The morning dawned fresh and clear, with only a few high, insubstantial wisps of clouds left to the north to indicate where the storm had scoured the earth. The energy over the camps was tense and expectant, and to Skadi’s relief, Kvedulf wasted no time in beginning the proceedings.

As their jarl conferred with the other three men, Skadi caught up her friends on the events of the night; they had seen a mist swirl about her, and when it had cleared, she’d been gone.

Famished, Skadi devoured her third bowl of porridge and honey as she relayed the events of the night between mouthfuls, and they’d barely had time to question her when a deep, melancholy note sounded from a great horn.

It was the signal that the All-Thing was beginning.

The four jarls sat on chairs placed before the burial mound, and before them sat their contingents, nine men and women from each settlement, with the most important at the fore, back to the least. The rest of each band watched from further behind, gathered into a large standing crowd

Skadi had been invited by her uncle to join Kráka’s contingent; she had donned her golden arm rings, and sat cross-legged beside Nokkvi and Auðun near the front of their group.

It took some time for everybody to settle down; boisterous laughter and mutters filled the air with equal measure, warriors and elders lowering themselves till all were in place, until at long last Kvedulf stood and raised his hands.

“Welcome, people of the Draugr Coast. Let me begin by giving thanks to my fellow jarls. My summons was urgent, and they did not fail to come. It is no easy matter to interrupt one’s rhythms at such short notice and sail with dragon ships to the Giant’s Repose, and I give them all honor and gratitude for coming.”

Skadi studied Baugr. The large jarl was shifting about in his seat uneasily.

“Now that we are here, I shall put the matter before you in simple terms and make my request known. None of us chose to live on the Draugr Coast so as to be bored to tears by flowery speeches. I’ll leave that to Harald Drápastúfr and his hangers-on.”

The assembly rippled with laughter.

Kvedulf grinned. “You all know me. I am a hard man, yes, but I respect the old ways. I claim the Victory Giver as my personal patron, and wield Dawn Reaver in battle, a great blade with a storied past that I rescued from a Skaberi barrow, and for whom I killed the barrow king who claimed it. We have warred in the past, some of us, just as we have celebrated and raided together. Yet there is one who does not respect the old ways, even as he claims to embody them. One who has declared war on Kráka since I will not bend the knee to his authority. Jarl Afastr.”

Skadi took in the reactions. Nobody was surprised by this revelation, but it was clear they weren’t comfortable having his name said out loud like this either.

“At the beginning of this summer, Afastr and I were on the brink of battle. He resented my growing power. That is fine; we jarls nip at each other’s heels when needed, for none of us wishes a king to arise from our ranks.”

Rumbled agreement.

“But he approached me shortly after my niece’s arrival in Kráka, and offered peace if he could claim her as his wife. I agreed. Which daughter or niece has not acted as a peace weaver between jarls?”

Again there were nods and murmurs.

“But I did not understand what manner of shieldmaiden had arrived at my hall. Perhaps you have already heard the tales of Skadi Giantslayer, as she has come to be known. How she killed a frost giant in the shattered remains of my hall. How she climbed to the peaks with me and was instrumental in the slaying of Queen Grýla and her many guards. Or how she then traveled to Djúprvik on foot to dispose of the wretched fordæða that had warped that great settlement, and in doing so assisted our new friend Jarl Snorri in rising to set Djúprvik back on an honorable course.”

Hundreds of warriors turned to examine her then; Skadi stared straight ahead and refused to meet any eyes.

“This all happened quickly. My niece’s wyrd was not content to grow slowly like most of us, but rushed forth like winter melt, cascading and rushing over the rocks in its headlong flight. When Skadi approached me and demanded I release her from her marriage vows, and I found that I could not deny her. She had become a völva, wielded the ancient halfspear Thyrnir, and earned the universal admiration and love of my hird. By what right could I sell off such a shieldmaiden as she?”

Again there were murmurs of approval and interest. Skadi felt her cheeks flame.

“Afastr came to collect her as we had agreed, and when he learned that she was to no longer be his bride, he entered a thunderous wrath. He nearly violated his privilege as a guest in my hall, and swore to return and take her by force, even if he had to burn all of Kráka to the ground.”

A sober, shocked silence followed as Kvedulf looked about the gathered warriors.

“Now, I’ve lost my head over a pretty piece of tail in my time, but even to me that seemed a trifle excessive.”

The tension broke as men laughed and shook their heads.

Kvedulf’s smile hardened. “A day later, however, warriors from Afastr’s hird surprised Skadi and sought to kidnap her. They hustled her into the woods and tried to take her to their waiting ship. But do you think Skadi went willingly?”

The men of Kráka shouted their approval of her, and quite a few warriors from the other hirds did as well.

“No, she did not. She fought her way free and returned to Kráka. And now Afastr has no ploys left to try but to come at us with his dragon ships. Well, my friends, I will not let my niece be taken by force. We may live on the Draugr Coast, but we are still Northmen, honorable and bold, not amoral bandits. If he wants Skadi, he will have to fight for her, but it is my hope that we shall not fight him alone.”

