When the weekend went past without any problems and everything was going along smoothly, Lena started to wonder if maybe her bad feeling was nothing. She still suspected that there was something going with Samuel but didn't pressure him about it since they were both at the estate the entire.

If he had reasons to leave the estate such as school or work, she would be more adamant about getting him to tell her what was going on in the event that it was something serious. She also didn't have the bandwidth to deal with too much stubbornness with everything else that was going on.

She did make a mental note to herself however that if he did start college and she didn't go with him or their schedules didn't match up in the future and they were out at different times that she would assign him a guard or rather a right-hand man for protection.

For her father that person had been Clive. He was the only who always stuck with him and watched out after he had taken over for his father. Once Lena got older, Zane had assigned Clive to her simply because he was one of the few people he knew that he could trust with his daughter's life. Clive of course was honored to take on this role and took it very seriously.

Lena would have to figure out who would be a good fit for Samuel. She had considered Jeff because of how well the two of them seemed to get along, but if she did decide on that match, she knew that Jeff would need more training as he was still rather young himself and could do with more experience before he would be completely reliable under any circumstances. Maybe it was something that she could work out with Claire since she was already in the area. One more thing for her to put on her schedule to discuss.Her weekend however had been hijacked by Leo who had insisted that they needed to do some celebrating while he was still around. She didn't quite understand why he decide that this weekend out of all them was the right one for such things despite knowing how busy everything was, but she hadn't been able to argue and say no because Samuel thought it was a good idea. Apparently the moment that her fiancé decided to decide with her younger brother was all it took for Leo to determine that argument was over and she had no choice but to agree with it.

Samuel thought it would be a good idea because it would be a change of pace for the princess compared to the schedule that she seemed to keep up with most days. He thought that her headache might be due to the fact that she had been working too much recently and getting out to do something else would help to fix that problem.

"Right because taking time off so my schedule gets more packed together is exactly the solution that's going to help me feel better." had been her response to this discussion. Her expression showed how unamused she was to be going on along and the sharp end to her tone made it clear that this would not be the way she chose to spend her weekend.

Out of all the things to do Leo had decided that he wanted to go to the waterpark claiming that the summer was the only worthy time to go as the heat would make it more enjoyable when they got wet. Of course he didn't tell Lena that was what he wanted to do because he knew that if he mentioned beforehand that there was no way he would b able to convince her to come along even if he did kidnap her fiancé and spend the entire day with him. Jealousy didn't work the same way with the princess as it did with other people. She would just send them off and forget about them for the rest of the day until they returned and act as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

The little queen didn't understand why there was reason to be jealous of such things. Her and Samuel were engaged. She had no interest in anyone else and neither did he seem to since he had initiated the fact that he wanted to go through with it rather than working out how to breakoff from the arranged marriage. Hence, jealous over him spending time with anyone that wasn't her seemed pointless because she trusted him.

The one that Leo had picked for them to go to was Runaway Rapids. The younger was thrilled about coming for the first time in years and Samuel was interested as he had been before. Lena was the only who wasn't too thrilled. She didn't like such large and open spaces since the only who had accompanied them was Romeo. Even though there was hardly anything to worry about, she still didn't like it.

The only reason when they reached the front gate that she agreed to go in was a mixture of the fact that Leo had already paid for all their tickets and Samuel said that it might be more fun if they were doing it together. That 'might be' was a very big one as the princess was fairly certain she wouldn't enjoy it anymore than she had the last time she came around.The other reason was the fact that Lena would make sure that her brother paid her back big time for this before he went back to the UK. He probably would forget about that agreement by the time he was supposed to head back, but the princess wouldn't.

"What's not to like about waterparks?" Leo asked as they had started walking around the amusement park as they tried to decide what ride to go to first while Lena tagged along.

"The fact that it has too many people and there's water involved." The princess replied.

"I swear you must've been a cat in your past life. A little bit of water isn't going to hurt you, plus by the time we're done walking around here you're going to appreciate how cool and refreshing it'll feel." She rolled her eyes in response to his answer. She already knew that she wasn't going to appreciate it. If she wanted to cool off she could get something cool to drink and it would work just as well if not better because no wet clothes would be involved.

She didn't grumble too much though as they approached the first one that had been decided upon, by Samuel which was the VooDoo Encounter. He thought that it looked like it would be fun especially since they wouldn't be riding along.action

Without any discussion it was decided that fiancés as Leo referred to them as would go together and he would convince Romeo to go with him since they couldn't ride alone. The guard seemed almost as putout as Lena was when he was somehow dragged into this. He was only meant to be their as their chauffer and guard, not as part of the party of fun.

When it came to fitting into the tube? round water raft? Lena wasn't sure what it was referred to as, the woman in charge of making sure that they were seated securely insisted that Samuel sit in the back with Lena in front of him stating that for safety reasons the smaller person had to be in front. It was a bit of an awkward position, but it didn't quite feel bad to have her head resting against his chest. AT least could hear how fast his heart was beating. She assumed unlike her it was due to the excitement of them getting ready to launch rather then out of nervous tension like she was feeling. It certainly worked as a distraction to take her mind off the bad feeling she kept having.

As they got pushed towards the edge and the final rules were gone over, Lena mentally swore as she only half listened to the instructions while she looked down the tube slide that they were getting ready to be released down that if she at all for any reason ended up screaming during this time that she would make sure there was hell to pay for her brother.

In her focus to make sure that they were both secure and that there was no concern of either of them slipping out, she didn't catch the fact that Leo had snapped a photo of the moment with a gleeful smile. He knew that it would make for a great memory which is why he sent it to his father so that he could have a copy of it. Moments like these weren't going to come that often thus he knew that he needed to document each one of them because if he didn't, his sister certainly wouldn't and he doubted that Samuel would catch many opportunities to take photos when the princess wasn't paying attention.

Satisfied with his work, he beckoned for Romeo to come with him as their turn in the line came up. He was really looking forward to this.