Chapter 1255 Primeval Connection  

'This human…'

Aquarius could not help but focus on Ciara as she had these thoughts.

She recollected what happened prior to this sudden encounter, and it only made the situation even more bizarre.

Even though she was trapped, just like the other Constellations, Aquarius was different from them in one aspect.

Her Representation of Freedom that allowed her to traverse beyond the bounds of anything and everything that existed.

As such, even though her body and most of her power was trapped within the barrier that Legris had surrounded them with, her mind was still able to encompass the entire Constellation Realm.

Everything was a part of her, like a boundless body of water that rushed into rivers, lakes, and streams.

As such, Aquarius found herself seeking out any alternative—any in the slightest—to help the little ones that suffered under Legris.

'I… I made a promise to Jared!' Her thoughts echoed as she clenched her liquid fist.

'I have to protect his friends!'

A promise made by Constellations was one not taken lightly. All of her siblings were also panicking because of this very reason, but she was worse.

She was desperate.

Even though it was illogical to expect any form of intervention or intrusion from an external source, Aquarius kept expanding her mind and observing the battles that occurred, trying to reach at least one person.

Unfortunately, no one could tap into her frequency.


'We both share the same wavelength? How is that possible?' Aquarius' thoughts were in a bit of a bind, but she knew it was the truth.

~How would I know?~

She truly despised Ciara's lax response to her. It lacked any form of reverence or urgency.

It annoyed her to no end.

'But… now is not the time to be caught up with sentiment.'

At this moment, Jared's allies needed assistance, and she had to help. Even if that meant swallowing her pride for the impudent human before her… Aquarius knew it was inevitable.

'It seems you are yet to know, but it seems your Original Magic is using [Connection] to function.' Aquarius finally revealed.

~[Connection]? What's that?~

'An ability that allows anyone to connect with the other without respect for boundaries. It has less to do with the mind and more with the Soul, but… it reaches the same result.' ~Ahh… that was what I desired for Jerry and I. To be connected without any barrier between us. I guess I sort of made that happen with my Original Magic.~

Upon hearing Ciara's words, Aquarius was further intrigued by the girl's power.

Of course, she still heavily despised Ciara.

'Do not treat your power with levity. [Connection] borders on the very essence of energy, and its bond is not to be underestimated.'

~Haaa… I see.~

Aquarius didn't want to tell Ciara this, but her so-called Original Magic was already bordering into the Primeval territory.

'And, strangely enough, it strongly resonates with my Representation.'

The absurdity of it made Aquarius pause in awe, and a proper explanation for something as grand as this eluded her.

'How did she nurture it to this extent…?' She found her thoughts trailing.

Rather unfortunately, her thoughts would only leak out to Ciara since they shared the same wavelength.

~I decided to apply the same level of my Original Magic to Legris in order to stop him. It became a [True Link], and it caused me to expand my mind to a point where we were eventually able to communicate.~

For the first time, Aquarius felt like she got a proper answer from Ciara.

Her tone also seemed less flippant compared to before.

It pleased her.

'In any case, the fact that we can communicate like this means hope is not lost yet. We can save everyone!'

~Eh? What do you mean?~

Aquarius cringed a little with the response she received, but she quickly acclimated to it.

'I need… Haa… I require your assistance since I am currently trapped here with the rest of the Constellations. By enlisting your ability, it is possible to save you and the rest of your friends.'

~For real?!~

'Yes. My Representation allows me to be connected to everyone and everything. Unfortunately, I am currently restricted, and you're the only one I can form a two-way connection with.'

It sounded simplistic, but Aquarius had to break it down so that the human girl would understand.

'As such, I propose a temporary alliance between the two of us.'

~What kind of Alliance will that be?~

If Aquarius had teeth, she would have gritted them with the way Ciara constantly annoyed her.

There was a reason she had been skirting around the issue and not directly saying it as it was.

It could have been because of her pride, but also the hesitation that came with her inexperience in doing it before. 'A… Bond. The one that exists between Familiar and Host.'

~Ahh… that.~

Aquarius thought Ciara's tone felt a bit underwhelming, and that bugged her.

Was she disappointed? Was she expecting something else? These thoughts nearly drove Aquarius mad.

'It's only going to be a temporary one! I'm not doing this because I want to or anything, but it's the only way! I hope you understand!'

~Oh, yeah. Yeah… I totally get it!~

Aquarius could still feel some hesitation on Ciara's end, and it hurt her pride a lot.

She was the most revered and powerful Constellation ever. Plus, this was her first time.

She had expected it to be a lot more special than this, yet… yet… Aquarius was throwing all of it away to save some humans.

'This is all because of you, Jared!' She cursed under her breath.

~What does Jared have to do with this?~

'Arghhh! That isn't relevant! Just forget I said anything about him! Like… anything at all!'

~Okay then…~

The way Ciara's thoughts trailed made Aquarius very doubtful that the girl was trustworthy, but this wasn't the time and place for such.

'Alright! We will form a Bond, and I will be your temporary Familiar. Just listen to my instructions and do what I tell you.'

Aquarius expected some form of resistance from Ciara, but much to her surprise, she was docile.

~Fine! I'll do anything to save my friends! Let's do this!~

While this was admirable, Aquarius did not like the way it sounded.

It was almost like this was just a chore for Ciara, and that she had no choice but to do this with Aquarius, to begin with.

'Whatever! I don't even care anymore!'

Aquarius let go of her ego and pride, and finally settled upon her pact with Ciara.

Right now, the most important thing was the salvation of the inevitably doomed mortals.

And so, the energies of the two began to collide and connect.

Constellation Energy began to seep into Ciara, crystallizing within her as her Core expanded beyond anything she had ever experienced.

As power flowed deep within her, Aquarius' voice echoed deep in her thoughts.

… Almost as if they had become one.

'Let us begin.'


