Keith's POV:

Keith awoke to the dawn song; a beautiful cacophony of phoenix melody and robin chirp. Usually he would never be awake at this ungodsly hour, but the sixteen hours of sleep - two whole rest periods - had left him full of mana and well rested in a way his nightly magic tinkering didn't often allow.

Keith stretched and sat up. He hadn't bothered changing last night and he'd lost another button sleeping in his long work tunic. Rinrin would tsk, but honestly there was nothing else to be done.

Until the arachne awoke from their diapause torpor in late spring, everyone had to make do with normal thread.

He snapped his fingers twice and Tulith entered his rooms. She and Chikli just got married, and Keith had to remember to post an ad for a new maid in the next year or so. He didn't want baby lizardkin running around his experiments and getting hurt.

"Have Panlith whip up breakfast while I take a bath." He instructed. "And find me something to wear that doesn't show grease stains." His creations always needed an unreasonable amount of grease to move.

"Your Viciousnesss," Tulith curtsied low, "If you wish, I have hot breakfast ready for you. Would you like cinnamon glaze pancakess with honey cream while you ssoak in your bubble bath? It would save you time for tinkering."

Keith paused, "Since when does Panlith have my breakfast ready at dawn?"

"Oh no, My Lord," Tulith curtsied again, "The princesss made the pancakes. She's been in the kitchen on and off since yesterday. Only ssstopping to rest for the wee hoursss."

"What?" His mind hadn't caught up with him yet. The princess. The daughter of his enemy who came to kill him yesterday. That princess. In his kitchen.

"Yesss, Your Viciousnesss, she got up and made everyone pancakesss." The maid continued. "We've had them tested and they are not poisoned."

Not that most poisons would do anything to him. Keith prided himself on his Survival 9 Skill.

It would almost be better if she had tried to poison him, since it might level up his Skill to 10 and grant him a new Perk. Even if it was something lethal, his apothecary was full of the world's most dangerous poisons - and their antidotes.

Keith gave his approval and Tulith returned with a stunning spread, including a side of hazelberry compote and two slices of salted sizzling pork cuts. Pork was usually separated into pies, steaks or hoc, but this was delicious.

Keith waved his hand and cast three spells in quick succession.

You have attempted to use the Perk: Cantrips [Cleanse]. You have succeeded.

You have attempted to use the Perk: Cantrips [Burning Hand]. You have succeeded.

You have attempted to use the Perk: Cantrips [Gust]. You have succeeded.