
Both the Valkyrie and I take a moment to study the other, and no matter how I look at her, she’s just as fierce looking as the images and videos on the internet depict. Maybe even a bit more, purely because I can’t sense even an ounce of her mana. Meaning she has absolutely amazing control over it, completely hiding any sign of just how strong she is. Or at least, it would hide it if I didn’t already know who she was.

After a few seconds, she stands up from her seat and walks over to me before reaching her hand out, offering a handshake. And just so as to not be rude, I accept it.

“It’s good to finally meet you, Scarlet Asger,” she says with a firm nod of her head. And I nod back as our hands part. The woman then walks back to her seat and motions towards the one next to it.

I watch her for a second before going to the other seat and sitting down at the same time she does. The woman then bluntly asks me, “Would you be my apprentice?”

“Sorry, but no,” I answer right away, just like I did with all the other Association leaders before her.

None of them can actually legally do anything to me, and all of them have been way too afraid to try anything illegal thanks to White, who is finally helping me out quite a bit. Just her name alone is a major boon when dealing with Guardian politics.

The woman actually doesn’t look surprised, nor does she so much as budge from her spot, instead asking, “Is there anything I can do to convince you otherwise?”

I shake my head, “There isn’t.”

She just nods and says, “Thought so.”

I can’t help but raise a brow at that, and she just chuckles while waving a hand, the intensity she was radiating fading away rather quickly as she explains, “That wasn’t the only thing I came to ask.” She pauses for a moment to reach her arm into some sort of portal made up of blood that appears out of nowhere, pulling it back out seconds later with a bottle of wine and a couple glasses, each being carried between two fingers apiece. “Would you like some wine?”

A second passes in silence before I shake my head and apologize, “Sorry, but I’m not much of a fan of alcohol, even if it doesn’t affect me.”

The woman pauses at that for a moment, only to reach into the blood portal again and bring out something else as she asks, “How about this strawberry juice? It was made by the head chef on the Garden of Blood and should increase your mana regeneration by a hundred percent for the next week.”

My eyes widen in shock at that before practically becoming glued to the bottle, my head nodding without me even meaning to do so.

The Valkyrie chuckles at that and places the glasses on the table before filling them and setting the two bottles on the table while pushing my glass towards me.

I quickly reach out, taking a moment to sniff it just to make sure I don’t smell any poison, then take a sip. And the thing tastes absolutely amazing.

“Really?” Tar mutters in surprise. “You usually don’t like eating or drinking. So for you to say something tastes absolutely amazing…”

It really does! And it’s also sending a warm tingling feeling throughout my entire body.

[Mana regeneration has been increased by 100% for 168 hours.]

Holy shit, this stuff really does increase my mana regeneration!

“I see you like it,” the Valkyrie says with a smug grin on her face that I choose to ignore. “This is probably our chef’s greatest creation, although it only works once a month. Any other time you try drinking it, it’ll just taste really good without the mana regeneration benefit. It’s also a banned item from the Interschool Tournaments, if you were wondering.”

“Makes sense,” I mutter in reply before taking another sip. But then I grow serious again as I frown at her and ask, “You had something else you wanted to ask me?”

The grin on her face vanishes, immediately being replaced with a serious look to match my own as she answers just as bluntly as the first time, “You have to go through a week-long internship to finish your first year, right? At an Association that isn’t your own?”

I narrow my eyes slightly before saying, “Yes.”

Something that I’m not very fond of and am definitely not going to enjoy. The idea of having to go work with a bunch of random strangers for a random stranger in a city that isn’t this one. A major pain in every possible way.

I can understand the university’s need for their students to do this though, since a Guardian will often end up working with other Guardians that they have never met before in Fractures. So they do this to get them used to other Associations, some of which they may actually end up working with one day whether as a part of them or alongside them.

Although most of the time the internship is assigned to the student by the university, unless the student has already talked with an Association they want to work with. One that the university can confirm doesn’t have close ties to them already. Because then it would erase the point of the internship entirely.

Fortunately the university sends a representative with us, so we aren’t going alone. And whether or not we pass isn’t dependent on what the Association thinks, but what the representative thinks.

“I would like for you to do your internship at the Garden of Blood Association,” the Valkyrie says with absolutely no humor in her eyes. “Your vice headmaster already gave the go-ahead if you wish to do it, and so has your mother. But she has also stated in no uncertain terms that it must be your choice.”

So White threatened her and said that she isn’t allowed to threaten me into it. Makes sense.

But, going to the Garden of Blood…

I frown for a few seconds before eventually meeting the Valkyrie’s eyes and searching for any sort of deceit in them. But after failing to find any, I glance down at the table as I take a sip of the lovely juice.

The Garden of Blood is one of the most elite amongst the elite Associations. Every last member of the Association is skilled and powerful beyond belief, the Guardians each being the top of their own generation. And all of them are also female.

“Wait, they’re all women?” Tar asks, suddenly sounding confused.

Yeah. From what I’ve researched, the Bloody Valkyrie’s situation is complicated in that regard, so she doesn’t allow men on the floating island.

“Floating island?” Tar asks once more.

Yep. Floating island.

The Garden of Blood is on a floating island that travels through the sky, never staying in one place. It supposedly uses one of the most powerful magi-tech devices ever made to stay afloat. A device that was made by Allen’s father.

But as for joining them during the internship… I honestly don’t see any issues with that. It’s not like I’ll be staying there for any longer than a week, and I’m not becoming anyone’s apprentice. Plus I’ve always wanted to see the Garden of Blood.

Not just me actually, most people want to see it. It is after all a floating island. A supposedly beautiful one at that.

Although I think a lot of men just want to see it because it’s an island full of powerful women.

Tar snorts at that last part.

Anyways, I don’t see any reason to decline. Aside from the fact that I’m pretty sure she’s gonna try using this internship as a way to appeal herself to me so that she might convince me later on to become her apprentice.

Not like that matters since I’ll just say no then as well.

“Very well, I’ll do my internship with Garden of Blood then,” I finally agree out loud, making the woman immediately smile at me. A very warm one. As if she were looking at her own child.

A smile that makes me feel very awkward.