
The next morning finds me awkwardly sitting in Allen’s office with Allen, Cynthia, and Belle – who had joined at the last moment to my surprise – all in the same arrangement we had when we settled on the adoption. Me sitting on a chair on one side of the table, and the other three in chairs on the other.

None of us say anything for a few seconds before Allen finally asks, “You wanted to tell us something?”

I look up at the three to find Allen and Cynthia seemingly with a hopeful look on their face mixed with some slight fear, meanwhile Belle just looks confused. And I can’t help but grow a little confused as well due to the hopeful looks, but I ignore that for now.

Instead I take a deep breath and begin, “I… I don’t know how you’ll feel about this, but I decided I’d rather tell you myself than have you learn about it on your own.” I pause as I make eye contact with each one of them, one by one. “Not only do I trust you three, but I owe you this much for being willing to take me in.”

“You don’t owe us anything, dear,” Allen says, almost at the same time Cynthia says, “Nonsense. You owe us nothing, sweetheart.”

And Belle just nods her head firmly while pointing at the others, making me want to raise a brow in amusement. But I don’t.

I take a deep breath – once again – and climb to my feet while saying, “It would be easier if I just showed you.”

“And you’re absolutely sure about this?” Tar asks, “I know you got White to ward this room from any sort of scrying, but it’s still not too late to back out. Even if it would be embarrassing to tell White that you did so.”

No. I can’t back out.

They deserve to know. Especially if they’re gonna accept me into their family.

And so, I activate my Beast Form.

The transformation only takes a few seconds to occur, a wave of blood flooding over my entire body before I find myself standing in front of my soon-to-be family in the form of a blood lycan’s beast form. Or, rather, a weaker version of it.

Then things get strange, making me frown.

Not a single one of them looks surprised.

I blink once. Then twice.

Then I tilt my head, unsure of what’s happening.

Allen and Cynthia show a hint of recognition, likely due to having seen the beast form of the blood lycan who was at the last Class V Fracture, but Belle just shows a hint of awe.

Wait, did she not study the physical appearance of a blood lycan’s beast form looks like? It was one of the most important subjects on the final exam for Demonology…

Never mind, that doesn’t matter. Why are Allen and Cynthia acting as they-

“Your fur looks so sooooft!” Belle suddenly exclaims while jumping out of her seat and grabbing my arm, then rubbing her face on it while hugging it to her chest to my utter astonishment. Meanwhile Allen and Cynthia just look amused.

I open my mouth to ask what the fuck is going on, only to remember I can’t talk in this form. So I use the skill again to transform back before trying to gently take my arm out of her embrace. And after a little struggle and some pouting from the girl, I succeed.

Then I declare, “I’m part blood lycan.”

She just nods her head sagely and says, “Yep, yep! Now can you transform again? Your fur is just so soft!!!”

I stare at her, my mouth wide open in shock for a few seconds before I turn to find Allen and Cynthia both trying not to laugh.

“What the heck is going on here…” I mutter, briefly wondering if this is all a dream or something.

Apparently my question was too much for them as both Allen and Cynthia break out into laughter, laughing louder than I think I’ve ever heard them laugh before. And during this little laughing session, Belle leans into my shoulder and whispers, “Mom and dad already knew, and White approached me not too long ago to tell me.”

I gape at her, unsure how to process this.

The tanuki doesn’t have any problems though, as he immediately appears in the air and adds his own laughter to the two Class IV Guardians.

“You- but- how? Why?” I try and fail to ask, eventually settling on a single word question.

Belle giggles at that and answers, “Apparently your biological mother wanted to help you, so she decided to tell the only two people she knew you trusted absolutely about you being a blood lycan. Then if we reacted poorly, she said she was going to erase our memories of being told.”

I continue staring at her, my mouth open wide enough to catch a fly.

My best friend finally calms down, growing a little serious as she continues, “Neither Arthur nor I were very pleased that she decided to tell us behind your back, but after she explained that she thought you would prefer it this way, we eventually agreed.” She pauses for a second and tilts her head. “You do prefer it this way, right?”

I blink at that, finally snapping out of my daze as I answer, “Y-yes, I do, actually.”

It makes things so much easier on me. And while I know some people might be upset if they were in my position and someone told their secret, I know she would’ve been able to fix it just by erasing their memories. Although, how did she know that I would prefer it this way?

“Apparently you’re more like your mother in some ways than you may care to admit,” Belle says, answering my question.

I grimace at that.

“I would never abandon my child just because of a damned prophecy,” I grumble, seemingly making the three laughers stop laughing. And Belle immediately raises her hands and says, “No, that’s not what I meant! What I meant is that neither of you like emotional confrontations!”

Well… yeah. I don’t like them. At all.

“Didn’t you say you would never have a kid in the first place?” Tar asks in my mind, sounding vaguely curious. “So what did you mean-”

It was… not sure what to call it, but I’m never having a kid. In fact, I’m never going to get married. I have no interest in that. It was meant as an in the impossible chance that I did have one, then I wouldn’t ever abandon them.

“Ah, makes sense,” Tar nods his head while floating in place.

I let out a sigh before narrowing my eyes on the three and asking, “Did you really wait for me to tell you just so you could get a laugh in?”

“Yep.” “Yes.” “Yeah.” All three of them answer in concert.


“And because we wanted you to trust us with it,” Allen adds as an afterthought, making me raise a brow.

He just shrugs at my brow.

That one makes more sense, but still. Doesn’t this mean I’ve been worrying myself sick for months now for no reason at all?

“Yes,” Tar bluntly answers with a firm nod. “You have.”

I sigh again.

“Please give me the time I spent worrying about how you all would react back…” I grumble to them, making the three start laughing again. “I’m serious.”

They just laugh harder.

Despite their laughing though, I can’t help but smile.

Because they accept me for who and what I am.