
The man looks into my eyes and glances at my ears for a few seconds before looking into my eyes again as he applies pressure on my throat. And it quickly begins to hurt like hell. As if he’s actually trying to take my head off.

Right before it can get to that point though, I see a strange white light shine from underneath his hand, and the pressure vanishes in an instant.

Blue looks up and to the right as he finally speaks, “So you are protecting her after all, sister.”

My eyes widen at that, because it’s clear what just happened. After all, the only humans on Earth who can fight toe to toe with Blue are Red and White, the other two Knights being a stealth assassination focused Guardian and a seer.

And Red’s magic is very obviously not white.

But… sister? Blue is White’s brother?!

Wait, doesn’t that make him my uncle? And he just tried killing his niece… oh, hey! That means Aria is my-

My thoughts cut off when the man simply tosses me aside like trash and then turns around to leave. But right when he reaches the window, he pauses and glances back at me, still with that dead look in his eye as he says, “You’re the one who has been spending time with Aria.”

I rub my throat as I climb to my feet, having landed against a wall, denting it in the process several meters away from where we were just seconds ago. And with a frown on my face, I silently nod my head.

He stares at me for a second before turning around again and leaving without another word.

Several seconds pass and I find myself looking between the shattered window and the flesh paste that was once a Class III Rogue, only to eventually realize that he left the shield after entering it.

I rush over to it, only to sigh as I realize that somehow – without me noticing – the Fracture’s core was shattered, and the Fracture was ended. Likely after he entered in the first place.

Actually, I wonder if he did it himself? It’s possible.

Anyways, I’m still not sure what just happened.

Was Blue looking for White or something?

I walk up to the window before standing there for a few seconds, only to shake my head as I get a message from the others.

Guess it’s time to meet up again.

I turn around and begin heading back down the building.

The Balcony of a Skyscraper Not Far Away

It’s been a long time since Amelia was able to hold her daughter. So long that she can barely even remember how it felt, despite that being the one feeling she’s been clinging to ever since this whole seer nonsense began.

A prophecy is always bad news… but why did it have to be about my daughter?

Amelia shakes her head at the thought, simply turning around to face the doorway of the balcony she is on. The woman known by many around the world as the White Knight of Humanity sees her reflection in the glass next to the open door where she is wearing a simple black outfit consistent of a jacket, a shirt, pants, and a belt, with her long white hair flowing straight in the wind.

She lets out a sigh before turning around again and grabbing a baby picture of Scarlet from her pocket, sometimes sincerely wishing that she could turn back time and redo everything that’s happened since her birth. But her sense of duty to the universe stops that thought from fully forming every time she feels this way.

And this time is no different.

Amelia hears a thump behind her, followed by the voice of her brother, “So this is where you’ve been hiding all these years?”

“Sometimes,” Amelia answers while turning around to find her brother staring at her with no emotion in his once beautiful eyes. “I’m guessing you were trying to find me?”

Alexander, otherwise known by many as the Blue Knight of Humanity, nods his head and steps forward, reaching the railing next to her as he asks, “Father has been ordering me to find you nonstop and it’s long since become annoying. Visit him.”

“And why would I do that?” Amelia asks, raising a brow as she looks out over the city, her eyes straying towards the building where Scarlet can now be seen walking out of.

“Because I will owe you a favor in return,” Alexander answers without any hesitation, startling Amelia for a second. But she doesn’t show it and simply continues watching Scarlet until her daughter rides away in that large limo of her teammate’s.

A favor from him… that could work.

Amelia looks up at him and answers, “Very well. But I would like my favor now.”

Her brother doesn’t say anything, simply staring at her as he no doubt waits to hear what she has to say.

“I want you to protect my daughter during the Class V Fracture,” she asks a rather selfish request of one of the five Knights of Humanity. And her brother knows that, despite having lost the ability to feel true emotions long ago.

He stares at her for a second before holding up one finger and answering, “I will protect her life one time. No more.” Alexander lowers his hand again. “Do we have a deal?”

Amelia purses her lips slightly, but she eventually nods her head and looks out at the city again. “We do.”

“In that case-” Alexander begins, only to be cut off by Amelia saying, “Wait.”

He narrows his eyes as she finally turns to face him fully, not just turning her head this time. And what he sees in her eyes is pure anger that has him tensing up, at which point he realizes that she already has her null magic coating him from head to toe without him having even noticed her doing it.

Alexander tries to break it, but soon realizes that even for him it would take too much force to do that. Not without causing a scene and getting him into even more trouble with the government.

“If you ever touch my daughter again, I will erase you from existence,” Amelia says, her cold gray eyes glaring daggers directly into Alexander’s own. “Do you understand?”

She waits a few seconds to let the intimidation sink in before letting his head move, to which he nods and answers, “If we had a way to contact you, there wouldn’t be a need for such things.” Amelia clenches her fist slightly in front of her while still leaning on the railing a little, making the white shimmer over his body begin moving slightly inwards, erasing some of his armor in the process to his displeasure. “Fine. I will not harm a hair on your daughters head.”

“Good,” Amelia says, letting go of her magic and freeing her brother as she looks out over the city again.

Right before Alexander leaves though, he stops and looks at her one last time to ask, “Is her father still alive?”

Amelia doesn’t say anything for a few seconds.

“Yes, he is. And he is back on Tartarus.”

Her brother nods at that before vanishing in a splash of water, leaving the ground beneath where he was standing wet to the touch.

This is all I can do for you, Scar. Please stay safe.