
I collapse in my bed with a grunt, followed by a sigh.

That was… a lot.

After that whole confession thing was out of the way, they started giving me more details on what White had told Belle and Arthur and why she did it. Not that there was much more explanation on the why than was already said.

Then Allen and Cynthia told me how they figured it out, which has me wondering if there are any other Class IV Guardians who know what a blood lycan smells like. Even if Allen assured me there shouldn’t have been. Because there apparently weren’t any other Guardians with Tier A perception or a magical scent based skill nearby that could’ve picked up the scent.

I still can’t help but worry a little though.

“Better to be worried and nothing happen than unprepared and something happen,” Tar says as he appears and floats down to lie on my chest.

Yeah, good point.

I can’t believe they had me go celebrating with them afterwards though. All I did was tell them something they already knew, so why did they make me go out to eat with them? And why did Belle let herself get drunk?

Poor Arthur ended up being dragged along by Belle as well, partially because he’s her boyfriend, and partially because he was told my secret as well. And, of course, he ended up having to carry her to her dorm.

After being warned a few times by Allen not to do anything inappropriate to her.

While Belle was currently in the process of nuzzling the back of his head.

The poor guy.

If anyone was gonna do anything inappropriate between those two, I doubt it would be Arthur. Especially considering that Belle was drunk.

Makes me wonder just what sort of magical alcohol she drank…

In all honesty though, the night was fun. I’ll admit that. And it felt liberating in a way, since it was the first time I was out with those I considered family while they were privy to all of my secrets.

Or at least, all of my secrets that I actually know. Seeing as I don’t even know all of my secrets myself.

I stretch slightly, wearing my regular sleep outfit of a tank top and shorts before reaching down and pulling at the covers, speaking out loud, “Lights, off,” to turn off the lights in my room.

Tomorrow will be the day I go to the internship. And it’ll also be when I see what representative the university is deciding to send with me.

So that’ll be interesting.

“Night Tar,” I mutter while closing my eyes, faintly hearing him respond in kind.

I stare blankly at the ‘University Representative for my Internship’ as the vice headmaster kindly stands in between me, the representative, and the Bloody Valkyrie and says, “Well then, I’m sure you’re already well acquainted with your own mother, so you won’t be needing me anymore.” He smiles a wide smile and adds, “I’ll be taking my leave!”

Then he vanishes. Like always.

None of us say anything for who knows how long.

“Are we going to go to the Garden or not?” White eventually asks, sounding rather happy for some reason. Perhaps a bit too happy.

Could be because we’re going to be living in the same building for a while.

“That’s probably why,” Tar comments. “Looks like she’s just excited to be able to spend more time with you, since you’re always busy. And you kind of don’t give her much time to spend with you.”

Well then she shouldn’t have abandoned me.

“Fair point,” Tar agrees.

And I am giving her time. Doesn’t mean I particularly care if she’s there when she is or not, unless it’s an outing with my friends or something, but I still give her time.

She’s sat in my suite watching me and Aria as we played video games. She’s gotten a beta test spot on Hunter XI somehow – most likely through forcing the company to give her the spot – and joined me from time to time in playing the game. And she’s even tried walking me to my first class some mornings.

At this point I see her at least a couple times every single day, for around an hour or so a day at minimum.

Sometimes gets a little annoying how hard she’s trying, but she’s trying. I still won’t be forgiving her, at least not for decades or even a century down the road, but it’s a start at least.

Not like her following me around or playing a game with me can change what she did.

“Yeah,” Tar agrees again.

“Of course, Lady White,” the Bloody Valkyrie says with a smile. One that, if my senses weren’t as good as they are, would’ve looked sincere. But the woman’s smile looks ever so slightly strained to me.

Tier A Perception for the win, I guess.

And she’s probably not happy that a Knight is going to be staying on the Garden for a week. Might end up feeling like someone’s looking over her shoulder the entire time.

Or she’s just used to being the strongest person around and doesn’t like someone stronger being on the Garden with her.

I have heard that the woman is rather prideful after all. Not that I’m one to talk.

Anyways, the woman begins to lead us outside of the building we’re in before summoning some sort of carriage. One with red colors of varying shades, mostly of crimson, and two winged horses pulling it.

I blink in surprise, only for the woman to start walking up to the carriage. She then turns around at the entrance and spreads her arms out, saying, “Welcome to the Carriage of the Valkyries! Please, come inside!”

The door to the carriage opens on its own, revealing a much larger inside to the carriage than its size would suggest.

Okay, this internship might just be even more interesting than I was expecting.

Both White and I slowly begin to step into the carriage, White standing in front of me like she were some sort of bodyguard. Which I find both a tiny bit amusing and a tiny bit insulting, even if she’s there to protect me.

Probably my pride talking.

I ignore that feeling as I take in the inside of the carriage, which looks like a very fancy room from medieval times, albeit with several appliances that look more than a little out of place.

Yeah, this internship will be a lot more interesting than I expected.