Chapter 172

When Mo Chongyuan calmed down, everyone took the chance to look around the room.

The room was not big. Aside from a bed, there was only an iron pot in the corner next to the door and a set of bowls and chopsticks.

Next to them was a dead wild rabbit, likely hunted back by Fifth Brother.

Everyone guessed that these were probably what Mo Chongyuan used daily.

After looking around, Mo Jiuye spoke.

"Eighth brother, mother and sisters-in-law are still waiting for news from us. Why don't you go back first to update them while I stay here with Zhiran to look after Fifth Brother."

Since there were no inhabitable houses here, it was unlikely they could find lodging in the other two families' places at this time. Fortunately, everyone had set up tents nearby. Setting up a few more campfires around should allow them to get through the night.

Mo Chuhan first looked at the passed out Mo Chongyuan before replying, "Alright, I'll go back to arrange things now. Ninth Sister, I'll have to trouble you and younger sister to stay here with Fifth Brother."

After watching Mo Chuhan's figure disappear into the distance, He Zhiran took out a flashlight from her interspatial ring, using it temporarily for lighting.

Mo Jiuye asked, "Zhiran, do you have an antidote for Fifth Brother's poison?"

"I can make the antidote, but it will take some time."

As she spoke, she took out a set of blood drawing instruments from her interspatial ring, drawing some of Mo Chongyuan's blood to bring into her space.

"It's not convenient to research the toxins now. We'll talk about it later."

Although they couldn't help detoxify Mo Chongyuan yet, they couldn't leave him chained up like that either.

Just then, He Zhiran's flashlight shone on a key lying on the ground.

She bent over to pick up the key, trying it against the lock on the chains and finding it was the right size.

Mo Jiuye took the key and directly unlocked the chains.

From this key, they could infer that Mo Chongyuan had likely locked himself up.

The most probable reason was that he was afraid of losing control of himself during his poison flare ups.

Mo Jiuye moved Mo Chongyuan onto the bed to lie down properly.

Many questions were running through his mind.

If Fifth Brother was still alive, why hadn't he contacted his family?

Also, why was Fifth Brother here?

Who poisoned Fifth Brother? Six years ago, the first son of the Mo family to perish was Mo Chongyuan.

At that time, Mo Jiuye was still studying under Nan Qi.

What the Mo family heard was that Mo Chongyuan had led troops to chase the enemy but unfortunately fell into the enemy's trap.

The surviving soldiers brought back his corpse that very night.

The more Mo Jiuye thought about it, the more muddled he felt. No matter how he wracked his brains, he couldn't imagine why Fifth Brother was clinging to life here after being poisoned.

It seemed like they could only get answers after Fifth Brother woke up.

He Zhiran calculated that after Mo Chuhan went back to inform Old Lady Mo and the women that Mo Chongyuan was still alive, it would take at least ten minutes for them to rush over.

Mo Chuhan had left for about five minutes now, so there were still ten minutes left. She planned to do a quick examination on Mo Chongyuan in this time.

With this thought, she pulled Mo Jiuye along to bring Mo Chongyuan into her space.

She used her instruments to check his head and heart, two important organs, at top speed.

To avoid leaving behind traces that might be discovered by the Mo family members arriving later, she brought the two of them out of her space after the checkup.

After settling Mo Chongyuan back onto the bed, Mo Jiuye finally couldn't resist asking anxiously, "Zhiran, how is Fifth Brother's condition?"

"Apart from some issues in his head, Fifth Brother's condition is fine otherwise."

Mo Jiuye was puzzled.

"What's wrong with Fifth Brother's head?"

"There's a hematoma in a small area of his head, likely caused by external factors."

Mo Jiuye probed further, "Will this hematoma cause Fifth Brother any impairment?"

He Zhiran shook her head. "Fifth Brother hasn't woken up yet so I'm not sure exactly what impairments there are. The most common possibilities could lead to temporary blindness or impacted hearing.

There could also potentially be half-body paralysis, memory loss, etc..."

Upon hearing this, Mo Jiuye immediately furrowed his brows.

"If Fifth Brother really develops those issues, can they be cured?"

"That's hard to say for sure. It depends on the specifics."

The room lapsed into a brief silence.

He Zhiran was wondering just what effects the hematoma in Mo Chongyuan's head would have.

The only thing she could rule out for now was half-body paralysis. When they had first discovered Mo Chongyuan, his entire body was in an upright standing position and the strength in both feet looked quite balanced. Thus, this possibility could be excluded.

As for anything else, they'd have to wait until Mo Chongyuan woke up to uncover the truth.

Mo Jiuye felt rather worried. Fifth Brother had a stubborn personality. When he became clear-headed and found out about his own impairments, he would surely be in immense anguish.

Just as both of them were lost in their respective thoughts, hurried footsteps and female sobbing sounds could be heard from outside. He Zhiran immediately put away the flashlight into her space ring.

Old Lady Mo's voice traveled ahead of her actual arrival.

"Chuhan, is your Fifth Brother really here?"

"Mother, Fifth Brother is here. You'll be able to see him soon."

Soon, the door was pushed open from outside. The first to rush in was Fifth Sister-In-Law.

She strode swiftly to He Zhiran, grabbing her arm in one hand.

"Ninth Sister, where is your Fifth Brother?"

Using the torchlight Mo Chuhan held, He Zhiran led Fifth Sister-In-Law to the bedside.

"Sister-In-Law, don't get agitated. Fifth Brother is currently still unconscious. Look after him here first."

At this time, where could Fifth Sister-In-Law still heed He Zhiran's reminders?

She threw herself onto Mo Chongyuan's body, wailing loudly.

"Husband, you're really still alive! That's wonderful, you're not dead... wah wah..."

Fifth Sister-In-Law shook Mo Chongyuan's body with crazed abandon, as if wanting to immediately shake him awake on the spot.

Helped in by Mo Chuhan and Mo Hanyue on either side, Old Lady Mo also arrived at Mo Chongyuan's bedside.

He Zhiran pulled Fifth Sister-In-Law back up forcibly.

"Sister-In-Law, Fifth Brother's health isn't good. Don't hurt him."

Actually, Fifth Sister-In-Law shaking Mo Chongyuan a few times didn't really do any harm. He Zhiran thought that with the high emotional state Fifth Sister-In-Law was in right now, this was probably the only way to advise her properly.

Sure enough, upon hearing that her actions could affect her husband's health, Fifth Sister-In-Law immediately stopped moving.

Reluctantly, she moved away, forcefully holding back her tears.

"Younger Sister, I beg you, you must save your Fifth Brother!"

He Zhiran knew Old Lady Mo wanted to see her son. She pulled Fifth Sister-In-Law aside to make space.

"Sister-In-Law, don't worry. I will definitely think of a way to cure Fifth Brother."

Fifth Sister-In-Law nodded vigorously. "Mm. Ninth Sister is the most capable divine doctor I've ever met. You'll surely be able to heal your Fifth Brother."

By now, Old Lady Mo had arrived at Mo Chongyuan's bedside. Using the torchlight, she carefully inspected his features.

"Chongyuan, Mother is here. Open your eyes and look at Mother..."

As she spoke, Old Lady Mo could no longer hold back her emotions and broke out into loud weeping.

Just what wrong had the Mo family committed that even when a son returned alive from death it would still be so tragic?

Mo Hanyue wept nonstop at the side as well. The sisters-in-law also felt their hearts ache upon seeing Mo Chongyuan's current beggar-like state on the bed.

Everyone stood guard over Mo Chongyuan, with no intention to leave.