Chapter 56   - Spellbound II**


Sam had bathed me, scrubbed my back and went through even the gaps between my fingers. I couldn't tell whether he did a better job than the handmaids that usually bathed me.

Either way, I was smiling the entire time. My heart kept on fluttering, making me smile like a fool. Just like him, I scampered my hands over his body, barely cleaning him, as I couldn't focus.

But unlike how steamy it started, we managed. With brief kisses in between, we finished bathing together.

When we both rinsed, Sam wrapped a robe around me before covering himself with another one. Standing in front of him, Sam dried my hair with a small towel.

I had my gaze fixed on him. Sam was smiling subtly, melting my heart at how he turned a simple task of drying my hair to something heart-warming.

"I'd go bald if you keep going on forever." I humored with a pout as it seemed he wouldn't stop.

Although his actions were gentle, I'm growing… impatient. The thought of it made me blush as I bit my inner lip discreetly.

"Just a little bit more, love." He muttered, casting me a wink, and smirked.

He's doing this on purpose. While he dry my hair with the cloth, I raised my hands and tied his robe.

As I did so, I could not help but notice his exposed, firm chest and collarbones. I've seen him topless; he faulted it proudly on my first day in this mansion.

However, seeing it up close made my throat parch. Sam's skin was pale and blemish free. It looked very pleasant in the eyes, as his skin looked so supple.

Suddenly, I noticed a faint red mark on his shoulder. Without thinking twice, I hooked my finger on the robe, sliding it aside to see faint teeth marks.

Was this the bite I did earlier? I wondered as I pondered.

I didn't notice it earlier, but it was certainly my teeth marks. Odd, I thought. But didn't dwell on it.

Sam's skin was pale and white like a snow. Perhaps his skin was sensitive? The explanation I came up with was lame, but I couldn't think of anything else.

To make it up to him, I tiptoed and kissed it. Sam instantly tensed as he stopped from drying my hair.

Slowly, he gazed down as I looked up and smiled. "I sealed my love bite with a kiss."

In contrast to my good intentions, Sam's eyes fluttered ever so slowly and dangerously. Such breathtaking beauty, I subconsciously awed as I stood back on my feet.

Why was he staring at me, though? I just mimicked how he sealed and healed my wound with a kiss.

Did he find it offensive?

"I didn't." Suddenly, Sam spoke.

I tilted my head to the side, confused at what he was talking about. He didn't what?

"I didn't find it offensive." He clarified. "I find it... arousing."

Without letting me process his explanation, he suddenly swept me off of my feet. In an instant, he was carrying me in his arms as he trudged back to our bedchambers.

On our way, I raised my shaking vision to him. "You can read my mind?"

"Right now? Yes." Sam glanced down at me, catching the surprise look on my face.

"I didn't mean to invade your thoughts. But your blood is still fresh in me, dominating my system, forcing your thoughts, and everything into me."


Suddenly, Sam halted in his tracks. "It'll settle down in a few days. Don't worry."

Sam offered a reassuring smile. I didn't know there's this effect after drinking my blood. Not that it displeased me. It just felt… strange.

I bit my lower lip and stared at him, blinking.

'Do you love me, Sam?' I asked internally, testing it for no reason.

His unsmiling lips broke into a grin. As if he didn't see that coming. Did he get my message, though?

"Oh, Lilove." Sam huskily chuckle, shaking his head lightly as he placed his knee on the edge of the bed.

In an instant, he laid me down as he hovered over me; emanating dominance. His crimson orbs shone dangerously. They were tantalizing.

He rested his palms on either side of my head, one of his legs spread my legs apart, the other one keeping my body between them.

Instinctively, I placed my hands on his chest as my breath hitched. I gulped at the pair of eyes hovering over me. My heart pounded faster and louder, deafening my ears as if it was drumming in front of them.

Just when my body cooled down a little from the fleeting break from our previous activity, his penetrating gaze suddenly ignited the fire within me once again. But what baffled me was this anticipation in my heart.

"I love you more than you can even imagine, Lilou." Sam stated.

I felt the weight of his sincerity in his voice. He wasn't just saying things, but was making a statement. It made me feel I had little understanding of him and his feelings.

But that reassured my heart in more ways than one.

"You're mine… and only mine." Sam whispered. "And I'm only yours."

Slowly, Sam bent down. I held my breath as I slowly closed my eyes, welcoming his sweet breaths that first wafted my nose.

Shorty after, his lips crashed against mine. My arms slowly hooked on his shoulder, pulling him down to feel more of him.

'You're mine, only.'I whispered internally, making my own statement.

He smiled against my lips before he discreetly untied my robe. Taking notice of his action, I slipped my hands down, barely fit on the gap between our body.

I pulled the tie of his robe, hauling it away from him. The fabric instantly fell down on his shoulder and he pulled his hand up, one after another, until we're skin to skin.

We may be different, and that fact might be terrifying. But at this moment, I felt otherwise. They made f*cking sounded like a scary thing; it was, though.

But I didn't think that we did that. For me, this was nothing but… love making.