Chapter 123 Relationship? Where Is the Loot? The whole thing was purely a coincidence. The four women had reached out to Sergei through a mutual friend. One party wanted to rob, and the other party wanted to earn money, so they soon reached a deal.
However, based on the looks on their faces, Luke didn’t think that either party would compromise on the money.
The four women had control of the situation for now.
They had carried out two successful robberies, and looted about eight million, but they hadn’t given anything to Sergei yet.
According to their deal, they would rob one last bank in two days.
After that, they would meet with Sergei and give him the money.
Luke chuckled. Things were getting interesting!
Using the phone, he recorded a video of the two parties conversing, and after they left, he returned home in high spirits.
It was close to one in the morning, and the subway had stopped running. Luke could only ride all the way back home.
However, Luke felt that he was still much luckier than Bell. At the very least, he still had a bike.
New York at midnight was a super hotbed of crime.
On his one-hour trip, Luke knocked out seven gangsters who intended to rob him, and three scoundrels who attempted sexual harrassment and even rape.
By the time he reached his apartment, he had earned 120 experience and credit points, which could almost be called bountiful.
He stopped briefly in front of the garage and took a sniff, only to realize that Bell’s car wasn’t inside.
Luke shook his head. Had Bell really lost her precious cab because of that disastrous young man?
However, there was nothing he could do. The modified cab must’ve been worth dozens of grand.
Bell could afford it because she had done most of the modifications herself. She would probably go crazy after losing the car.
He could only ask her tomorrow if there was any way he could help.
The next morning, Luke was woken up by Elsa’s knocking.
Elsa squeezed into his room before he was dressed. “How did things go yesterday? Did you find anything?”
Speechless, Luke pretended to shiver under his quilt. “Can we talk after you let me put on some clothes?”
Elsa could only go out and close the door. “Be quick about it. Do you think anyone wants to see you naked?”
Ten minutes later, Luke opened the door again and let Elsa in.
Luke showed Elsa the video he took yesterday, and Elsa’s eyes glowed. “You’re incredible. It’ll be a lot easier now that we have this.”
Elsa immediately made a call, and Luke could just barely hear her as she spoke in a very low voice.
She was speaking to Dustin. After a long conversation, she finally hung up. “Now, we’ll wait while the boss talks to NYPD.”
Luke asked in a low voice, “What do you think will happen?”
Elsa grinned and patted his shoulder. “We’re trying to make a deal with NYPD where we’ll get Sergei and NYPD will get the four women. After all, Sergei matters little to them, but the four robbers have slapped their faces twice and looted eight million. The banks must be angry.”
Luke thought for a moment and realized that it made sense.
Bank robbers in New York, the finance capital, were certainly much worse than a murderer who had killed a minor celebrity in Los Angeles.
The minor celebrity would only stir up some gossip among the common folk, but the capitalists behind the banks could come down hard on NYPD’s head.
Luke and Elsa got up and left the room after their discussion.
Jessi, Bell’s boyfriend, caught them coming out. He looked at them in surprise. “Are you... together now?”
Both Elsa and Luke were lost for words.
Jessi, however, wasn’t in a good mood today. He said in frustration, “Something’s wrong with Bell. She doesn’t like me anymore. She’s out in her car every day, and I had a big fight with her last night. Is she not coming back?”.
Luke recalled the harbinger of bad luck, and couldn’t have sympathized with Bell more. Not only had she lost her precious car, even her sweet boyfriend was less sweet now.
Thinking that, Luke said, “Jessi, it’s probably because Bell’s been unlucky lately. It’s not what you think.”
Jessi was dazed. “Huh? Why haven’t I heard anything about that?”
Luke chuckled. “It’s best that you don’t know. The God of Misfortune definitely has an eye on Bell right now. During this time, she needs your trust and support, not your suspicion.”
Jessi asked, “Really? Was I really mistaken?”
Luke nodded. “Yes. She lost her car yesterday in an accident. So, she and her car didn’t leave you – her car left her.”
Jessi immediately got it.
Considering how much Bell cared for the car, this loss would definitely be a major blow.
And yet he was still making a fuss; it was no surprise that they had such a huge fight last night.
Finally understanding the situation, Jessi called Bell.
Luke and Elsa looked at each other and went to work.
Elsa took a bus since waiting for a cab would take longer.
Luke, however, rode his bike to work, and he arrived ten minutes earlier than Elsa.
As soon as she sat down at their temporary desk, Elsa became lost in thought.
She was already contemplating how to capture Sergei if they managed to strike a deal with NYPD.
The day was peaceful and quiet.
Luke left the police department on his bike before noon.
Elsa didn’t stop him, and merely told him to keep his phone on hand.
Luke had just brought her a big surprise. She certainly wasn’t going to stop him working on his own now. Chances were that he would return with even better news today.
Wandering the city, Luke tracked down the four women’s real hideout.
They were hiding in another warehouse in Queens; old warehouses like these were the best cover for people like them.
Looking at the Audi A8 which had been partly dismantled and the four women who were busy, Luke secretly chuckled.
He saw a garbage truck, and immediately understood the situation.
He had been wondering how the women had switched out the boxes of money they had grabbed ever since he saw the lingerie.
Seeing the garbage truck now, the answer was obvious.
Back in Shackelford, it had taken the shooters from the Carlos family several trips on a garbage truck to enter town, before they hid in a place on the edge of town. In the end, they had launched their revenge attack on Luke and Selina with the garbage truck.
Garbage trucks had a fixed schedule, were big enough, and wouldn’t draw any suspicion.
There was no telling how the women had found the driver of the garbage truck, but the driver had to be the one moving the loot with the garbage truck after each robbery.