Qin Tian fled from William II's office in embarrassment. Under the fury of William II, he didn't dare to stay at all. He didn't want to further anger William II, as that would not do him any good.

   Once William II directly removed him from the Hohenzollern family in a fit of anger, he would be really miserable. At that time, he will not be able to get along in Germany or even the whole of Europe. A person who has been expelled from the royal family will become the object of criticism wherever he goes.

   "Is it possible that I really want to go to Kiel Naval Academy for four years? In that case, wouldn't it be a waste of so much time?" After returning to his room, Qin Tian was very unwilling.

   "No, I have to think of other ways." Qin Tian said secretly. He began to use his brain to find a solution to the problem.

  The order from William II was for him to report to the Kiel Naval Academy within a week. And, without permission, you are not allowed to return to the palace. It can be seen how disappointed William II was with him.

   "If Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen can open the door for me, even if I go to Kiel Naval Academy, I will have enough time to do my things."

  Of course, Qin Tian didn't need to think about how difficult it would be to get the old-fashioned Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen to open the back door for him. The Germans have originally civilized the world with rigidity. Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen has been in the position of dean of the Kiel Naval Academy for many years and has trained a lot of talents for the German Navy. At the same time, it also won the trust of William II. It is not so difficult to make him bend the law for personal gain!

   "No matter what, you have to try it. Otherwise, you will really spend four years in jail at the Kiel Naval Academy!" Qin Tianxia made up his mind.

   "Karl, buy two train tickets to Kiel!" Qin Tian ordered.

   "Okay, Your Royal Highness." Carl von Jonneret outside the door replied. At the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

  The news that Qin Tian was reprimanded by William II and made William II furious has already been known to everyone in the palace. This also made Carl von Jonneret feel a deep crisis. He who is close to Qin Tian, ​​his fate is almost tied to Qin Tian. Once Qin Tian was disliked or even hated by King William II, he would not even think about having a good future.

   Fortunately, Qin Tian seems to have figured it out, and wants to report to the Kiel Naval Academy. This made Carl von Jonneret's heart that had been hanging around, and he was finally able to put it back in his stomach.

  The transportation in Germany is very convenient, and the railway network is very dense. Almost every German city is connected by railway. In the era when there were no planes, taking the train was undoubtedly the most convenient way to travel.

  Relying on their status and status, Qin Tian and Carl easily got two first-class train tickets to Kiel. However, even the first-class carriages are far from comparable to the trains of later generations. But considering that this was more than a hundred years ago, we can't force too much.

  Although it is only more than 300 kilometers from Potsdam to Kiel. However, at the speed of the current train. When Qin Tian and Carl got off the train at Kiel Railway Station, it was already night.

   "Find a place to rest. We will visit Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen early tomorrow morning."

  Carl nodded and didn't say much.

  The two quickly found a nice hotel. Because of the exhaustion of the journey, I ate something and went to bed.

   However, Qin Tian, ​​who was lying on the bed, couldn't fall asleep anyway. He needed to find a way to get Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen to open the back door for him. An hour later, Qin Tian finally thought of a solution. At this time, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

   Early the next morning, Qin Tian and Karl rushed to Kiel Naval Academy after having breakfast.

  Kiel was originally a small city, and almost everything here was related to the navy. There is not only the Naval Academy here, but also an important base of the German Navy. In the face of the threat of a powerful British navy, the German navy can be deployed in Kiel, which is relatively safe. Once something happens, you can go through the canal to Wilhelmshaven and enter the North Sea to fight.

  In addition, there are also Naval Shipyard and Germania Shipyard in Kiel, both of which are large shipyards capable of building battleships.

  After arriving at Keele College and showing their IDs, Qin Tian and Karl were quickly taken to the office of Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen.

   "His Royal Highness, welcome to the Kiel Naval Academy. Are you going to report officially?" Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen asked. There was no trace of a smile on that old-fashioned face. Obviously, the news of Qin Tian's refusal to study at the Naval Academy had already reached his ears.

  In the eyes of Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen, Qin Tian has become synonymous with members of the royal family who are ignorant. If it wasn't for Qin Tian's identity, he wouldn't want to waste his tongue anymore.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Dean. However, I hope that your Excellency the Dean can satisfy me with a small request." Although Qin Tian didn't know what Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen was thinking. But in general, you can guess about eight or nine.

   "A request? Your Highness, please speak." Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen frowned.

   "Your Excellency, President, I hope that during the enrollment period at the Keele Naval Academy, I will not have to participate in the daily study, but only come to take the exam at the end of the term. There is no time limit."

  After hearing Qin Tian's request, Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen's face suddenly turned dark, as if he was the bottom of the pot. As the cradle of German naval officers and generals, almost everyone who enters the Kiel Naval Academy is an elite. After everyone entered the Naval Academy, they all studied hard so that they could serve the country after graduation.

  As the royal family of the German Empire, members of the Hohenzollern family should have set an example for the people of the whole country. However, now that Qin Tian made such an unreasonable request, this naturally made Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen very angry. At the same time, the eyes looking at Qin Tian were also full of contempt. Such a guy is simply not worthy of being a member of the Kiel Naval Academy.

  Carl, who came with Qin Tian, ​​was also stunned, never expecting that Qin Tian would make such a request.

"Your Highness, you don't want to study at the Kiel Naval Academy. I am not reluctant. To be honest, it was His Majesty's request to let your Highness study. I can send a telegram to His Majesty immediately and ask him to take it back!" Lu Dewei Dean S. Birkenhagen looked indifferent.