After some convincing and a lot of yanking with the help of Rebecca and Reyna they managed to peel the hammer off of Sahildr. Roland could barely hold this weapon, swinging it was out of the question.

"I just need it for my research, I won't damage it, I promise!"

"All of you magic types say that before something goes wrong."

Apparently Sahildr was still hesitant about giving him her Warhammer for inspection. He wasn't sure what it was about and he didn't have enough time to hear the whole story.

"Fine, you can have it, but I'm staying in the room with you!"

Roland just shrugged as he didn't care, this was even better as he didn't need to carry the heavy thing all the way to his inn room. The two other girls didn't join them, finding it too boring to watch Roland play around with runes.

"I'll go check out if there are any worthwhile escort missions on the notice board, we can meet up at the tavern later."

Rebecca and Reyna left to go prepare for their own journey away. They had also decided to go somewhere else, this wasn't the only town with a dungeon close to it.

The next couple of hours weren't all that exciting. Roland had Sahildr place the hammer in his room on the floor, afraid that if he placed it on his flimsy table it would give out under the weight. He then took out a sheath of paper and got to copying. He wasn't using his scribing skill, he just redrew the rune's diagram with the help of the overlay that his debugging skill gave him.

He took his time as he didn't want to mistakenly mess up this new schematic. After the first thirty minutes passed he heard a big thud behind him, it was his big muscly friend dozing off on his bed. He sniggered at her and then went back to work.

You have created the schematic for the Lesser Impact Rune [ Highest ]