The Corrupted One
The time had come... for carnage!
Following pure instincts, the Tyrannical Devil zoomed towards the pointy-eared girl.
A trail of crimson and black energy lashed around as he paved the way for his destination.
Space trembled, and the world seemed to pause as he approached her with magnificent speed and power.
His armor emanated immeasurable heat, and his blade was beginning to simmer as it was coated in the energy lashing around him.
His form was perfect too.
As he approached her, the man raised his blade and prepared himself for his first strike.
The blade easily sliced through the air, cutting through whatever modicum of atoms were in the area in a flash.
The trajectory of the weapon, coupled with his speed, ensured he would never miss his mark.
As a result, the target had to have been destroyed as well.
... Right?!
"You're quick. But that won't be enough."
Apparently, the man was wrong.
Not only was the target living and breathing, but she was right behind him-almost as if she had teleported there the instant his blade nearly hit her.
That was impossible.
In response to this utter disrespect, the man increased the output of his energy multiple fold.
Dark flashes of lightning radiated from his body, and the bloody power that seeped from his body and stained everything around him increased in quality.
The pressure he exerted was enough to make everything around him tremble.
But, he still wasn't done.
"[Representation: Corruption]." He whispered.
Suddenly, the armor he wore turned black, and the same appeared to his silvery weapon.
More black energy began to rise from him, complementing the red power that flowed through him.
The result was a fine blend of darkness and red, both radiating a dangerous aura of power.
"You spoke again! What's your name? My name is Lemi!"
Despite this power-up he just had, the girl before him showed no fear at all.
Lemi, as she called herself, only seemed more excited the more time passed.
Was he not scary? Was he not powerful? Was he not dreadful? Why was she not quaking in fear, or at least taking him seriously? "Impudent. You die."
The power he wielded belonged to Scorpio, and it was that of Corruption.
Anything and everything he influenced with his energy would instantly experience degradation down to the lowest level.
He could also apply the inverse effect and cause regeneration.
As a result, he would apply the inverse to his body, granting himself the ability of Regeneration, while his opponent would experience grand degradation the moment he hit her.
With this ability, he had conquered his world, and he would do the same to the girl in front of him.
He would destroy her!
In a blast, he rushed towards her, his speed incomparable to his previous state.
Everything at a distance-planets, moons, asteroids, or even mere atoms-instantly degenerated the moment he sped past them.
"Oh crap!" He heard her say, and she instantly began to flee.
Lemi raced away from him the moment he initiated the chase, and that caused him to lick his lips in excitement.
This was it! She was already beginning to experience the fear that he craved from her.
Unfortunately, there was nowhere she could run to.
He sliced through the air with his dark blade, instantly generating two slashes that had concentrated attributes of corruption within them.
The slashes flowed in the direction of his prey, and in no time, it would meet up with her.
However, the moment it nearly landed, she vanished from her position.
Lemi reappeared a few hundred meters away from her initial position, and the devilish conqueror instantly changed his trajectory and raced after her.
His corruption easily devastated anything in his path as he slowly gained on her.
"Alright. This place should cut it."
... Lemi suddenly stopped running.
Was she finally tired of escaping the inevitable? Would she stand still and accept her fate?
He wanted so badly to slice her up with his blade, but he exercised a warrior's restraint and took some time to observe the situation.
"Your Corruption Representation is quite formidable. All the Aether I stockpiled around you were so easily degenerated. If I had gotten hit with any of your attacks, I would have experienced the same."
His absent mind could not really comprehend complex things such as languages, but he gushed her expression and noticed she was still smiling.
Apparently, she hadn't experienced enough despair.
Not yet.
"I thought I would die for a second there, but... fortunately I did not."
The fiend tightly gripped his blade, prepared to run it through her this time.
There was no room for error.
One hit! He only needed a single hit to finish the job.
"I'm not the strongest out there. I don't have an Original Magic, or Mage Mode, or anything like that. I only have my technique... and my Constellation."
More black flowed through the warrior. The remaining red energy succumbed to the darkness, leaving him with purely black swarming him.
Both the black from his Inverse Energy and from his Corruption.
Both sides carried weight-and both led to the same end.
Unrecoverable death.
"[Ultimate Technique: Flawless Absolute Domain]."
The moment Lemi uttered those words, however, a cosmic storm seemed to suddenly manifest.
A wave of seemingly immeasurable energy descended upon the duo, filling everything around them in such dense and powerful Aether that it flowed.
That portion of space was pure white, a sharp contrast to the blackness of space around.
Like a land of eternal ice-filled with glaciers and snowy wonder- except everything was condensed Aether.
The fiend tried to break free from this domain, but quickly realized an unexpected truth.
"Don't bother. I've analyzed the attributes of your corruption, and by using my Representation, you won't be able to Corrupt my Aether."
He didn't know how this Lemi girl was able to do it, but right now... the Aether that surrounded him overwhelmed his Corruption.
Not because they were denser than his inverse energy-though that was also the case-but because they had taken on the second attribute of his power.
Every single piece of Aether was regenerating faster than he could degenerate them.
The result was a stalemate that would never be resolved.
"My will is absolute in my Domain. It's flawless because it can't be destroyed, and it exists as an extension of myself."
He could sense pride in the girl's voice.
It was unpleasant.
"There's no escape. There's no weakness. There's only the inevitable conclusion."
At this point, she was already transforming.
The Tyrannical Devil watched as she swiftly changed appearances from the ordinary-looking pointy-eared girl to something else.
Something far more divine.
Her hair was still white and black, but it was now much longer than before.
Golden armaments decorated her right side, and silver decorated her left side.
She had a beautifully adorned white gown which flowed down her right side, but her left side showed only a dark gown of the same proportion.
She stretched out her hand, and on the right was light. The left side was the opposite-darkness.
Amidst this fusion of opposites and dual natures, Lemi stood majestically and smiled at the gawking tyrant.
And then, her irresistible words surged forth.
"[Representation: Duality]."
Thanks for reading, everyone!
I guess this is the last fight for the extras. Sorry if you felt it was dragged out too long.