[Moments Earlier]


With a heavy sigh, Jerry made sure to carefully analyze his target.

The man before him had ashen white hair, with dull-colored skin, and darkness occupying the whites of his eyes.

His eyes glowed yellow, however, with sparks of blue and yellow buzzing around him.

He had an armor on, and dense energy seemed to wrap itself around his body as he kept his gaze glued on Jerry.

~His name was Zephyr. He was a Hero of his world, right before Legris eliminated him.~

Hearing Sagittarius take his time to explain the identity of this target, and hearing the name, already made Jerry recognize him.

"He was a Host of yours, wasn't he?" Jerry asked, almost solemnly.


lightsΝοvel.cοm "Haaa…" Jerry heaved yet another sigh as he focused his gaze on the adversary.

"A Hero, huh? He must be really strong, then. Do you think I can win?"

A moment of silence followed Jerry's question. It almost felt like Sagittarius was contemplating on how to answer it.

~Does that matter to you?~

Once he heard this question, Jerry leaked out a smile.


Whether or not his adversary was stronger, he wasn't going to give up.

He wasn't going to lose—never again.

~You just received my power, so you haven't fully acclimated to it. Still, I'd like to see what you do with it.~

His opponent was a far more experienced user of Sagittarius' Representation. Plus, he now had Legris' inverse energy around him.

It was a risky battle.

'But so what?!'

He had already come this far with everyone, and he was now entrusted with a duty that only he could perform at this point in time

"I will win! Watch me, Sagittarius, and grant me your strength!"

~Umu! Show me your dedication!~

Jerry's heart was instantly set ablaze upon hearing that.

At that point, he activated his first move.

"[Constellation Chamber: Prometheus]."

His body instantly burst into flames—this time burning fervently and fiercely golden.

Jerry felt his body covered in armor, plate after plate decorating his body in their powerful defenses.

His body had become the very personification of gold fire, with his armor glowing blue. His arm bracelets, necklace, breastplate, boots, and armor on several other parts of his body only served to increase the intense pressure around him.

His eyes glowed both blue and golden yellow, and heavy mist proceeded from his burning lips.

Still, he wasn't done.

A flaming sword appeared in his grasp, and two orbs stood beside him—like stars that guided his path.

All of them were consumed by the same flames that shrouded him.

That wasn't all.

A crown of glory sat heavily on his head, and it was lit ablaze the moment it did so.

With Jerry being the very personification of flames, he stood in the presence of his opponent—who had also transformed into a full-armored form.

Zephyr's darkness now shrouded his body like dark flames, and his corrupted armor eerily rang of danger.

However, Jerry did not let that deter him.

"Let's see who wins—me or you!"

Yelling in declaration, he rushed to Zephyr as Zephyr rushed to him as well.


As one would expect, their clash caused everything around them to tremble.

The very space bended and shivered in response to the conflict, with shockwaves reaching far recesses of the world they occupied.




As the two exchanged blows, the blades made from their projection came to life and also began to attack on another.

Jerry summoned blades from his imagination—the ability granted to him by Sagittarius—but his opponent did the same.

As such, even as they both engaged in melee combat, their long-range projectiles canceled one another out.

'He has a limited amount of Sagittarius' Representation present within him. By default, my projections should be stronger. But…'

Jerry narrowed his gaze and instantly noticed the challenge.

'The inverse energy he has buffs every attack he makes, dulling out my blades so that his projections can clash with mine on equal footing.'I think you should take a look at lightsnovel.cοm

And then there was the issue of combat.

'He's strong!'

Zephyr was very proficient in using the bare especially, almost to the point where Jerry felt he could barely keep up.

'In terms of raw skill and swordsmanship, he's superior!'

The only reason Jerry was holding on was, much to his surprise, because he was faster and also stronger.

'A Hero who won the war against Demons almost single-handedly… what did I expect?'

However, Jerry realized that the more he was in awe of Zephyr, the more he was being pushed back.

Not just him, but his projectile suffered as well.

'No. I can't let myself be caught up in that. I can't be distracted!'

At this point, rather than admiring Zephyr for his intense abilities, Jerry realized he had to search deep and improve.

'Right here… right now… I'll surpass my limits!'

With that single thought echoing in his mind, he roared in sheer determination.


The power coursing through his body felt unreal. Right now, it felt like his mind was expanded and he could see the world in a far different light.

~Remember, Jerry. My Representation is [Imagination]. You only need to reach deep within yourself and access the recesses of your boundless mind...~

Hearing those words from Sagittarius, Jerry felt his heart slowly begin to race.

~Show them what you can do… what you can conceive!~

Jerry smiled, his brimming irises burning brighter than ever.

It was at this point that he attained the enlightenment he had sought all his life.

The world… everything within it… everything beyond it… there was no limit.

All he had to do was imagine.

"[Primeval Magic: Purgatory Paradise]"


In an instant, both Jerry and his target were transported to another world—one made by the boy's own mind.

The Lake of Fire.

It was a hellish landscape that seemingly never ended, fueled with fire and brimstone and burning with sulfur.

A place for horrors and gnashing of teeth.

The flames that emerged from the seemingly uncountable volcanos, the molten magma that served as an endless sea of land, the darkened sky that rained nothing but burning acid… this endless nightmarish realm that never seemed to stop.

This was paradise.

"Your inverse energy will resist, and you'll try to nullify the effect of this power." Jerry smiled as he watched Zephyr struggle in his world.

Several skeletal hands tightly held the fallen Hero from

All parts of his body, dragging him into the bubbling pot of crimson despair.

From the air being inhaled, to what occupied every sense, it led to the same result.

Torture and death.

"But with my imagination, it doesn't matter how many times you resist and nullify. It'll keep coming. Overflowing…" Jerry's gaze remained unchanged.

"Which one do you think will give out first? Your inferior power… or my imagination?"

In Jerry's mind, it was already settled.

He was going to win.

As a result, despite how long and how badly Zephyr mindlessly resisted the power that overwhelmed him, even trying to create constructs that were instantly burned away the moment they were made, Jerry was ultimately going to serve as the victor.

The heaps of undead hands dragged Zephyr down, sinking him into the sea of horrors.

"In the end… no one can defeat me here."

That was Jerry's answer.





Thanks for reading, everyone!

Well… that was one HELL of a ride.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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