
This was supposed to be a while ago, and the gap where the first two arcs of the story weren't available was supposed to be, like, a day. Then, for no particular reason, Amazon held my release hostage for two weeks. I'm very sorry for any trouble that caused.

But we are now free from Bezos Jail at last! Here's Volume 1 of the book edition of Nowhere Stars, edited and with pretty pictures, as well as the audiobook, narrated by the wonderful Caitlin Kelly of Kumo Desu Ga Nani Ka:


Volume 1 covers arcs 1-2 of the story.

Thank you all so much for helping me make it to a point where this is at all plausible. Our launch plans have obviously gotten a bit weird with that delay, and any reads/ratings/reviews you feel like throwing my way will help me dig my sad little tendrils into the ebook ecosystem, harvest the words there, and put them all to work extinguishing the sun. If you want the audiobook, signing up for an Audible free trial and using the credit that offers to purchase it counts as a full sale on our end!A case of content theft: this narrative is not rightfully on Amazon; if you spot it, report the violation.

Back to work now. See you all soon. ♥

Oh, there's a fancy new blurb too! Wowo!

Liadain never dreamed of being a hero.

Trapped in a failing body, she's learned to expect nothing from life except pain and disappointment. She knows better than to hope for a miracle.

When an unexpected savior offers her the power to become a Keeper, she's torn between the allure of survival and the fear that she’s just trading one pain-filled existence for another.

To Liadain’s horror, becoming a Keeper doesn’t cure her illness—it turns it into a weapon, one that will inevitably end her. Only by hunting fearsome Harbingers that feed on dreams, desires, and souls can she outpace her own deadly magic.

The Harbingers feed on pain… but her hunger may be even greater.

New cover and interior art by Bapho S!