A Constellation's Duality

The tyrant trembled.

This too was an instinctive reaction.

His body remembered the last time he trembled like this. That was when he fought and pitifully lost to Legris Damien.

It was the most shameful thing he had ever experienced, and the mere fact that his body was reacting like this meant one thing.

He was about to experience the same again!

"N-no... NO MORE!"


Screaming, the overall output of his power reached new heights.

The darkness that clung to his body rose past its threshold, ascending far above him as it tried to expand.

"It's useless. In fact..." Lemi stretched out her hand and pinched her fingers slightly.

Suddenly, the rabid darkness that seemed to be spiraling out of control shrunk in mass and strength.

From a swirling storm to barely embers, the power the tyrant boasted of began to dissipate before his eyes.

"Countering your Corruption with its Inverse ensures they cancel each other out. The one with the greater control, quality and quantity will inevitably gain the upper hand."

He could not understand Lemi's words, but upon seeing that the power he had so much pride in went so easily, the fiend began to grow insane.


His screams echoed in the vast world of white, and Lemi only stared at him curiously.

"It's impressive you were able to do so much and communicate so well despite lacking a mind or a proper ego. I expected a greater challenge since that was the case, but I suppose the cause isn't rooted in your strength. Perhaps a deep sense of pride... or trauma?"

As Lemi analyzed him, she rubbed her chin. This action irritated the fiend so much that he roared in unbridled rage once more.


He sharply lunged at her, his bloodshot eyes ready to rip her apart, even if he had to use his teeth.

"No. Stay."

The moment she said those words, he was pushed back by an invisible wall, and his two legs were crushed by an undetectable force.

"I'm still observing you, so stay still."

None of those words could be processed by his hollow brain, but the fiend noticed something that completely changed his perception on both the situation and his adversary.

He stared at Lemi's eyes.

Her cold, calculating eyes.

She was clearly looking down on him, but there was something else within it.

What he saw was absolute confidence-a certainty that completely accounted for everything.

He once had those eyes, especially when he faced foes whom he knew had absolutely no chance of even touching him, talkless of winning against him.

That was what he now saw in this little girl.

She knew deep down that he could not harm her. He could only struggle and try, but just as a mere ant could not do much to a human... he had the same fate.

No... even worse.

"N-no... no... no..."

His empty mind could not accept it.

His fate all along was to be prey to this overwhelming predator... there was no way he could accept it.

And yet, his body instinctively knew he could not take down such an adversary.

Ironically, the one who used to inflict despair began to feel the same emotion swirl within him.

Sinking in pure despondency, the fiend could only do one thing.







The once-fearsome fiend now ran for his dear life, swimming pointlessly in the vast white world that enveloped him.

He clawed his way to a nonexistent exit.

He crawled pointlessly, hoping to see an escape from the inescapable domain.

He showed his back to his enemy, already giving up on any honor or will that a warrior ought to have.

At this point, he was broken.

"This is just sad. I should end this, then." Lemi's voice echoed behind him, but he didn't hear anything.

He only focused on his pointless emancipation.

"The nature of my Representation allows me to summon whatever element I desire, so far I have an appropriate understanding of it. However, in exchange, the opposite element will also manifest."

Hence, Duality.

Hot and Cold. Light and Dark. Good and Evil. Gemini manifested polar opposite concepts to existence and controlled them to do her bidding.

"I infused all the Aether here with Inverse Corruption-that is regeneration. With so much of it used, you can expect what comes next, don't you?"

Right at the darkened part of Lemi's body, floating on her hand, was an orb of darkness so deep that it served as a blot to the pure white world around.

"Corruption. A lot of it."

Lemi's eyes continued to look at the tyrant as if he was nothing but a piece for inspection; a tool for her pleasure.

And then...

"This is the end."


The ball of darkness descended, and like a massive boulder, it neared its massive shadow encompassing its target even before impact.

As for the Tyrannical Devil, he was still busy crawling and digging pointlessly.

Even until the very end.


At that moment, the fiend was destroyed, and Lemi emerged the victor.

An inevitable conclusion from the start.


~Well, that was fun.~

Gemini's playful voice echoed within Lemi as she under her [Flawless Absolute Domain].

"I know, right? It's a shame it ended so quickly." Lemi responded, a bright smile on her face.

~There are more important things to do. We should get to it.~

The moment the other side of Gemini spoke, Lemi pouted instantly.

"I know. I know."

Dealing with the Constellation Gemini was a bit tricky due to their bipolar nature.

Fortunately, Lemi was slowly getting used to it.

"We should probably all rendezvous with the main group. I'd assume the rest wouldn't take too long with their opponents as well." Lemi murmured.

~Who knows? You could be the late one. How would it feel if you were the last to finish?~

As Lemi heard the teasing giggle that Gemini gave her, she realized how right she was.

"I don't want to hold anyone back! I better hurry back."

~That's more like it.~

In both a panic and sheer resolve not to be left behind, Lemi rushed towards the main group.

Unknown to her, almost everyone else would meet up with her on her way to the trio, and they would all arrive at the same time.

In time for the bad news too.





Thanks for reading, everyone!

Alright! We're back on track! Who do you think is the strongest out

of all the extras?

Let's hear it!