
“I can’t believe you’re going to the Garden of Blood!!!” Belle practically shouts as we sit in the dining hall of the mansion’s cafeteria inside of the top class student residence, eating dinner as a group. Myself and my former team. “Meanwhile I’m stuck here going to the Bulwark Association…”

I raise a brow at that.

“You do realize that Association is a pretty good one, right?” I ask, not really understanding why she’s complaining.

The Bulwark Association is an Association created purely for mental defensive magic using Guardians. Which pretty much fits Belle to a T.

Belle looks up at me with a sad expression and grumbles, “But I want to see the Garden of Blood!”

I hold myself back from snorting at that as I glance over towards Emily to find her also looking at me with jealousy. And surprisingly, Denise isn’t much different.

Then there’s Anthony, who I’m still not sure why is even here as he whispers to Michael, “Any chance you and I could stowaway when she heads there?” And Michael looks at him with a frown for a moment before whispering back, “Isn’t that place limited to women only?”

“Hell yeah it is!” Anthony says, raising his voice a bit more than he was apparently expecting as he lowers it again a moment later, “It’s a place full of hundreds of single Guardian women! Don’t you want to at least see it?!”

I glare their way with more than a little disgust on my face, only to suddenly grin when I notice Denise doing the same.

Michael’s in trouble.

Before Michael can respond to the perverted death magic user, Denise puts on a bright smile on her face – too bright, if you ask me – and then pokes him in the arm, making him turn around. His eyes then immediately widen in fear the moment he sees that smile.

“Hey, Mike, would you mind coming with me?” she politely asks him, and I barely hold myself back from chuckling at the visible gulp the man gives when he nods. Not to mention the sight of him following after her like a lost puppy dog after they get up and leave the cafeteria.

Pure comedy gold right there.

It’s been rather obvious to the rest of us that the two of them have feelings for each other, especially since both have admitted it. Although only Denise admitted it to me. Michael – who Denise calls Mike these days – only admitted it to Anthony of all people, and I managed to overhear it. Kind of like how I overhear everything nowadays.

Despite that, and the fact that the two practically act like a couple already, neither of them has asked the other out. And it’s a little infuriating to watch.

That aside though, I glare at Anthony for a moment, seemingly confusing him before I focus on my food again.

“So have you decided?” Tar asks me again for the fourth time today since my conversation with him after talking to the Bloody Valkyrie.

I sigh and finally nod my head, giving him affirmative.

“Oh, really?” he sounds genuinely surprised at that, making me glance down at the table where he’s sitting next to my food with a frown. “I would’ve expected you to continue procrastinating till the day of before deciding you changed your mind about telling Allen and Cynthia.”

Wow. You really thought that little of me?

“Yeah,” he bluntly answers, almost making me choke on my food.

How rude.

I’m going to act like you didn’t just say that.

Anyways, there’s no point in procrastinating anymore. I’ve put it off for long enough, and it’s getting closer and closer to the Class V Fracture.

I have to tell them of my blood lycan genes before I head out for the Garden of Blood just the day after tomorrow.

“Hmm,” Tar hums for a moment. “Jokes aside, that is a good time to tell them. If they have a negative reaction, you’ll be able to hide on the Garden of Blood for them to calm down, since you know they shouldn’t hate you for it or anything.”

Yeah. At most I can see them getting upset, maybe throwing something, and kicking me out for a while before cooling down. Or just not talking to me again in the worst case.

But they’d never use the information to hurt me. Ever.

That’s one of the reasons I want to trust them in the first place. Because I know they trust me absolutely.

“Well, they may not trust you to stay out of trouble,” Tar comments while glancing away from me, making me glare at him again. “But they do seem to trust you in everything else. And they trust who you are.”


I eventually drag my glare away from him to continue eating, only vaguely listening to Emily and Belle’s conversation. But after a few minutes of quiet eating, I raise my head to look at the entrance, finding Arthur coming inside, having finally gotten out of his class, the man’s classes being the ones meant purely for the students who join in the middle of a year.

“Arthur is here,” I tell Belle, making her immediately turn to him and wave before pointing at the chair on the other side of her from me. Arthur then quickly makes his way over here and sits down.

The man looks around at the two empty seats belonging to Denise and Michael for a moment with a frown before asking, “Where’re the others?”

Belle just shrugs, and I hide a laugh behind my hands. Only to pause as my ears pick up something.

Several seconds pass in silence before I see the two walking back in, so I point in their direction.

Michael looks rather tired and disgruntled, but also rather happy. And Denise is positively glowing.

But considering what I just heard…

“Hey guys!” Denise says immediately upon reaching our table, “Michael and I are going out!”


And all it took for Denise to finally ask him was Michael talking with Anthony about the girls in the Garden of Blood. Even though there’s no way they’d ever even consider allowing a man on that floating piece of rock and metal. Not to mention that Michael didn’t actually say much of anything.

Poor guy just got dragged into the conversation by the shameless death magic user.

Then again, guess it worked out in the end.

“Congrats,” I tell them with a smile.