
As it turns out, his last thoughts before seeing the fae was that he wished either Belle or I were there to save him. And somehow his thinking of me turned his fae into a wolf.

Rather odd, but I don’t really care.

After that, Blaze and I escort Arthur to a bunker, following which Blaze casually mentions bringing me with him to deal with the core. Which has me raising a brow at him.

Then he reaches out to grab my wrist out of nowhere, making my eyes widen as he begins to pull me along with him in the direction of the core. But before I can yank my arm out of his grip, his feet suddenly send out a burst of flames behind him, making the guy quite literally begin flying through the station with me only hanging on by his grip on my arm.

“What the fuck?!” I shout, my voice getting lost in the sounds of fire, explosions, and demons. But after a few seconds I notice that Blaze is also torching quite the number of demons who we’re passing over with fireballs. So I decide to join him by sending down blades of blood and boiling their blood.

Unfortunately I don’t have the time to life drain them. Otherwise I absolutely would because this is already giving me some nice EXP. Even if most of them are being killed by Blaze and not me.

In the end, the man quite literally drags me through the entire station before ending up at the station center, where the core is located. Then he lands, letting go of my arm and telling me, “Get behind me.”

I narrow my eyes at his words but follow them anyways, briefly remembering mention of his etched skill on the internet.

But his mana level is only…

My eyes widen as I realize his mana level is far higher now than it was before.

“At Class II, most guardians have a way to hide their mana from other’s senses,” Tar comments, making my eyes narrow at the late mention of this.

Damnit, this guy is close to the end of Class II! No wonder he had no worries about going to the center of the Fracture!

My eyes manage to widen even more at the sight of him beginning to glow with a black and red light, the man holding his hands together with only a foot in between them. He then chants out loud in some strange authoritative tone, “Bring the destruction of fire unto these pathetic creatures!”

Then a massive storm of flames manifests in front of him as he pushes both of his hands outwards towards the swarm of demons below.

Holy shit.

I hurriedly look around before the storm envelops the station center to fortunately find that it’s barren of humans. Only having various types of demons including the powerful level 250 demon commander at the center of it next to the core.

It only takes the storm a few seconds to cover the entire station center, filling it with nothing but the smell of fire, ash, and the screams of demons that make my ears hurt till I lower their sensitivity a bit. Blaze grimaces slightly while falling to one knee, making me realize that the skill he just used must’ve had a pretty hefty price.

Then again, it was an etched skill. One from the Red Knight of Humanity.

If I remember correctly, the skill the Red Knight has is some sort of raging blaze of hellfire that can cover an entire city in its flames. But the skill needs around seventy percent of the user’s mana, along with a short chant beforehand.

The one Blaze has though is only the legendary version of the skill, making it a lot weaker. But an etched skill is still an etched skill. One from one of the most powerful humans in existence.

The sounds of screaming demons continue on for several seconds before the red tint in the air fades away, signaling that his skill destroyed the core amidst its blaze. But despite that, the flames continue burning. And burning. And burning.

“Uh, are those flames going to stop?” I can’t help but ask the man kneeling next to me. “Because I’m pretty sure this place is gonna go up in smoke if not.”

A second passes, then another, and then finally the flames flicker out all at once, revealing a badly burnt station that makes me pity whoever owns this place.

I look out over the damaged station center for a bit before realizing that Blaze never responded, making me look down at him to find him lying face first on the ground unconscious.


I kneel down next to him before poking him and saying, “I don’t think this is a good place to take a nap…”

He obviously doesn’t respond.

Hmm, what to do…

“You should probably carry him somewhere,” Tar suggests. “Can’t just leave him unconscious in the middle of the floor after all.”

I mean, can’t I?

Tar gives me a look.

No, I can’t. But still.

I purse my lips for a moment before an idea comes to me and I summon my blood shadow. Then I order the blood shadow to carry him so I don’t have to touch him myself.

“There, problem solved,” I declare out loud with a smile and a nod.

Tar just snorts as he asks, “So you know where you’re gonna bring him?”

I stare at the tanuki for a few seconds before turning to look at the unconscious dude.

No clue.

Oh, wait!

I’ll just call Aria’s butler and have him pick him up. He’ll probably be able to get into contact with Red or something.

“Or you could just bring him somewhere more comfortable and wait for him to wake up,” Tar suggests, making me stare at him again.

But that would require me to waste my time waiting who knows how long for him to wake up.

Actually, now that I think about it, this is probably why he dragged me with him in the first place. Because he knew he’d be falling unconscious after using that skill.

And he didn’t bother warning me of this. Which is rather rude.

“Scarlet?” I suddenly hear a familiar voice ask, making me turn around to find White standing behind me with a worried look on her face.

I blink in surprise, only to grin.

That could work.