
I narrow my eyes, my lips pursed in thought as I stare at the demon acolyte who I am currently holding in a null magic field while using blood boil on it. The creature is focusing on Sylver as he rushes around the room fighting the majority of the Class II demons, leaving me at the back to take care of the stragglers. But since I’ve already done that, I’ve resorted to walking up and testing my skills on this little guy.

Through my single minded focus on the acolyte who is struggling to cast its magic within my field, I vaguely hear shouting coming from Sylver. But I ignore it since I can see the guy’s doing perfectly fine as I continue watching the effects of the null magic field on the acolyte.

Rather interesting effects too, since the thing isn’t just having to use more mana in its skills, but it’s also being thrown off and confused by the change in the mana requirement. An added bonus I didn’t think about before.

And this is still only at level one for the skill. It makes me wonder just how strong the skill will be at level ten for example.

A very nice thought.

“Scarlet Asger!!!!” Sylver’s voice breaks through my thoughts, “I told you to stay at the back and deal with the weaker demons! Not to bully a damned acolyte!”

I glance at him for a moment before sending twenty blades of blood towards the acolyte while keeping it in my null magic field. The acolyte then struggles to create a barrier of water to block the blades, only for it to fail miserably due to a lack of mana. Which makes sense, considering it’s been sitting there firing spells at Sylver while inside of my null magic field. My blades then pierce straight into the acolyte, killing the thing without much struggle since all of its bodyguards were busy with Sylver.

“I’m not bullying any acolytes,” I defend myself acting like I didn’t just kill the thing. “And all of the fomorians back here are already dead. What did you expect me to do?”

He just groans as he continues sending bolts of silver lightning out at the demons, turning them to ash one by one.

“You know what? I can’t even argue with that…” I hear him muttering to himself before shouting at me, “Just do whatever.”

I grin at that and give him a thumbs-up which has him rolling his eyes. Then I proceed to target the other acolytes – because they give the most EXP – and make several null magic fields appear around them as well. And since he said I could do whatever, I shift both of my arms, briefly relishing in the fact that I can do that in the first place now, before rushing over into the first null magic field and tearing into the acolyte that is at least twenty-five levels above me, the creature not having its bodyguards to be able to defend itself.

Which honestly makes them a very nice monster to farm for EXP when I have a nice higher leveled guy here drawing the creature’s bodyguards like a magnet. Even if I get a slightly reduced amount of EXP for technically having help in a way.

He’s only drawing away other demons though, and maybe exhausting some of their mana, so the EXP penalty shouldn’t be too big. And it’s not like he’s trying to pull them.

After cutting down a few acolytes, Sylver finishes dealing with the dozens upon dozens of other demons in the floor we’re in of this rather wide open arcade’s main room. Which surprisingly wasn’t where the core appeared.

It’s only been a day since the Primary tournament ended, and the moment the Demonic Assault started, Allen immediately messaged me telling me to work with Sylver if I planned on entering a Class II Fracture. To Sylver’s displeasure, of course.

I’m not sure if he’s more upset that I’m already Class II while he only appears to be midway through Class II, or by the fact that he’s stuck ‘babysitting’ me again. Just like in the early days when I first became a Guardian.

“Does she even need my babysitting…?” the man mutters, likely not meaning for me to hear it.

I hold back a snort at that.

Do I need a babysitter? Probably not. Will Allen let me go around on my own in a Class II Fracture where I will most likely end up getting into trouble somehow and almost dying due to the mysterious person manipulating the demons in my Fractures? Probably not.

At least not until I get a few dozen levels and can handle myself against the demons at the edges of the Fractures without any trouble.

“Sometimes I wonder if you really have a death wish…” Tar mutters, having apparently returned from wherever he had vanished to.

I do not have a death wish.

He snorts at that as I use the clean skill on my shapeshifted arms before focusing on Sylver who is walking up to me, briefly glancing at the mauled corpse of the acolyte next to me.

“Getting a second claw really didn’t help with your mauling habit,” Sylver mutters with a raised brow, only to raise the other when he sees me shrug. “And that other magic you’re using…”

I tense up slightly at that.

Right. It would obviously raise questions when I randomly start using null magic in public.

But I knew this would happen, and I honestly don’t care if people learn that White is my biological mother. So let them speculate all they want.

Doesn’t change the fact that Allen and Cynthia are the ones I think of as my parents.

“Never mind,” Sylver suddenly says, surprising me for a moment before I realize that this is Sylver. He probably doesn’t care. “Let’s continue.”

I nod my head at that and begin following him through the sea of demon corpses towards the next room.