
I really want to get out of here.

“You promised Allen that you’d at least do a single interview, so suck it up and finish. You’ve been going strong so far, so just keep that up,” Tar says, not showing a single ounce of pity.

Curse my greed. Why did I have to be lured into this by the thought of more credits?

I grab a bottle of water from a member of the staff on set, only for that member – a man in his mid to late twenties by the looks of him – to whisper to me, “There’s an online stream of this going on right now. I could give you the link if you want.”

My eyes widen slightly, but I just shrug and raise my arm to take my terminal off sleep mode.

“What is it?” I ask him, and he pulls it up on his phone, showing it to me. So I copy it into the magic web browser on my terminal before entering the stream and seeing the ads currently being shown on it. But I ignore that to instead focus on the live chat.

[TravelingTurtle – Her eaaaaarrrrss!!!!]

[DreamWeaver777 – Don’t you just want to touch those ears?]

[FoodieFiesta – No! You can’t! I won’t let you!]

[ArtisticSoul77 – Does anyone find it weird that she’s going solo? Besides me of course. Because most Guardians don’t do that.]

[FitnessFanatic22 – No, there are some that do it. Going solo actually gives the Guardian a lot of benefits, including but not limited to a greater amount of achievements and EXP from the System. Not to mention it gives them more freedom, so the Guardians who are actually able to go solo often do so.]

[ArtisticSoul77 – Really? Are you sure about that?]

[MusicMaker101 – Who cares about that! I just want her to go on her own again, because it’s always when she’s alone that she ends up in the best battles to watch!]

[NatureNinja44 – I’m with MusicMaker on this one. Who cares if it’s normal or not?]

[FashionFrenzy99 – Right? It’s almost as if the stronger demons only appear when she’s by herself or something.]

[GamingNerd777 – I just want to touch her ears!!!]

[UrbanExplorer55 – I’m personally quite happy that she’s gonna be splitting off from the team, because that Druid guy gives me the creeps. I mean, who creates a team of all girls leaving him as the only guy? It’s just creepy.]

[ArtisticSoul77 – I doubt that was on purpose. The team is really well balanced after all.]

[PixelatedDreams – No, I’m with Urban on this one. It really is weird.]

[StarGazer23 – Ditto here. I vote that he’s a perv.]

[JazzManiac – He really is.]

[MountainHiker99 – No, he seems like a nice guy. And besides, isn’t the Little Reaper his sister?]

[PixelatedDreams – Oh, you have a point there.]

[PixelPenguin – Am I the only one thinking about this, or is it strange for a wolf girl to have wolf ears but no tail?]

[GamingNerd777 – TAAAIIILL!! She should totally have one!]

[StarGazer23 – A wolf girl? Is that a term people use?]

[ArtisticSoul77 – I think it’s an anime thing.]

I grimace as I see some of the chat branching off into a direction that makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. So I quickly close out of the thing with a sigh.

Also, I noticed it before but didn’t really think about it too much, but Michael really is the only guy in a group of four girls…

“Not exactly the best situation for him in a team of what are in some peoples’ eyes superheroes,” Tar mutters, sounding kind of like he feels pity for the guy.

It isn’t a problem in our team, but I can see it becoming an issue with the public. In fact, it’s already something there, considering the people talking in that live chat.

Not exactly the best PR for his image.

“You wouldn’t know the pain of being the only guy in a group of who knows how many girls,” Tar says, sounding like he’s speaking from experience, which has me raising a brow.

Of course, I wouldn’t know how that feels. I’m a girl after all.

“Just try having a family built up of eight brothers and about thirty-five sisters and you will understand exactly how I feel,” Tar says, making my eyes widen in shock.

What the fuck? Why do you have so many sisters compared to brothers?!

“It’s… complicated,” Tar answers, not saying any more on the subject.


I open my status as I’m waiting for the last… one or so minute of the commercial break.

Name: Scarlet Asger

Species: Human/Blood Lycan Hybrid

Magic: Blood

Age: 19

Level: 60

SP: 10


Physical: 150

Mental: 149

Magical: 149

Physical/Level: 2

Mental/Level: 1

Magical/Level: 2

Free Points: 0

Mana: 11100.5/11100.5

Free Points/Level: 2

Active Skills:

Blood Claws

Skill Level: 10


Blood Siphon

Skill Level: 10


Life Drain

Skill Level: 10


Partial Shift

Skill Level: Static


Blood Shadow

Skill Level: 5


Blood Retribution

Skill Level: 5


Blood Manifestation

Skill Level: 5


Blood Sacrifice

Skill Level: 5


Blood Boil

Skill Level: 6


Blood Bank

Skill Level: 5



Skill Level: Static



Skill Level: Static



Skill Level: Static


Passive Skills:

Blood Regeneration

Skill Level: 4


Blood Thirst

Skill Level: 6


Predator V

Skill Level: Static
