."

"Pour in some seasoned chicken broth. Bring it to a boil with the lid on then turn the heat down and let it simmer. You can eat straight from the claypot as it bubbles."

It was close to noon by the time everything was ready. Zhuang Auntie remarked with feeling, "This meal took so much effort to make, fussy and complicated."

"But it smells amazing, the aroma alone makes you hungry."

Ding Sha took a small bowl with a lid, "I'll bring some to Jun. You two go ahead and eat first, don't wait for me. I'm not hungry."

Xiao Jun was already sitting up when she opened the door. "You cooked? I could smell it."

"No, I just told Auntie to make it," Ding Sha closed the door and put the bowl on the table. "Want to try it?"

Xiao Jun got out of bed, draping a robe around himself, "Smells great, mixed claypot?"

"You sure know your food." Ding Sha smiled. After eating the steaming hot meal, Xiao Jun broke out in sweat.

"Go lie down again, you'll feel better after more rest," Ding Sha hurried him back.

Xiao Jun had no choice, "Alright, I'll sleep. But call me if you need anything."

"I know, I know." Ding Sha watched him get settled before leaving the room.

Two to three days later, fewer and fewer people were going out unless necessary. Anyone who did venture out looked anxious.

Gong Sister-in-law still called Da Zhuang every day. Seeing how serious things were getting, Da Zhuang obediently reported his status daily.

Zhuang Auntie watched the news on time, "Heavens, still so bad even with New Year's coming... How awful."

The busiest places now were likely pharmacies and hospitals. Word was doctors and nurses were run off their feet without even breaks.

"Sister-in-law, why don't you two go back home tomorrow?" Ding Sha figured they must be anxious to return.

"Go back for what? I wouldn't feel right leaving you and Xiao Jun alone here," Zhuang Auntie glared at her. "It'd be one thing during normal times but this is an extraordinary period. You two shouldn't be without someone here."

"I'm not going back either," Gong Sister-in-law said. "It's safer to stay put. Going anywhere makes me nervous."

Ding Sha didn't try persuading them further since they were right. Luckily Jun's fever had gone down the past few days, though he was still a bit under the weather without needing hospitalization.

Zhuang Auntie checked the time, "Oh dear, time to start on dinner again when I don't have any appetite at all."

"Each day it's just cooking on schedule without much else going on. Luckily we have the yard here or I'd go crazy cooped up."

"What should we eat tonight?" Gong Sister-in-law asked with a smile. With so much free time lately, Zhuang Auntie had even pondered roasting lamb legs in the small yard.

"Let's just whip up whatever. I see everyone online has been making hot and sour soup lately. Why don't we try that too?"

"Let's do it. I'll leave it to you." Gong Sister-in-law also had little interest in eating. Eating without moving around was causing her to gain weight.

"Alright, on it."

Zhuang Auntie hadn't gotten up yet when she saw Ding Sha's expression shift. "What's wrong, Sha Sha?"

Ding Sha had felt a bit uncomfortable since getting up that morning. She'd noticed on and off abdominal pain since the afternoon. Just then, she suddenly felt a warm liquid flow down her leg.

She recalled the doctor and midwife's reminders during her prenatal exams, and her face paled.

"I think my water broke..."