
The trip ends up being incredibly awkward. But then again, it’s me alone in a carriage flying through the sky with White and Valkyrie just staring at each other. Although more than once the Valkyrie has tried asking White for a duel. And gotten rejected.

Overall, White is acting quite a bit different from how she normally does. Instead of the socially awkward mother trying to fix her past mistakes, she’s acting like the professional and powerful Knight everyone in the world knows her to be.

It’s an interesting thing. To see my birth mother in a different light like this. Not the mother who abandoned her child after having her, nor the one who is trying to make up for what she did. But as the level 1871 White Knight of Humanity and the most powerful null magic user in existence.

Actually… I glance between the two who are still staring at each other.

A battle between the two of them could be interesting to watch.

“White?” I ask, bringing her attention to me, the woman’s features softening almost right away. “I actually wouldn’t mind seeing you battle someone of her level.”

She straightens up at that and seems to consider it for a moment before nodding her head and focusing on the Valkyrie as she says, “I accept your duel.”

Both the Bloody Valkyrie and I are a little startled by just how quickly her mood made a one eighty, but the woman recovers quickly, saying, “Then I will have the training hall prepared for when we arrive.”

Then we fall into silence again.

This is so awkward…

Several minutes pass like this before I look out the window, finding the city finally leaving the horizon behind us, proving just how fast this carriage is going. Especially considering the enormous size of the city itself. But then my attention is taken by the sight of a large shadow on the ground far ahead, just barely in sight.

“Looks like we’re almost there,” Valkyrie says as my eyes turn upwards to find a massive floating island in the sky. One that’s spanning at least thirty kilometers in diameter alone.

Holy shit. That’s a large island.

Right now we’re far beneath the island, so the top isn’t visible yet. But the underside of the islands seems to be made out of some sort of blood red metal, with various little areas open and currently accepting air trucks full of what I’m guessing are supplies or deliveries. As soon as the air trucks leave though, those openings seal themselves back up again, the doors merging seemingly perfectly into the rest of the structure in a way that it would be impossible to tell at a glance that there was a door there.

The carriage suddenly begins to ascend higher and higher until the top of the island becomes visible, showing us a city. One where all of the buildings are built of a slightly less modern style. More like the style of buildings I’d see in a medieval fantasy video game. Like Hunter XI.

At the center of the city is a rather large structure akin to a castle but also not. Almost like it’s a single large tower sticking out over a large dome on top of a grand looking building.

And everything is red and black. Mostly red though.

They certainly have good tastes; I’ll say that much.

What sticks out the most about the floating island though is the rather large river of what looks like blood running all around and throughout the city as if it were a normal river partitioning the city. That and the fact that there isn’t a single man in sight on the island.

Two of the reasons the island is called the Garden of Blood in the first place. Or at least, the whole ‘female only’ thing is assumed by the populace to be in correlation to the garden part of the title. Since there isn’t an actual garden on the, well, Garden.

Although the blood part is also from the fact that their leader is the strongest blood magic user amongst the humans.

I can’t help but wonder how she would match up against my father though. Whoever he is.

“Your father would kill her in an instant,” Tar says, startling me enough that I almost flinch.

Wait, really? He’s that strong?

Tar doesn’t say anything else.

I frown at that but don’t comment, briefly wondering if he actually meant to say that out loud or not. Wondering if he didn’t just accidentally say that or something.

From what I can tell, Tar doesn’t like White, even if he does respect her power. But he does seem to like my father in some ways.

This is the first time he’s said much of anything about his actual power though.

I’m not really sure how strong most of the demons are though, aside from the Demon Lords, of course. All of whom are stronger than all of the Knights. Albeit only by a hundred or so levels.

I kind of wish I knew who my father was though. Allen mentioned that White told him something, but not something he was allowed to tell me. Which is frustrating, but something I can at least understand.

After all, White is still the strongest human in the world. And not even Allen would want to annoy her by pushing too far.

He did mention that I will likely be finding out for myself who my father was within the next month or so though.

Meaning I’ll probably learn about him during the Class V Fracture.

I glance at White with a frown before looking out the window once again as the carriage gets closer and closer to the Garden of Blood.

White also mentioned that after the Class V Fracture, they’ll all be able to tell me more about everything. About why they did what they did. About what happened.

Although not about what the prophecy itself was, just the end goals of the prophecy. Which was more than a little irritating to hear.

Although at least knowing the end goals of it would be better than the complete lack of any information I have on it right now. Since I literally don’t know a single thing about it aside from the fact that it had my parents abandoning me as a child to a man they had never met.

Everything always seems to come back to that Class V Fracture that’s supposed to happen in a little over a month though. Which is rather disconcerting, if I’m being honest.

Tar still doesn’t say anything, acting unlike his usual self. Unlike the tanuki who quite frequently inserts himself into my line of thoughts.

I let out a sigh before watching as the carriage flies over the city and then begins to descend towards some sort of plaza at the edge of the city, next to the outer ring of the blood river.

Well, time to see what this place is like.