Chapter 32

When Ding Sha really woke up, Xiao Jun no longer needed to be isolated.

She lay in the ward that Dr. Liu had worked so hard to get for her, and with great effort opened her eyes a little.

Xiao Jun was keeping watch at her bedside, his exposed eyes full of red veins. He looked haggard beyond words.

"You're awake..." After a long pause, Xiao Jun said softly.

"Mm..." Ding Sha murmured gently.

"You scared me," Xiao Jun squatted in front of the bed and held her hand against his face, "I waited for you for a long time at home, but you didn't come."

"I thought you didn't want me anymore."

"How could that be..." Ding Sha smiled weakly.

"I stewed a big pot of pork trotters soup, waiting for you to eat it all up." Xiao Jun tenderly stroked her pale, bloodless cheeks.

"I had a dream," said Ding Sha, vaguely holding Xiao Jun's hand in return.

"What kind of dream was it?" Xiao Jun leaned over and rested beside her pillow to listen to her speak. "It was quite nice in the dream," Ding Sha couldn't help but think back to that dream, "except you weren't in it."

"None of this was in it, everything here, the dream didn't have it."

Ding Sha smiled slightly. She used to be an orphan without parents, introverted in character, with few friends. She had long hair and delicate features, and could make very tasty food.

Later she was a three-month pregnant woman, with a lover of unknown whereabouts, beautiful long dark hair and a heavenly complexion, who could still make very tasty food.

Ding Sha couldn't help but think, was that contrasting dream trying to remind her in every way that someone was waiting for her to wake up quickly?

"Fortunately you chose the world with me in it," said Xiao Jun.

Ding Sha smiled at him, then closed her eyes drowsily.

Leafing through the extra memories in her mind, Ding Sha still had many guesses she wanted to prove.

The memories contained more details. She remembered how she and Xiao Jun found that little village to live in, and also the kind of night when they shyly kept silent. She remembered every promise Xiao Jun had made to her.

She also remembered the complicated yet determined look in the youth's eyes when Xiao Jun finally appeared that day.

She remembered how hot and passionate the young man's gaze was, containing all the love he had gambled on her.

The existence of these memories undoubtedly confirmed her identity.

She was Ding Sha.

There had only ever been one Ding Sha.

She couldn't help but feel gleeful yet puzzled.

Why did she go to another world and become an entirely new identity?

And why did she return to this world? Leaving those questions aside, didn't this mean she could now wholeheartedly like Xiao Jun?

Ding Sha readily abandoned everything about that other world.

As someone who had always been a loner, she had nothing to be nostalgic for. On the contrary, everything in this world made her heart race.

She loved the sun rising early every day.

She loved the tall old scholar tree at the door.

She loved how especially bright the stars and moon were at night.

She loved the lively hubbub and the scent of worldly affairs.

And most of all she loved her little family.

She loved Xiao Jun.

Wrinkled little Ping An was remembered by his mom and dad for the first time. Gong Sister-in-law carried him over for them to see, "He's a healthy, sturdy little boy."

Little Ping An was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed. Xiao Jun took a look - as a new dad he was just as curious as the child - "Can I hold him?"

"Of course you can," said Gong Sister-in-law, carefully placing the child in his arms and showing him step-by-step how to hold a baby.

Xiao Jun's heart softened.

All the worries and unease evaporated in this moment. He really had a family of his own now.

"Look, does he look more like you or me?" Xiao Jun passed the child to Ding Sha.

"Can't really tell, but I feel he'll look like you," said Ding Sha after peering at him for some time. No matter how she looked at him, he seemed just like a little red monkey.

"Alright, I'll take him back after you've seen him enough. Babies need lots of sleep," said Gong Sister-in-law, taking the child back.

Xiao Jun tucked Ding Sha's quilt corners in. "I asked the doctor. Generally after a caesarian section you can be discharged after about a week, but because of your special circumstances, you'll need to stay in hospital under observation for a month."

Xiao Jun paused for a moment. "But don't worry, I'll keep you company."

Ding Sha nodded with a smile.