Kvedulf turned to the three other jarls.

“Thus I ask each of you to aid me in this coming battle. If you do so, you shall earn Kráka’s undying respect and admiration. That, and Kráka disavows any of the spoils that come from this battle. Whatever we capture or loot shall be divided amongst you three, in accordance with the amount of aid you each lend. I daresay Afastr has accumulated much wealth over his long, unnatural years. His legendary treasure would be all yours.”

The men sat up, and even Einarr and Snorri exchanged startled glances. This was new.

“So, I put it to the All-Thing. I ask that you vote in favor of joining this war effort, and help me show Afastr that we will not be cowed by his thuggery, and that our daughters and nieces cannot, and never shall be extorted from their homes by threat of violence.”

The clamor of approval was loud.

Jarl Einarr rose to this towering height even as Kvedulf sat.

“I speak for Hake. It is no secret that we are good friends of Kráka. My daughter, Sif, is fostered in Kvedulf’s hall. The thought of a brute demanding I hand her over someday as one might demand gold from a lesser gall infuriates me. My good friend Tryggr Ramundrson agrees: Kráka shall have Hake’s dragon ships in this battle.”

The men of Kráka and Hake both roared their approval as Tryggr raised his fist into the air, and Skadi’s breath caught with a surfeit of emotion.

Snorri rose to his feet. He squared his shoulders, took a deep breath, and then locked eyes with her. “Skadi’s service to Djúprvik shall never be forgotten. For too long we labored under that witch’s oppression. Now we are free to be our true selves once more. The men of Djúprvik will gladly fight for her freedom.”

Again the roars went up, and now all eyes turned to Baugr, who squirmed in his seat, cast his eyes once toward the cliffs that looked out over their boats, then smiled in a pained manner.

“I honor my old friend, Kvedulf.” Baugr stood. He wore his expensive red cloak over his yellow tunic which bulged around his waist. He wore more gold than even Kvedulf. His cheeks and nose were rosy, his beard glossy and neatly braided, his bald pate crinkled as if he thought hard with his whole head, and not just his brow.

“It is good to be here with you all once more. Too many years have passed since an All-Thing, though, this being the Draugr Coast, perhaps that’s nothing to be surprised over.” He beamed at the silent crowd. “Now, as an All-Thing, it is fitting that all be heard. While Kvedulf gave a stirring speech, I find that a key voice is missing from these proceedings. That of Jarl Afastr himself.”

The groups broke up into loud conversations and exclamations. Baugr frowned and opened and closed his mouth several times before raising his hands. “Obviously, I know—I know! That his actions and words have been provocative, but he is not here to defend himself! We have only one side of this account, and while I don’t doubt Jarl Kvedulf’s honesty, that is not how these trials work. We always hear from both sides, and with Afastr missing, this proceeding cannot continue!”

More shouts broke out, with many men rising to their feet, those in Havaklif’s contingent shouting at the other three.

Kvedulf rose to his feet, and the anger subsided. “Alas, Afastr was not invited to this All-Thing, as he is too busy preparing to destroy Kráka. So your argument, friend Baugr, is at once considered but beside the point.”

Baugr’s smile became pained once more. “Not so! If we can exercise patience, I am confident that the accused party will appear and offer a defense.”

“But how can he?” asked Kvedulf with dangerous gentleness. “He doesn’t know about this gathering. Does he?”

It was now, Skadi realized, that Afastr was meant to march into view over the cliffs, when Baugr would have turned victoriously to welcome him to the All-Thing.

But no monstrous jarl appeared.

“I sent word, of course,” replied Baugr crossly. “This is a sham of a convention if we do not hear both sides.”

Shouting and insults broke out afresh, with even more men rising to their feet. Skrǫggr, Kvedulf’s old friend and Baugr’s godi, rose and sought to call out to his jarl. The atmosphere was curdling and turning dangerous, and Skadi rose as well, her hand on Thyrnir’s haft, though she was still without most of her threads.

“You invited Afastr?” Somehow Kvedulf’s words carried, and the mob grew silent.

“Of course I did!” Baugr was practically huffing. “For reasons already stated, and because—I say, and because I don’t want to plunge the Draugr Coast into warfare if it can be avoided! Why not try and find a peaceful resolution—”

“Afastr stood in my hall and promised he would stop at nothing to capture Skadi,” growled Kvedulf. “Swore to my face that he would drench my docks in blood and reduce my home to ashes. What by Nidhogg’s blindly questing prick are you talking about?”

“I will not marshal my dragon ships to go to war on your word alone!” shouted Baugr, his face turning crimson. “There must be a chance for both sides to speak! Or next time it might be you, Kvedulf, that finds himself facing the wrath of the Draugr Coast without warning, and then how would you feel about this precedent?”

“If I swore to burn down Havaklif and steal your son, I think I’d be wise enough to see that attack coming,” growled Kvedulf.

More shouting broke out, and the men were pushing at each other, threatening to break out of their groups and begin a general melee. Ørrakollr, the massively muscled old warrior, broke up a brawl before it could get really going between men of Havaklif and Hake.

