In the enormous volcano, aptly named the Seed of Destruction by the demon residents, an old man, seemingly of similar age to the old forest elf tribe leader, also looked over at Merlin's direction at the same time the elves had looked over.

Seeing the newly advanced creature still meditating atop a cliff on the mountain side rapidly growing stronger, from a Tier 2 Lv 1, quickly growing past Lv 2 and finally stabilising at Lv 3.

Although this was still 2 levels below his own, he did not have the energy remaining to fight with Merlin. If he did so, he would immediately die after the battle, allowing those wretched forest elves a free pass to killing his kin, and growing stronger in the process.

He was the only Tier 2 in the demonic tribe of this plane, and although a peak Tier 2, he would not live for much longer.From the day Arcania descended upon this plane, splitting it into 2, pushing back the forest elves and making space for the newly created demons, the two tribes have been at constant war.

With both parties having nearly equal lifespans and strength, no tribe actually held an advantage over the other. The two had in fact settle down a lot in recent times, with only some small skirmished occurring on the border, with minor casualty rates.

The mission Arcania had given to these spawned demons was to annihilate all sentient beings on this plane. However, that had slowly warped with time. Hundreds of years passed, and this mission warped into something different. This mission was never an order forced upon the demons, it was something ingrained in those that were spawned from the moment they were created. However, over the nearly 1000 years since the mission, demons stopped spawning, and only natural birth continued this race.

Over time, the only spawned demon still alive was this old demon called Barg. He had tried to remain true to his goal, however, even his own views had changed. The reason why more demons stopped spawning was declared to be the act of Arcania forsaking the demons of this plane due to their negligence, and the blame was put on the forest elves.This created a deep rooted hatred towards the forest elves, who already had a blood feud with the demons who killed of more than half the original forest elf population.

This resulted in the mission transforming from eradicating all intelligent life, to eradicating all forest elves. No one except Barg even remembered their original mission, and he himself had decided to give on to the rest of his tribe, and go with the new mission.

He soon decided on his next plans and decided to send an envoy to this new Tier 2 being atop Saint Ferlin Mountain.

hours after both tribes made their decisions, an envoy comprising of 2 elven archers, 6 warriors, an elven bard, and 1 of the 6 council members, Sorel, an elder of the elven tribe, and another envoy of 2 demonic warlocks, 4 warriors, 2 beast tamers along with 4 beasts to each of them, and a great demon, one of the 6 great demons under the grand demon Barg, both left from their respective tribes.magic

If one were to estimate the strength of each envoy, they would be more or less equal. If both were to have a battle, the location of said battle would determine the outcome. All the demons would be killed if it were to happen on the World Tree's side of the plane, while the exact opposite would happen on the Seed of Destruction's side of the plane. If they were to battle on the 10 km radius around the Saint Ferlin Mountain, which was advantageous to neither race, the entire land covered in barren rocks, rather cold to the touch, both parties would die.

The Saint Ferlin Mountain, as well as the land around it for 10km in any direction was detrimental to both races. The heat crazed demons would feel extremely cold on the cool rocks and chilly air, while the nature fanatic elves would not find a single shred of life on the barren rocks.

This was a neutral zone, the place which demarcated the place where the elves were pushed back to, as well as the line which stopped the demons from approaching any further. It also marked the border between the two tribes, along with the battlefield for the past 100 years, since the demons stopped being spawned, and the demon expansion was put to a stop. The location of humiliation for both races.

At this location, stood a mountain, atop one side, sat the cross-legged Merlin, wearing his Mecha-gauntlet. And this mysterious being was the destination for both envoys.