When Ding Sha had recovered enough to be able to sit up, with the doctor and nurses' permission, Xiao Jun went home and brought back a bucket of pork trotters soup, because Ding Sha shouldn't have dipping sauce due to her condition, he'd only brought soup.

But Ding Sha still enjoyed it very much.

The pork trotters were soft and tender, silky smooth, melting in the mouth, with delicious mushy broad beans - extremely satisfying with each mouthful.

"I stewed lots more, I'll bring you some again tomorrow," said Xiao Jun, as usual picking up the bottom of her bowl.

Ding Sha used to feel awkward about this, but now it would suddenly give her a sweet feeling, making her heart race.

"Ding Sha... Ding Sha?" Xiao Jun waved his hand in front of her eyes.

Since realizing she was Ding Sha, Ding Sha would often unconsciously stare at Xiao Jun, utterly absorbed...

"Huh? What is it?" Ding Sha acted as if nothing had happened.

Xiao Jun looked at her suspiciously and frowned, "What are you daydreaming about?"


"Don't tell me you're so dazzled by looking at me?" Xiao Jun suddenly had a brainwave. "Cough cough cough..." Ding Sha was shocked, "No I wasn't!"

Xiao Jun's mouth curled up slightly, and he didn't question her further.

But the next time Ding Sha stared at him in a daze, Xiao Jun didn't call out to her.

Ding Sha recovered very quickly, and after just twenty days Dr. Liu happily told her she could be discharged.

Xiao Jun handled the discharge procedures for her and took her back to their little home.

"I haven't been back for so long," said Ding Sha standing at the door with emotion.

Her belly was still a little swollen, and hadn't completely gone back to normal.

Xiao Jun came over holding the baby, with Gong Sister-in-law and Zhuang Auntie carrying a pile of things.

"You can finally go home," said Gong Sister-in-law, also feeling complicated emotions, "We actually spent New Year's in hospital... Now spring's almost here already."

"The situation's better now. After some more time passes, I'll give sister-in-law and auntie some time off," said Ding Sha with a smile looking back.

She had been in hospital for quite a long time, nearly spending all of the New Year there.

Xiao Jun had already prepared everything needed in the bedroom. The baby cot was not too far from his bed.

Ding Sha touched the baby cot, "Isn't the cot a bit too far from me?"

"It's not far. He can just cry out in the night and I can reach him easily. You should rest well," said Xiao Jun, who was taking out things like wet wipes they would need.

Ding Sha smiled slightly with pursed lips.

Little Ping An lay in his little bed, staring wide-eyed at his surroundings.

He had grown a bit bigger now, no longer just a monkey bottom, instead all fair and tender, not prone to crying, like a little angel.

And he was as cute as jade snow, everyone who saw him couldn't help sighing at the importance of genes.

Ding Sha ate her mother-in-law's pork trotter soup for a whole week, eating it until she couldn't stand the sight of trotters.

"I can't eat any more, I can't eat any more, let's switch to something else." Ding Sha hastily waved her hands when she saw Xiao Jun carrying a sandpot.

This made Xiao Jun laugh, "It's not trotters, it's egg with brown sugar."

Ding Sha heaved a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness it's not trotters, I really feel nauseous from eating so much..."

Xiao Jun laughed, "Alright, alright, I won't make it anymore from now on."

Only then did Ding Sha cheer up.

The TV kept broadcasting news reports until Little Ping An grew a bit bigger again, able to babble bubbles, and crying "waa waa" when he wanted milk. Finally, the news announced that a vaccine had been successfully developed.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Gradually more people appeared on the streets, and the icy cold streets finally had some vitality again.

The small shops still couldn't open for business. Every day Ding Sha would stand in the shop holding Little Ping An and looking outside through the glass, gently singing lullabies to him.

Little Ping An was very well-behaved, always staring curiously at everything, only occasionally crying out when hungry.

Gong Sister-in-law and Zhuang Auntie had gone back home. Ding Sha started seeking help every day by phoning people as she learned day by day to take care of the baby alone.

Xiao Jun came in holding the phone.

"Ding Sha, the landlord said he wants to transfer the house."