“Let me address the All-Thing!” Skadi called out, and the power in her cry silenced those closest, who turned to stare, and then spread out from around her like ripples from a stone hurled into a pond. She pushed past Nokkvi to walk by Marbjörn and move into the open before the jarls. “As the woman in question, as a völva recognized by the gods, as Jarl Kvedulf’s niece and a member of his delegation, I request the right to address the gathering.”

Kvedulf inclined his head. “Of course, Niece.”

Baugr muttered to himself and sat down.

Skadi waited till everyone was seated. The urge to speak and speak quickly was strong, but she held her tongue till the silence ached, and only then did she address the hundreds of warriors.

“I am Skadi Styrbjörnsdóttir, known as the Giant-Slayer. I refuse Afastr’s request to marry, and honor my uncle for respecting that choice. We do not have time to debate this matter, as Jarl Afastr will not give us the luxury. Last night’s storm has ensured he will not attend the All-Thing in time to speak, and when he realizes this he will turn his mind to war. If he came forth with his six dragon ships he will be ready to attack Kráka on the voyage home. Which means we must sail forth today to do battle and protect that settlement. With all respect, Jarl Baugr, we must reach a decision now. Too much is at stake to wager Afastr will stay his hand from the very vengeance he has sworn.”

Baugr stroked his beard and then stood abruptly. “I have spoken my mind. I will not stand against Afastr till he has had a chance to defend himself. I do not believe he will attack Kráka without first addressing the All-Thing.”

Skadi grimaced but forced down her anger. “You are of course right to vote as you deem fit, honored jarl. But what I hear is a man motivated by cowardice, not caution.”

The men of Havaklif began to shout and Baugr went to respond but Skadi cried out over them all. “If you are wrong, then Kráka will burn, and you can ally yourself with Kaldrborg! In fact, I say that is what you are counting on! To swallow your honor and stand aside so that you may profit! In the sight of the gods, I accuse you of cowardice and fear, fear of Afastr!”

It took ten minutes to restore order. Nobody was seriously hurt, but the shoving and punching engulfed the assembly till at last the jarls in unison were able to instill order.

Skadi remained standing even when the others finally sat, and her glittering gaze never left Baugr’s face.

“This girl reveals her callow manners and youth through these insults,” hissed the plump jarl. “She is not fit to address this assembly.”

“I say she is, and that she speaks for me,” said Kvedulf loudly. “I, too, accuse Havaklif of fear and being intimidated by Kaldrborg. I say that you dishonor your noble warriors, and spread your shame upon them all.”

“As do I,” said Jarl Snorri, rising to his feet.

“And I,” agreed Einarr, doing the same.

Baugr glanced rapidly from one to the other. “Your opinions are worthless. If I am the only jarl here who respects tradition—”

Skadi cut in, her voice chilling and clear. “If you respect tradition, then you know you cannot swallow these accusations and simply run. Fleeing this All-Thing without addressing them means you know them to be true.”

Baugr’s face went pale then flushed again.

“She’s got you there,” smiled Kvedulf. “What’s it to be, Baugr, old friend? Will you accept before your men that you are a weak-livered coward who like a broken hound lives for his master’s whistle, or will you prove us wrong before the gods?”

“My lord.” The Stórhǫggvi rose to his feet from the Havaklif contingent, broad and strong, bare-chested and scarred, his beard freshly greased, his smile that of a hungry wolf. “Allow me to defend your honor. They can pick any man here and I’ll split his head down to his crotch. That’s the language the gods understand.”

Marbjörn rose to his feet. “And if my lord allows it, I’ll champion Kráka.”

Skadi bit her lower lip. Marbjörn’s twenty threads were far too few for The Stórhǫggvi’s thirty plus.

“No,” said Baugr, and his smile was suddenly intensely smug. “We have heard at length how wondrous and skilled and talented Skadi Styrbjörnsdóttir is. Let us resolve this issue completely here and now. If the Stórhǫggvi defeats her, we all agree to hand what remains of her to Afastr. If he loses, why, then Havaklif will fight alongside you all, for surely such a thing can only happen at the gods’ desire.”

Marbjörn looked to Skadi and then Kvedulf in alarm.

Who was sucking his teeth, eyes narrowed.

“Come on then,” drawled the Stórhǫggvi. “You say the gods are watching? That she’s special? Then let this decide her fate.” He leered across the crowd at her. “Unless she’s suddenly having second thoughts, and wants to hide behind her uncle’s leg?”

The Havaklif men laughed raucously.

“This is not right,” said Ørrakollr, rising beside the Stórhǫggvi. “Skadi is not a proven warrior, the gods would not countenance her fighting a veteran like yourself.”

Skadi’s heart was pounding. She’d only recovered three of her threads, and those no doubt due to Natthrafn.

She had no chance against the beast that was the Stórhǫggvi.

But everyone was watching her, and she could sense the delicate balance at play. If she demurred, she’d lose the All-Thing’s respect.

That and there wasn’t anyone else here outside of Kvedulf himself who could slay the Stórhǫggvi.

“Very well,” she said boldly. “I accept.”