Chapter 1272 Constellation Regalia  


The world responded to Ana and Maria's call with a deafening roar of erupting energy.

Aether gathered around the two women respectively, transforming their bodies into something else.

… Something more.

Maria's body was now covered in clear white armor, glistening like a gem polished to the limits of purity.

Fine linen-like fabrics—almost transparent, also covered her body, like the robe of an empress. They seemed so soft, yet the Aether they emitted was phenomenal.

Her helmet-crown changed its shape, now having a more slender build, and her Halo glowed ever so brighter as it floated above her head.

The wings behind her now seemed to be of pure energy, radiating the same pure white that her armor was made of.

As her long hair danced behind her, the accessories on and above it gleaned with grand magnitude.

Nine Gems decorated the crown she wore, and her eyes shone with multicolored light.

"[True Light]."

The nine varying swords of different colors manifested around her, all of them creating an ethereal light that she bathed in.

Utilizing both her Original Magic and Fusion State, Maria stood majestically before Ciel.

As for Ana, she wasn't too far off either.

Her entire body was covered in what could only be described as a tech-suit.

From top to bottom, Ana donned a hard exoskeleton that had an obsidian black and glowing yellow Aesthetic.

Star-like formations and patterns decorated the armor, and every single aspect of the hardened plates was honed to perfection.

Perhaps the most important thing to note was Ana's new size thanks to the aid of the armor.

Thanks to its several layers of both defensive and offensive capabilities, and the overall state of the armor, it made her appear almost twice her size.

Her new height, and overall size, made her even taller than Maria by a small margin.

Her helmet had glowing eyes, and everything seemed to be perfectly shut in—the perfect armor anyone could possess.

"It's still a shame that I don't have an Original Magic, but I guess I'll compensate with this…" Ana smiled as she spoke to herself.

Whatever she was compensating herself with—whether it was the overwhelming power of a Constellation, or something else—remained a mystery.

In conclusion, both women were done with their transformation, all within the fraction of a moment, and they were more than ready to face their adversary. "It's still surprising that little ones like you could gain the favor of Constellations. Even though their powers will be limited through your usage, they still possess an immense threat to someone like me."

When facing the overwhelming might of a Constellation's Representation, not even the seemingly all-powerful Arcanas at her disposal was going to do her any good.

Her [Eye Of The Wise] was already pretty occupied with observing the outcome of all the fights, and so it would be tasking to utilize it to its full potential when fighting the two ladies.

Even at its full potential, it was still only non-combative Magic—nowhere near enough to give her an edge here.

The most she could do was flee, and even then it wasn't assured that she would be able to escape two Constellation Hosts.

But that wasn't enough for Ciel.

Her goal was already established—the elimination of her enemies by all means necessary.

That left her with only one option.


Her Trump Card.

"[Original Magic: Forge Of Creation]."

The moment she said that, reality around everyone and everything seemed to warp—almost as if the world had turned to glass.

Light rose from Ciel, to the point where it could be mistaken for a star, and golden-white radiation drowned the surroundings.

"Begone." Maria muttered, completely unbothered by the explosion of illumination.

The instant she said so, the lights vanished.

Her Constellation's Authority, [Wish], allowed such a thing to be possible with mere utterance.

"Did the radiation affect you in any way?" She turned to ask the armored Ana, who was still after the entire blast.

"No. This armor is pretty much impervious to anything—it didn't affect me in the slightest."

"Of course, it didn't!" Ciel's voice interrupted the two of them, her eyes nearly bloodshot as a result of how excited she was looking.

"That was only the preparation phase… and now it's complete!"

Something about Ciel's tone seemed ominous—and so was the energy that was clustering in front of her.

Right beside each other, two separate formations of energy rapidly gathered at an astronomical rate.

They assembled so quickly that it felt too dangerous to let them continue.

"Dissipate." Maria spoke the instant she noticed the formation was nearing completion.



… It didn't work! "W-what?! How is that possible?!" Maria's eyes widened in shock.

Her usually emotionless expression broke down for the first time since her transformation.

"Perhaps you didn't use enough Aether?" Ana asked.

"No. It's not that…"

Maria was certain she had utilized enough Aether. Besides, her [Wish] automatically allocated the right amount of energy to consume when she dealt with a phenomenon.

However, this was different.

It felt like her [Wish] could not apply to the two clusters of energy that were forming.

But… that was impossible!

"Let's do it the old fashioned way, then!" Ana yelled, instantly creating a blade from seemingly nowhere.

Her sword was obsidian black, and it radiated with phenomenal energy that felt overpowered.

Maria nodded and swiftly grabbed her 'Black' blade.

The blade that only had one purpose.

Reducing all it touched into dust—the power of sheer disintegration!


Both women charged at Ciel's energy clusters, their speed impossible to keep up with as they brandished their blade and lunged it at their target.

Ana took the one closest to her, while Maria took the other one.


The blades descended.



They were both stopped—one parried, while the other was blocked against.

This was yet another impossible occurrence.

At this point, both Maria and Ana had nearly bloodshot eyes as they stared at the entities that had now emerged from the clusters of energy.

They were none other than themselves!





Thanks for reading, everyone!

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