Chapter 59   - The Forgotten Premonition

If sleeping for the past weeks was peaceful, I didn't know how to describe my sleep tonight. It was not just comfortable. It was… heart-warming.

Even in my sleep, I could feel Sam's warmth cradling me. I love this man, this vampire.

I never felt this powerful emotion in my heart. Even though I loved my father, loving Sam was just a different kind of love.

Who would have thought that a peasant like me would experience such a wonderful phenomenon? That after all the angst and fear for my everyday life, I'd find my solitude in this world reigned by vampires?

Here, in his embrace, was my heaven in this hell. It was as if this was where I belong. That I lived, survived, and thrived all this years just for this moment.

Can you see me, Father?

In my dreams, I stood in the middle of a beautiful field of blooming flowers. The soft wind blew past me, and then Father appeared from a distance.

I smiled at him. It's been a while since he visited my dreams. But all I could do was to offer him a smile.

However, unlike his previous visit, Father wasn't smiling. His expression peaceful, though. But his smile was missing.

"Sam is a good man, Father. I love him." I whispered, hoping he would hear me from a distance.

Father just stared at me. It was odd; I thought. But I smiled subtly, ignoring this strange feeling creeping into my heart.

As I blinked my eyes, snow came. I raised my hand, staring at the red flakes falling down, coloring the field of flowers with red.


"What…" I trailed off as I raised my gaze back to Father. But the second I did, my eyes slowly widened.

Father stood there with a hand impaled in him from behind, through his chest. The hands had long nails akin to a claw. And then Father collapsed as soon as the hand on his chest withdrew.

"Father!" I yelled, clasping my dress as I rushed to him.

Alas, before I could, I halted. The man who killed my father stood still. I couldn't see his face properly, but his argent hair and crimson orbs, holding my father's heart in his hand left were distinct.

The corner of his lips tilted into a smirk, long, sharp fangs glinting. After a beat, I ran for my life. My beautiful dream escalated into a nightmare.

It brought back all the fears I've long forgotten. Run, Lilou. Run. I kept on running, panting, as my surroundings grew darker.

But my struggle was all for naught. Soon, the monster caught up. He grabbed my waist, pushing his nose on my nape, inhaling deeply.

"Stop…" I whispered, feeling his fangs slowly pierce my skin. "Stop…"

He didn't.


"Lilou!" I awoke, sweating and gasping for air, as a pair of worried crimson orbs hovered over me. He cupped my cheek, his eyes searching for my gaze.

"You're alright, hmm? I'm here, love. I'm here. No one will hurt you." He reassured under his breath.

Unconsciously, I clasped on his chest, nodding. My mind still buzzing at the dream fading away from my memory.

Sam pulled me back into his embrace. I'm scared. My body shaking and my heart racing for a reason I've forgotten. But this fear assured me how terrible it was.

I felt his hand stroked my back, soothing me. Sam placed soft kisses on my forehead, repeating the words, "It's alright. No one will hurt you while I'm here."

Hearing him chant those words slowly calmed me. I rested my head on his chest, closing my eyes as sleepiness took over me once again.


Morning came and the chirping of the birds woke me up. Slowly, I opened my eyes and my gaze immediately landed on the beautiful man before me.


I smiled, raising my hand as I cupped his cheek. He looked so harmless while asleep. I fell asleep last night without realizing I did.

I felt too exhausted. But now, I felt this strange energy circulating in my blood. I never felt my body this light in my entire life.

"Morning." Sam muttered, still had his eyes closed. He moved closer, squeezing me in his embrace.

"Evening." I bit my lip, trying to humor him, which suddenly came into my head. After all, morning for me was evening for vampires.

"I changed my schedule." Sam murmured, shaking me in his arms lightly. "Though, I think you might want to adjust yours for now."

"Huh?" I furrowed my brows. What did he mean by that?

Slowly, Sam drew back, creating a safe distance between us. His eyes immediately caught my confused gaze.

"The Capital follows the vampire's schedule. Be it humans or vampires, everyone is nocturnal." Sam explained in his coarse voice. "I'm saying you might find it annoying to sleep at night since everyone was awake once we reach the Capital."

"Oh…" I nodded ever so slowly.

The Capital… what was it was like? It sounded as if the capital was far different from Grimsbanne. How huge the difference? I don't know.

I would be lying if I say I'm not a bit scared. I've never gone out of Grimsbanne. The life here was all I've ever known. Thus, traveling to another place… it was quite nerve-racking.

As I dwell on my thoughts, I felt a slight sting on my forehead as he flicked it lightly. I snapped back and raised my gaze back at him.

"Don't be afraid, silly. You're not going alone." Sam chuckled as he poked my nose with his finger. "There's only one person who would dare touch Samael La Crox's bride."


"The king." Sam grinned, as if that wasn't a problem.

The king…? Wasn't that supposed to make things more… dire?

"No, my lady. The king is not a fool to do such a stupid move. No one wants to see me mad, my love." Sam explained in confidence.

His conviction in his tone eventually calmed me. I didn't know why Sam was too confident. Whether he was pretending so not to worry me, or telling the truth, it didn't matter.

I believed in him.

"When are we setting off to the Capital, my lord?" I asked, blinking.

I expected it would be a week from now, or a month. That time was enough for me to ask Fabian more about the capital. But Sam's answer was akin to a clap in my ears that momentarily rendered me speechless.
