Chapter 212

While the appearance of the rabbit hutch was quite plain and looked like something from this era, there was also that foreigner Backpot Hero there, so they weren't worried at all about drawing criticism.

With the cage bought, Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran busied themselves with the installation.

First they installed five small cages, able to hold twenty young rabbits.

In addition there were ten cages for the adult rabbits, with ten rabbits in each cage.

There were plenty of cages, so for now they would let the adult rabbits squeeze together temporarily to make it easier to transport tomorrow.

Once they were settled in, they could redistribute them then.

As for those pet rabbits, they were a gift He Zhiran intended to give to Mo Hanyue, so of course their cage couldn't be makeshift.

Each pair would have their own cage.

Having witnessed Rice Ball's "management capabilities" today, He Zhiran wanted to test it further to see if the little guy really had such skills.

At the moment, Rice Ball was sitting in front of the warehouse door, gnawing on a carrot.

Hearing its owner call, it reluctantly threw aside the carrot and trotted over in front of her.

First it acted cute for a bit, and once it saw its owner smile, the round little fellow then sat up straight, waiting for orders.

"Rice Ball, can you herd these rabbits into the cages?"

"Mm-hmm." After four sounds of affirmation, the little guy sprang into action.

One could see it waving its furry little arms, calling out a few times at the rabbits frolicking in the grass.

An astonishing scene occurred.

All the rabbits stopped moving. First they looked warily in the direction of the sound, then they all scrambled like bees into the cages.

While they all went into cages, they were completely disorganized and ignored He Zhiran's plans.

The rabbits paid no attention to age or size - as soon as they saw an open cage, they darted inside, completely mixed up. Even those few purebred rabbits acted the same way - the huge Angora and a group of bunnies less than a month old were packed in together, not even daring to move a muscle.

This scene thoroughly amused both Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran.

Although Rice Ball hadn't done a great job with this task, at the very least it proved that the little guy did have some skills.

By this time, Rice Ball had already proudly made its way back to He Zhiran, burying its head in her embrace while whimpering a few small bleats, as if requesting a reward.

Such an adorable little creature certainly deserved a reward.

He Zhiran looked at the bamboo grove she had planted - although it hadn't grown very tall yet, it didn't affect the size of the bamboo shoots.

She willed a great many fresh, juicy bamboo shoots to appear - so many they nearly buried Rice Ball's round body.

As one would expect, bamboo shoots were what this kind of animal loved best.

When Rice Ball saw so many fresh, delicious bamboo shoots laid out before it, it instantly forgot about its owner.

The little guy swiftly grabbed a shoot and began happily feasting away.

He Zhiran took the opportunity to use her mind to completely reorganize the rabbits' quarters.

With that task complete, she and Mo Jiuye finally went to wash up and rest in their long-absent big bed.

After being busy the entire day, the young couple truly was exhausted. Not long after lying down in each other's embrace, they fell fast asleep.

The next day, He Zhiran intentionally rose early.

She planned to use the spiny lobsters stored in her spatial dimension to make lobster porridge for her family.

Due to time constraints she didn't plan anything too elaborate - in her former world, just being able to eat a nice big bowl of porridge packed with lobster meat early in the morning would have been sheer luxury.

And the Mo family had by now grown accustomed to frugality. Making some lobster porridge, frying up a few scallion pancakes, adding a refreshing side dish, such a breakfast was both economical and satisfying.

The sisters-in-law had grown used to getting up early to prepare breakfast for the family, so they were quite surprised to find the little ninth sister beating them to it today.

The whole family gradually drifted into the kitchen to lend a hand, and before long they had this special breakfast ready.

Naturally it earned unanimous praise from the family.

After breakfast, Mo Chuhan made to accompany them to the warehouse to transport back the goods they had bought from the foreigners.

In principle, with such a large quantity of goods in the warehouse, having more people along would be a good thing.

But Mo Jiuye didn't plan on bringing his eighth brother. He Zhiran had prepared so many live rabbits yesterday - they couldn't very well keep them outdoors with no real shelter.

Without proper hutches at the ready, they would need to hastily construct a makeshift grass canopy to at least block the wind and rain. "Eighth Brother, I'll go into town with Liang Hao and the others. I'll have to trouble you today to hire some men from the village to come build a canopy in the backyard."

Mo Chuhan didn't quite follow. "Ninth Brother, why build a canopy?"

"Has Eighth Brother forgotten? We bought so many rabbits from the foreigners yesterday. Naturally we'll need a canopy built."

He was somewhat disappointed at not being able to accompany his ninth brother and sister-in-law to haul the goods back, getting a look at the local conditions in town.

Ever since he had relocated to register as a resident of Xiling Village, he still hadn't gone into town to observe the customs and practices.

Especially since he would be working as a county sheriff in a little while, not even being familiar with basic local circumstances here.

But the task his ninth brother spoke of was also important. At present not only had his fifth brother lost his memory, his health hadn't fully recovered either.

In this family currently only he and Ninth Brother were men capable of handling things, so it was reasonable enough for him to take care of these matters.

Just as Mo Chuhan was about to verbally agree, Old Lady Mo walked over.

"Jiuye, why not bring your eighth brother into town with you. It's just building a canopy, I can handle arranging that."

No one in the Mo family would deny the old lady's capabilities.

Hadn't she single-handedly supported that entire Prince's manor in the past? Arranging a simple canopy should be no trouble for her.

But she was getting on in years, and had endured such a long exile - Mo Chuhan couldn't bear to let his old mother continue laboring.

"Mother, let your son accompany you to speak with the clan elders first. Once they've made arrangements on their end, you'll just need to oversee things a bit with the daughters-in-law."

Old Lady Mo knew her caring son didn't wish to tax her unduly.

"Your mother is still quite hale and hearty, making arrangements is no strain."

With the old lady speaking thusly, Mo Chuhan and Mo Jiuye gladly accepted.

Mo Jiuye led Old Lady Mo to the backyard, choosing an appropriate location and detailing the desired size of the canopy.

He Zhiran took the chance to release Rice Ball from her spatial dimension.

She had discovered that the little fellow didn't like solitude - leaving it alone in that space put it in low spirits.

She and Mo Jiuye were going out and couldn't bring it along, so for now they could only leave it temporarily in Mo Hanyue's care.

With household matters seen to, the couple headed out with Mo Chuhan towards the mule cart bound for Yuncheng.

Liang Hao and the rest stealthily followed close on their heels by means of qinggong. Once the mule cart entered Yuncheng, Mo Chuhan immediately went about arranging to first sell off their hunting spoils.

This perfectly aligned with Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran's intentions.

They could take this chance to first go to the warehouse and release the rabbits they had prepared in advance inside.