Stefan realized he had not looked back at his past for all this time. A man like him only stepped forward, not backward. And the questions she had been asking him made him spare the time to look back a little now. He smiled and shook his head for how crazy and silly life was.

"And why do you have to be a gangster and mafia? You are rich and have everything more than a lot of people in this world. Why do you like fighting and getting kicked ass unnecessarily?

The soft voice continued to ask. Stefan smiled at her choice of words. He looked at her and lifted his eyebrows up.

"Will you interview me all night?"

He teased before kissing on her cheek.

"I just want to know."

Wirata said. He cuddled her and caressing her back gently.

"In this city, as you know that it is full of influence and danger. In fact, I don't intend to fight with anyone unnecessary. I have told you before that I never killed anyone yet."

"What about your debtors? You like threatening them."

She said. Wirata remembered the day when he dragged her to work with him, in fact, it was her last day at the company before she left.

That day he set his posture so big like a powerful godfather, as usual, to scare the debtor and made James and Ben wore fierce aggressive faces expression, showing the debtor their guns on their waists.

Stefan smiled with amusement when thinking about it.

"Well, you know, some debtors were good at keeping their promises, but some were not. They didn't listen when we reasonably talked with them. But they would hurry to pay if we threatened which we just faked it for fun. Therefore, it's considered an effective method when it comes to debt collection."

He explained willingly, felt like sharing everything with her.

"I get it now. But what about fighting. Can you stop fighting? It isn't good for your health."

She remembered how many bruises he had when they met. The soft hands reached to touch his face gently.magic

"It's the taste of life a man should experience it once in a while."

The harsh voice responded as though it were normal to get his ass kicked every so often."But it's dangerous. Stefan. One day, if you have a family, have a wife, have children, they need you. What if one day you get killed? "

Wirata was thinking about his future family. Stefan paused when heard her statement. His dark eyebrows raised up immediately. It was very interesting to hear. Nobody said something like this to him before.

"What do you mean by getting killed?"

He asked to clarify her words.

"The way you live your life is too risky. If you keep building up enemies like this and one day you might get a bullet in your chest. You would leave your loved ones behind. They would be so sad and What would your wife and children do without you? Is that what you want it to happen when you have a family? Dead before your time and leave a woman and children on their own?"

She seemed to be really worried about the future of his family.

"Damn! ... And what should I do?"

He asked and kissed on her hair. Wirata was not sure if he had been sarcastic or he was serious to know.

"Well, it's very simple. You are already rich. So, stop the business that is risky to your life. Just live a normal happy life and enjoy your time with your loved ones."

"What business to be exact?"

Stefan just wanted to try her and to make her talk more. He liked to listen to her thoughts.

"The one that involves gangsters. Because it looks like your off-record debtors and loan rivals are your problems at the moment. "

She analyzed it accurately and it amazed him.

"Are you worried about me and afraid I would die?"

He asked out of his curiosity. Death was never his fear ... He has been living his life to full for a long time. Everybody died at the end of the day. So, it was not a big deal.

But if he had somebody to love and to care for. He might not want to die too soon. Stefan tightened his arms, pulled her soft body closer even more.

"Yes, I am." She answered him with her gentle voice. Causing Stefan to freeze and lifter her face to him. He stared into her beautiful eyes.


He asked with excitement. Wirata nodded.

"Yes, really. How could I not? You are Sam's big brother. And I know how much he loves you. I don't want to see my beloved friend losing his brother before time. "

She said with a straight face. Stefan stared even more as if he wanted to peel her face skin off to see the truth underneath.

"And that is it?"The harsh voice asked to make sure. In case she might say something he hoped to hear but Stefan already believed she said the truth.

"Yes. That is it."

She confirmed. Stefan sighed quietly and felt disappointed inside his heart. He turned to lie on his back and stared at the ceiling.

"Someday you will probably marry, have children, have a family."

He said as if he was mumbling to himself more than talking to her. Wirata turned to lie on her back and looking at the ceiling the same as him.

"Hm, yes, maybe."

She murmured.

Stefan was thinking. The image of Wirata married somebody, a man she loved and had a lovely family. The imagination made him feel visible pain in his chest. He put his hand there and rubbed it. He sighed heavily out.


He called.


Wirata responded. She saw him lay quietly and sighed for a long time.

"May I ask you a question?"

He asked.


Wirata answered, wondering what kind of questions he wanted to ask her. Or he wanted to ask her back as she had asked him too many questions before. Just to play a fair game as he liked.

Stefan was quiet for a minute. Then he turned his face to her.

"What kind of a man will you love and want to spend the rest of your life with?"

Wirata was silent after she heard the question. She glanced at the man next to her.

"That's quite a question."

She murmured.

Yeah, he knew how to ask a question. She was looking deep down inside her heart and asked herself that question again.

What kind of a person she would love? Wirata sighed.

Could she be lying to herself in this case?

If not, she had to admit that she already had a fall, face down and deep in a hole called LOVE. And with the man who just asked her the very big question!